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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No lie, this game's release felt like


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How do you even know how bad the directing was, or the writing, or the editing, were you the directer, writer, and editor. If you are your insulting your own work lol.


There is actually video out there (I think I saw it on the complete saga blu-ray) of the reaction of the producers after they saw the "first cut" of the movie. They were shocked and George Lucas said it would be practically impossible to "fix it".

Edited by Krashh
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Also, the graphics are only going to get better as time goes by. It's how MMOs work. The released package is NEVER the finished package. MMos are born, then they evolve.


Or, in TOR's case, MMOs gestate, and when they are born they devolve.

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So... what you're saying is, the devs admitted they had to lower the graphics slightly (which still look awesome, imo), then proceeded to show us footage of the game with these new slightly lowered graphics over the course of many months, then released the game with said graphics... and you feel like you were fooled somehow?



They lowered the graphics quality just prior to release :jawa_wink:


the visual quality was higher in beta..




I really don't get some of you sometimes.

Edited by CalvinDu
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And yet, you still play.


I do not require something to be 100% perfect to enjoy it. Having said that, my enjoyment of the game should not exclude me from making complaints about things which could be improved on.


The idea that someone who plays the game must mean they are completely satisfied with every aspect of it, warts and all, is an ignorant one.

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Do you even know what the topic of this thread is about?


Comparing the release of the 2nd Star War trilogy to this game, what was wrong with the 'The Phantom Menace' to many of it's critics?


Tell me. Because all I can think of.. people were expecting more.



Stop trying to derail my topic please and thank you.




Thank you.


I don't agree with you, so you tell me to change my thought process.


Sorry, I don't agree with you. I Enjoy both the hype, and hell, I'll even say I loved Phantom Menace.


No I did NOT expect MORE.

Edited by djsmileey
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TPM didn't ruin Star Wars for me after high expecations...so I can't really comment on the correlation between the game and that movie.


I will say, what ruined Star Wars for me is this: 28 years later, they made Wicket blink. It wasn't bad enough that they didn't have the foresight to just add more animatronics to the Wicket mask back in the early 80s, but to go back and add it with obviously fake CGI is just a travesty to movie making.


So I guess I can correlate this with SWG...LA/SOE didn't have the foresight to add tons of quest content to a sandbox game, so 8 years later we get way too many quests, all voiced over variations of "Kill X amount of Y".


And while I'm on a rant, I didn't receive my "Founder" title until over 24 hours after I made my first monthly sub payment. Way to be on the ball BW...

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I do not require something to be 100% perfect to enjoy it. Having said that, my enjoyment of the game should not exclude me from making complaints about things which could be improved on.


The idea that someone who plays the game must mean they are completely satisfied with every aspect of it, warts and all, is an ignorant one.


I absolutely agree. I think a lot of people here have the misconception that criticising a certain aspect of the game means I am not okay with the final product.

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First of all, I never said it was a total and utter failure. Everyone has their views on the release of The Phantom Menace.


Second, there are just so many things I'd do differently with this game, I don't even want to name it all. And I'd hate for this thread to get locked because it turns into a suggestion thread.


Can we all sit in awe and discuss how we the hype of the prequels and the eventual release, can be related to this game's release?


I mean come on, admit it. You were expecting more.


I wasn't. This is the game I thought was coming. Could they have added a feature or two before release? Maybe but I'm not that concerned.


So. Your assumption is wrong. Cheers.

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Thank you.


Should I write "In my opinion" on everything I post?


It should be a given since we're discussing this on the internet that EVERYTHING is my opinion, especially when I create my own topic.


How reduntant would it be if we all wrote "In my opinion" at the start of EVERYTHING I say?


Please, again, stop derailing my topic.

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You are now aware that there will be nothing but mediocre Star Wars IP releases for the rest of your life.


You can thank Lucas. And EA.


Actually it reminds me of "X-Wing vs TIE Fighter" on my pentium II back in 1996 or 97 or whatever. "Woohoo I get to fly a TIE figher! Oh look, TIEs have no shields, and one hit causes 'battle damage' that makes your HUD explode, so you no longer have radar, mission objectives, or any readouts making it impossible to know where your mission objective is. Hmmm. Well that's not fun, I'll go play Descent: Freespace instead."


Game > IP.

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Lol how do you notice bad directing and bad writing. People only say these kind of things because they are looking for problems with the movies because they have peer pressure to hate them.



