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Back to reality where any decent sorc will cc (whirlwind) and kite (force speed) you across the entire warzone picking up healing powerups along the way until you lose interest.


Crappy sorcs die in under 10 seconds, good ones(gear+skil), won't die to you 1v1.

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Back to reality where any decent sorc will cc (whirlwind) and kite (force speed) you across the entire warzone picking up healing powerups along the way until you lose interest.


Crappy sorcs die in under 10 seconds, good ones(gear+skil), won't die to you 1v1.


You must be a crappy marauder then because ALL sorcs die to me 1v1. Ever since I got some Champion pieces literally all duels vs sorcs and fights vs sorcs/sages in wz have resulted in their death. Now that I have a lot of BM gear on me, it is a joke facing them.


I'm sorry that you are either under-geared or under-skilled, maybe both, to realize that Marauder > Sorcerer in 1v1.

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my vote goes to hellion and easymode.


At least my game experience as a mara comes closer to theirs than yours. I never felt underpowered , nor do my guildmates think i am.

we got so many tools for so many situations and thats what i like about the class. Dps is also really good and survivability much higher than what people say depending on your spec.

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my vote goes to hellion and easymode.


At least my game experience as a mara comes closer to theirs than yours. I never felt underpowered , nor do my guildmates think i am.

we got so many tools for so many situations and thats what i like about the class. Dps is also really good and survivability much higher than what people say depending on your spec.


I Really don't think the majority of players see the classes as broken. Just lacking a few useful abilities that other class have in abundance. CCs mainly. But a lot of ppl do feel it lacks a measure of survivability. But thats not to say Marauders are super squishy, only that for a melee class people expect a certain lvl toughness.


Granted, compared to a the other class Mara is really player SKILL and gear based (so ppl say over and over and over).



The class is great.. it just needs a LITTLE tweaking.

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You must be a crappy marauder then because ALL sorcs die to me 1v1. Ever since I got some Champion pieces literally all duels vs sorcs and fights vs sorcs/sages in wz have resulted in their death. Now that I have a lot of BM gear on me, it is a joke facing them.


I'm sorry that you are either under-geared or under-skilled, maybe both, to realize that Marauder > Sorcerer in 1v1.


They're doing something wrong. A variety of sorc builds can kite extremely well and can stack alactrity to make it so that any damage do you during the short periods of contact will be immediately healed off while you are rooted.

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I'll leave my bad comments out of this and instead show you that you are wrong.




Those are all post 1.1 against other 50's as Annihilation. I raid frequently, everything except nightmare modes at the moment, and I can tell you right now I am doing extremely high DPS (more than the ranged) if not the most DPS in the raid group. Of course I can't back that up with screenshots as there is no DPS meter, but it is pretty easy to tell, especially in hardmode flashpoints.


I'm not tooting my own horn, but if any of you play Marauder to its fullest potential, you will feel OP.




LOOOL i Can dó that A's Well....... Try to play vs 7-9 sorcs in 1 WZ and its a other story

The problem is i see we don't have any Way cc bracker 1 tricket and As long resole don't work

The clas's is a joke and that u have 6 Keys to Press befor you get the dmg Rolling vs other clas's Can Press 1 or 2


I love anhi spec, but god i hate Press deathy saber All the time ,

i crit a person last Night for 4450


1. Prepot

2. Relic

3. Blood

4. Shield

5. Charge

6. Deathy saber

7. Batte as

8. Rupture

9. Anhi crit for 4450 and dots ticking for 1300


Total kill him . But this Can other players do, at nr 4

I am full champ. Gear. Rank 58

But if i was target by 1 or 2 sorcs i be stun to death before i get to 6 . Not talking about newbie


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LOOOL i Can dó that A's Well....... Try to play vs 7-9 sorcs in 1 WZ and its a other story

The problem is i see we don't have any Way cc bracker 1 tricket and As long resole don't work

The clas's is a joke and that u have 6 Keys to Press befor you get the dmg Rolling vs other clas's Can Press 1 or 2


I love anhi spec, but god i hate Press deathy saber All the time ,

i crit a person last Night for 4450


1. Prepot

2. Relic

3. Blood

4. Shield

5. Charge

6. Deathy saber

7. Batte as

8. Rupture

9. Anhi crit for 4450 and dots ticking for 1300


Total kill him . But this Can other players do, at nr 4

I am full champ. Gear. Rank 58

But if i was target by 1 or 2 sorcs i be stun to death before i get to 6 . Not talking about newbie



Your typing making me want to stick nails in my eyes. So basically what you're saying is you're too lazy to use more abilities in order to faceroll? Go play a Bounty Hunter, I'm sure that will suit you more. 1 sorc is easy to deal with, were beating a dead horse now, obviously 2 sorcs is near impossible, but that is a stupid situation to talk about.


