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Is SWTOR getting you in trouble?


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My husband isn't a gamer, but appreciates that gaming keeps me out of his hair. ;)


He largely has sole control of the tv remote, his meals get cooked, his shirts ironed and occasionally I remember to run a duster over the surfaces.


However, I can't say that this game has absorbed me as much of my time as SWG did.

Edited by Jeia
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Nope. if anything after playing a couple of hours i find myself wanting to do something else. Not sure why but this game just does not draw me in like SWG and WOW did.


I feel exactly the same. I can dip in and out of TOR, whereas in SWG and WOW i felt like I really wanted to play all the time.


I actually like the fact that I feel this way, I get much more done:)

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Some of you people are pretty funny. Posting stuff like, "Omg man I can't believe you didn't do what you're wife asked. He needs to get his priorites straight, I'd never touch the computer before doing everything right." Or "Oh man he joked about a divorce cause he plays too much" You guys need to lighten it up haha, I'm quite surprised you even play games with that kind of attitude. And for those of you that claim to find better things to do than play games all day.... Why are you playing an MMORPG?
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Both me and my Husband play, so our house is a tip! Luckily we have no kids, otherwise I think we would have had a severe problem!


When we signed up we discussed rules. when we would play, what we would get done first etc. Both having been addicted too WOW before we got together we knew we needed controls in place (sad as that is, it's a fact).


By the second night, all rules out of window. Play, play, play.


Although, we are still managing to squeeze a life in, just, housework doesn't seem to matter at the mo, if I cant see it from the PC it ain't a problem

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Nope. I allowed myself a week of as much playtime as I wanted, but that was enough. Been there and done that with SWG and EQ2. If I am on any MMO now for more than a couple hours, or any amount of time two days in a row, I feel blah and log out. Missed too many real things over virtual things for too many years.


As for being in trouble... well, my husband plays too so I wouldn't be lol. He wouldn't mind one bit if I played the same amount of time he does. That is, until dinner time rolls around and there's no food because I'd been otherwise engaged :p

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Oh god. No. I hate how people throw around the A word in gaming lately. It's like the new ADHD of 2011/2012.


This weekend I went to the bar instead of cleaning the house. I must be an alcoholic then.


99% of all mass murderers have used toothpaste at some point in their lives.


Toothpaste is obviously detrimental to society.




Seriously though, humans are curious beings. We are always looking for ways to explore new thoughts. It's what makes things fun! Doing chores is simply not very engaging.


That said... maybe it would yet be for the better if I stopped typing this and finished my laundry.

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Nah man. Me and my girlfriend are good about giving each other time to do our own things.


And if when she really wants my attention she wears less clothing. No game addiction has yet to overcome every mans real addiction.


Key word.


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My queen happens to enjoy watching me play - primarily due to her derived enjoyment of frustrating the hell out of me with peanut gallery comments during dialogue sequences.


Once she gets her desktop set up in here we'll both be playing together within arm's reach.


That said - neither of us neglect each other. If anything I get into trouble because I'll forget about how early I have to get up in the morning, and I'll end up with naught but a few hours of sleep.


I tend to gain an insane amount of IRL darkside points when I only get a few hours of sleep.

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thats a good game, it has its faults but at least the maintenance is monthly not weekly.


Maintenance is terrible, though. Devs just about break the game in that window. Sure, all the bads are smoothed out in a few days, but... Goddamn.


Whenever GF goes down for maintenance, it's prolly best to go hide until everything's fixed.

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Maintenance is terrible, though. Devs just about break the game in that window. Sure, all the bads are smoothed out in a few days, but... gosh darn.


Whenever GF goes down for maintenance, it's prolly best to go hide until everything's fixed.


.... I did -not- say Gosh Darn. :jawa_evil:

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My husband and I both play, so we don't get each other in trouble. If I ask him to do something, it's something like "Oh, after you're finished with your premade, go pick up [insert blank] please, while I go do [insert blank]" and we'll go do whatever it is and then go back to gaming. If anything, he gets himself more worked up when he doesn't do something, I really don't care what he does or doesn't do.


Personally, I prefer to play with guildies, and I'm sure he feels the same way. It's like someone else said, doing your own thing is a nice way to "escape."

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So this past weekend I was supposed to do the following.


  • Replace a light switch
  • Clean out the basement
  • Fix a leaking sink


I didn't do any of them, mainly because of SWTOR. By 5 pm Sunday my wife got pretty mad at me and she demanded to know why I didn't get them done. I told her I would have but I was called on to destroy Republic artillery cannons to prep for an Imperial assault. After a couple second look of pure confusion, she stormed off.


So right now I'm perusing flowers.com. I thought it be interesting to hear from those who have pressing Real Life things that are just not getting done. Anyone else getting in trouble with wife/girlfriend/parents/school/work do to this unbelievable life sink that is SWTOR?


I LOL'd, and so did my girlfriend. Generally, I get the jobs done first on Saturday morning so that I have the afternoon and Sunday for gaming/other stuff. We have a system where we make a list - things that need to be done at the weekend. She has tasks, and I have tasks. We make sure the list is not overly loaded for one or the other of us, and unless there is a real emergency, nothing gets added to the list.

Replace a light switch? 15 minutes for me, she does something else while I am on that.

Fix the sink? 30 minutes,she does something else while I am on that.

Clean out the basement? 2-3 hours of both of us working on it. Start at 9am, finished by lunch time and we both can then sit down to play SWTOR :)

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LOL...man you kids crack me up. That easy going, flexible GF you have is for a ring buddy. So are "favors." Once you marry and let your body degenerate into a disgusting pale corpulent mess, she'd rather not risk the fatal heart attack you might get from trying to climb on top of her once a week.



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Yup. Its taking me away from going to the gym and I keep putting off errends I need to take care of like taking my care to the dealer or going to the DMV. I'm not blaming the game, its all me not being as responsible as I should but its totally because playing this game is so freaking fun.
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