You know, that's exactly correct. Let me reevaluate - Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin in "Attack of the Clones" was absolutely superb and in no way as awkward and half-hearted as a first year jr. high drama student. And the love scenes were not at all long and drawn out and did not fail to convey the emotions of a couple in love. And it was quite clever and thoughtful to have Jar Jar Binks be the catalyst, for the Empire taking over.




/Jedi business....go back to your drinks...


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Should I write "In my opinion" on everything I post?


It should be a given since we're discussing this on the internet that EVERYTHING is my opinion, especially when I create my own topic.


How reduntant would it be if we all wrote "In my opinion" at the start of EVERYTHING I say?


Please, again, stop derailing my topic.


LOL read your OP.


Nothing about that says "IN MY OPINION"


In fact, at the end of it, you can't even add that to make sense.




That is FORCING your belief on someone, not ASKING or DISCUSSING.


Learn how to post and I will stop teaching you.

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Should I write "In my opinion" on everything I post?


It should be a given since we're discussing this on the internet that EVERYTHING is my opinion, especially when I create my own topic.


How reduntant would it be if we all wrote "In my opinion" at the start of EVERYTHING I say?


Please, again, stop derailing my topic.


You've attempted to outright speak for other people, you use 'you' meaning others, when you should say 'i' meaning yourself. It's not about putting 'in my opinion' on everything, it's how you slan your comments.

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Are you new to this forum? Despite joining in 2009?


lol I also played through beta and the released game, and whatever "textures" were lowered were barely noticable.


I have vids of me playing the beta and the released game on my youtube channel. Follow the link below and check it out if you please. A few texures erased to optimize performance when another character comes into view. What, does that mean less blades of grass?


Well, now we know why swtor fails. They didn't tell us soon enough that we'd see less bolades of grass blowing in the wind. lol Look, the overall beauty and quality of the graphics looks as good to me as it did when we did beta. Also, as I said before, MMOs evolve with time. Things will get better, but only for the people who don't rage-quit over every little thing. Of course, if you don't want to wait, or if you don't think it's worth it, feel free to quit.


Just... before you go... I can haz ur stuff?

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You've attempted to outright speak for other people, you use 'you' meaning others, when you should say 'i' meaning yourself. It's not about putting 'in my opinion' on everything, it's how you slan your comments.




Wording is everything.

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See OP, if you knew how to properly word a thread without BIAS, you wouldn't get bombarded with people trolling.


Not only did you miss the tone of the OP's post, but you seem far too concerned about the semantics. It's like people that argue about how someone used the term "irony" wrong and just end up making themselves look petty.

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Actually it reminds me of "X-Wing vs TIE Fighter" on my pentium II back in 1996 or 97 or whatever. "Woohoo I get to fly a TIE figher! Oh look, TIEs have no shields, and one hit causes 'battle damage' that makes your HUD explode, so you no longer have radar, mission objectives, or any readouts making it impossible to know where your mission objective is. Hmmm. Well that's not fun, I'll go play Descent: Freespace instead."


Game > IP.


I can't help but note the irony of the above post when X-wing vs TIE fighter has often been held up as what this games space combat should have been. Not saying which camp I fall in, since I've not played that particular game, though I do feel the space in this game is a bit lacking.


. . . Just had to point that out.


*I just saw the post above mine. Is someone going to accuse me of using "irony" incorrectly? I'll feel left out if not. ;)

Edited by Vodalus
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Not only did you miss the tone of the OP's post, but you seem far too concerned about the semantics. It's like people that argue about how someone used the term "irony" wrong and just end up making themselves look petty.


"The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more."


Tell me what about that statement is promoting of conversation.


I have offered at least 5 posts with suggestions on how to make this environment less biased so we could have a REAL conversation.


Instead the Original Poster DEMANDS we VIEW things HIS WAY just to post here.


and you call me petty.



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lol I also played through beta and the released game, and whatever "textures" were lowered were barely noticable.


I have vids of me playing the beta and the released game on my youtube channel. Follow the link below and check it out if you please. A few texures erased to optimize performance when another character comes into view. What, does that mean less blades of grass?


Well, now we know why swtor fails. They didn't tell us soon enough that we'd see less bolades of grass blowing in the wind. lol Look, the overall beauty and quality of the graphics looks as good to me as it did when we did beta. Also, as I said before, MMOs evolve with time. Things will get better, but only for the people who don't rage-quit over every little thing. Of course, if you don't want to wait, or if you don't think it's worth it, feel free to quit.


Just... before you go... I can haz ur stuff?


You completely forgot why I even mentioned the graphics in the first place.


I said it was one example of several fronts that I was disappointed.


Fanboys need to chill out honestly.

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