You sound like another bad, I stopped caring about your opinion when you said this class is a joke.

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Your typing making me want to stick nails in my eyes. So basically what you're saying is you're too lazy to use more abilities in order to faceroll? Go play a Bounty Hunter, I'm sure that will suit you more. 1 sorc is easy to deal with, were beating a dead horse now, obviously 2 sorcs is near impossible, but that is a stupid situation to talk about.


You sound like another bad, I stopped caring about your opinion when you said this class is a joke.


Pretty obvious that English is not this persons primary language but you know, w/e.


Secondly the Marauder does need some streamlining of abilities and/or QoL adjustments. I definitely suffers from "typewriter syndrome" which no other class does. It's unnecessary. For instance Battering Assault, Vicious Saber and Assault could all be one ability. That alone would eliminate a ton of unneeded button smashing.

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You might be able to gap close but you're not going to stick on a good sorc. They're going to re-open the gap right after you close it, every time, and you're going to be on cool down. It's going to take you 2-3 cycles of this to get predation up and in the mean time they're going to be doing damage to you, and will heal to full between every cycle.

There a many ways to stick like glue on sorc. Besides you will enter most fights with some fury already built. Not to mention you can use frency to immediately get 30 fury. After each fight you can convert Rage, left over, into Fury by spamming sweeping slash.

You can use Force Camo to approach without getting snared, CCed. If you get knock backed you will still have your dots up, ticking, dealing damage and healing. Sprint can be countered with Choke. All channeled casts can be rupted. Even without Predation a sorc wont be able to put out the dmg to kill a Anníhilation Marauder while kiting and trying to survive. No Way!



Hey, don't get me wrong, I'd love to be proven wrong here. I just don't think it's going to happen, even on a static target dummy. In a fight with a sorc where you're constantly being kited, it's even less likely.

On a Static Dummy you will see that Annihilation marauders dps is the highest and sustained single target dps in the game, while triggering passive heals.



You're fighting Sorcs that don't use purge/cleanse? And you still think that they are not bad players?


To both you and Easymode I still propose: Show me the money. You say that you faceroll people when everything is equal on a regular basis. Fire up fraps or one of the several free options such as afterburner for 10 minutes and show us you can actually do it in practice instead of in forum wars.


Again I know this is impossible in the lolgameforums but I'm not trying to start an argument over right/wrong for the sake of entertainment. I actually love the melee play-style and I am naturally a super aggressive player, which I felt that the marauder fit well with. If there is some major hole in my approach I'd personally love to realize it and fix it, but after a month of tweaking, tuning, gearing, adjusting, trying different things I keep running into the same final brick wall that my OP describes. The fact that there is literally one other marauder on my entire server that I feel is even a solid player with the class IMO indicates that the class has issues but the top 0.01% of players are simply that much better then anyone else and they would dominate with ANY class no matter what issues it has.


Quite frankly with BioWare's SOP thus far I doubt the majority of issues that players have will be addressed in the next 6 months, possibly ever. So figuring out how to work around it myself is likely the only alternative to un-subbing or re-rolling. Both of which I'd rather not do as A) I love Star Wars and B) I like the Marauder class, that's why I picked it in the first place.


On my european pvp server marauders and sentinels always top dmg/kills/medals/objectives.

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On my european pvp server marauders and sentinels always top dmg/kills/medals/objectives.


On mine its Sorcs/Mercs nothing beats a Turret, especially on Huttball where the multiple levels and knockbacks mean its hard to shut down 2 turrets if they work together as I usually see.

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Your argument seems to leaning towards only PvP vs Sorcs now. The good ones TRY to use purge or cleanse and tend to only do it when their sprint or shield is up. Our Crippling Slash only cost 2 rage, slows them 60% and lasts 12 seconds. They have to constantly cleanse if they want that off, between Crippling Slash and the talented rupture slow, they don't get very far.


Our gear plays a bigger role than you think too. I haven't lost to a Sorc in a very long time. Before I had any champion pieces they gave me a much harder time. Now that I have the same gear, they are amazingly easy and I love facing them. No Sorcs will beat a good Annihilation marauder no matter how much you try to argue it.


I have never used fraps or the other one you mentioned. I recently got a new computer, so I will look into doing that as I have thought about streaming now as well. When I have either of those up I will PM you and make a post on the marauder forums, maybe it will bring faith back into Marauder players who don't have it.


Any good Sorc will drop your Deadly Saber and Rupture once they see DS stack to 2 (the bleed only hits hard on the final application)


Their purge removes 2 - so it will remove both of your bleeds, without them an Annihilation Marauder just lost 40% of its damage output.


I've seen your SS's most of them you have a pocket healer - which for having that you actually do low damage.


I average 300-350k per WZ I always play solo and my server has around 2% of the Empire PVP faction actually playing healer - we usually run v's 2-4 and are lucky to have 1 on our side.

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Any good Sorc will drop your Deadly Saber and Rupture once they see DS stack to 2 (the bleed only hits hard on the final application)


Their purge removes 2 - so it will remove both of your bleeds, without them an Annihilation Marauder just lost 40% of its damage output.


I've seen your SS's most of them you have a pocket healer - which for having that you actually do low damage.


I average 300-350k per WZ I always play solo and my server has around 2% of the Empire PVP faction actually playing healer - we usually run v's 2-4 and are lucky to have 1 on our side.


Any good sorc still dies. I don't think you understand that. Marauder is the best 1v1 class, period. Most of the arguments I see about sorcs say purge, purge, purge, and the good ones I fight do try, but spend more time trying to purge the constant crippling slash more than the DoTs. Sorry buddy, but if you aren't like a fly on a turd when you're fighting a sorc, you're doing it wrong because they crumble under our pressure if you're doing it right.


Also I only got heals in a couple of those screenshots, and it's not a personal/pocket healer, I've never had my own dedicated healbot. That would be even more OP. 90% of my wz games I do not get any heals. Take a look at the screenshots again and you'll see that I have the highest healing in a lot of them. So please take your hate elsewhere and actually look at the screenshots closer before you judge. I love how people assume if there is ANY healer on the team they are automatically your healer as if they are some pet droid following you around.

Edited by Hellion_X
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Any good sorc still dies. I don't think you understand that. Marauder is the best 1v1 class, period. Most of the arguments I see about sorcs say purge, purge, purge, and the good ones I fight do try, but spend more time trying to purge the constant crippling slash more than the DoTs. Sorry buddy, but if you aren't like a fly on a turd when you're fighting a sorc, you're doing it wrong because they crumble under our pressure if you're doing it right.


Also I only got heals in a couple of those screenshots, and it's not a personal/pocket healer, I've never had my own dedicated healbot. That would be even more OP. 90% of my wz games I do not get any heals. Take a look at the screenshots again and you'll see that I have the highest healing in a lot of them. So please take your hate elsewhere and actually look at the screenshots closer before you judge. I love how people assume if there is ANY healer on the team they are automatically your healer as if they are some pet droid following you around.


I'm Rage, so your point is pretty null and void - Annihilation is the pure 1 v 1 spec but really in group play its pretty useless - Rage although primarily AOE that puts a lot of pressure if you time it right.. I like the 2nd charge it suits my gamestyle. The best Sorcs I've come across destroy me or if they look like they will loose I get cc'd and they stealth - getting a kill on one is a big ask if they know their class.


A good healer will usually follow someone who is doing a lot of damage, and its more than 3 SS's I did look and most of them had 1-2 healers on your team, thats a lot compared to my server which your lucky to have 1.

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I'm Rage, so your point is pretty null and void - Annihilation is the pure 1 v 1 spec but really in group play its pretty useless - Rage although primarily AOE that puts a lot of pressure if you time it right.. I like the 2nd charge it suits my gamestyle. The best Sorcs I've come across destroy me or if they look like they will loose I get cc'd and they stealth - getting a kill on one is a big ask if they know their class.


A good healer will usually follow someone who is doing a lot of damage, and its more than 3 SS's I did look and most of them had 1-2 healers on your team, thats a lot compared to my server which your lucky to have 1.


So you're rage spec and average only 300-350k? You are definitely doing something wrong. That is easily done with annihilation. Annihilation is great in group play, lol are you serious? The talented predation alone makes it worth it in group play. On top of the heals your group gets I would argue it is also the best group play spec. You have your marauder facts very twisted. Obliterate is hardly a 2nd charge, 10m is nothing. Rage is definitely the weakest 1v1 spec, agreed.

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I'm Rage, so your point is pretty null and void - Annihilation is the pure 1 v 1 spec but really in group play its pretty useless - Rage although primarily AOE that puts a lot of pressure if you time it right.. I like the 2nd charge it suits my gamestyle. The best Sorcs I've come across destroy me or if they look like they will loose I get cc'd and they stealth - getting a kill on one is a big ask if they know their class.


A good healer will usually follow someone who is doing a lot of damage, and its more than 3 SS's I did look and most of them had 1-2 healers on your team, thats a lot compared to my server which your lucky to have 1.


lulz..sry.. but you just proved that you have not enough experience/skill to judge maras.

While Annihilation is the best 1v1 spec, its also the most viable for group play. Actually Rage doesnt bring anything to the table in terms of grouplay.

Annihilation is a fury mashine!!! Group Heal, Predation spamming like no other mara spec can do! Rupt and Obfuscate on low CD!

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Yeah man only 350k dmg as rage and you are doing it sooo wrong.



And Annihilation is best group spec, UBER 300!!!!!! pt HoT. Maybe if it ticks 10x you can survive 1 gcd.




You two are a riot.


Skynet you have never once said anything productive in any forum thread I've seen you in. Go troll the WoW forums or something.

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Thank you Easymode. I notice there are only few against many who don't understand how to use Marauder properly. There's a reason we are one of the harder classes to play (basing that off the mass population) because we have SO many abilities to work with, which in return gives us the greater advantage over all the other classes.


It's almost like rhythm when I play my Marauder. Feels like surgery as I'm cutting them open. We are the OP ones in the right hands.


If you are trying your best and still feel like you are not the strongest class in the game, you are doing it wrong. We ARE the strongest class in the game in overall performance and I make that look like a fact. When the rated WZ come around, then it will be proven that Marauder are godlike. You will see a massload of terrible Marauders and then very few extremely high rated ones. Those are the few good ones who know this class.


I so *********** hope your right about this:D this makes me very happy tho. Im currently lvl 46 and can't wait to get 50 and gear up. If this is really true, I'm *********** happy of playing a marauder. Please tell me more about the 50 brackets when geared and how better marauders can be vs other classes at full potentional when other classes also play at full potentional

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Skynet you have never once said anything productive in any forum thread I've seen you in. Go troll the WoW forums or something.


You diss that guy for doing only 350k dmg as rage.


And here is you not breaking 350k dmg against a group w/ a level 15 in it where the top 7 damage dealers are on your team.




you're a joke man, can't believe im even replying.

Edited by xSkynet
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I disagree with the OP.


With the skill lag issue no longer game breaking for marauders, I found this morning that I am far more effective in PvP and even with Predation, which I hardly use when I am solo PvPing, I am only killed by geared other classes and 1v1, everyone runs away from me now.


With some exceptions, those being players who are better than me (I am not pro by any stretch of the imagination) I am only being killed when its 2v1 or 3v1 etc. and usually, I can either kill 1 or almost kill 1 b4 dying.

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As a Watchman Sentinel the ONLY class/spec that I have problems with is my mirror, the Annihilation Marauder. I have never ever ever lost 1v1 against any other spec/class, even when they have the gear advantage. We are just impossible to kill 1v1 if skill and gear are equal. Annihilation Marauders are the only class my healer friends complain about. In WZ's I stick to enemy healers like glue, even if they are really good Sorc's. Operative healers are completely helpless, and Merc healers must turtle to survive as the OP stated. I generally am able to stay up indefinitely with intermittent heals vs. a healer being healed by a healer being guarded by a tank while a DPS is on me. It is all kinds of fun.
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You diss that guy for doing only 350k dmg as rage.


And here is you not breaking 350k dmg against a group w/ a level 15 in it where the top 7 damage dealers are on your team.


you're a joke man, can't believe im even replying.


Oh weird, another troll reply from the #1 troll on these forums. You are a tool, forum scum like you should be censored from talking. Literally nothing you have to say is productive meaning you waste your time trying to harass others. Get a life scrub. I appreciate you checking out my screenshots though, very nice of you.

Edited by Hellion_X
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As a Watchman Sentinel the ONLY class/spec that I have problems with is my mirror, the Annihilation Marauder. I have never ever ever lost 1v1 against any other spec/class, even when they have the gear advantage. We are just impossible to kill 1v1 if skill and gear are equal. Annihilation Marauders are the only class my healer friends complain about. In WZ's I stick to enemy healers like glue, even if they are really good Sorc's. Operative healers are completely helpless, and Merc healers must turtle to survive as the OP stated. I generally am able to stay up indefinitely with intermittent heals vs. a healer being healed by a healer being guarded by a tank while a DPS is on me. It is all kinds of fun.


Completely agree and glad you realize this. Annihilation/Watchman spec is more powerful than people think. We are definitely the best 1v1 class in this game.

Edited by Hellion_X
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