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Hardmode Flashpoints; No loot variance for premade groups

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anecdotal but:

Juggernaut Tank

Sniper DPS

Sorc DPS

Sorc Heal


We've had about 50 hard mode drops last few weeks and across different flash-points. About 85% of them were Aim gear... pretty annoying... Maybe they could at least make BoP gear not drop if no classes that use it are present in the group....bah

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I am getting a similiar feel with my Juggernaut. Have been doing hard modes for the past 2 weeks and have only seen bounty hunter or inquisitor drops and only 1 Juggernaut drop (Columni token).


For 2 weeks, that is not a good sign for some classes. I understand the whole random loot is random, but this is just getting ridiculous.

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OP is definitely correct. I've seen plenty of such topics, and I can vouch for it from my own experience. It DEFINITELY has to do with group composition, in a way the game basically chooses what type of gear is least useful for the group, and drops that 85% of the time. Very broken.


My HM group consisted of 2x Guardian, 1x Commando, 1x Sage. Did around 20 HM together. 75% of all drops were Smuggler, with some Trooper and the odd Sage. Just 1 JK drop from all those, with 2 guardians in group. My Doc is full PvE epic geared, just from winning Greed rolls, while my Guardian has 1 Tionese piece, bought from COmmendations. No wonder I rerolled.

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I'm seeing a decent variance. Running with the same group 4 nights in a row on false emperor gave us: trooper, smuggler, smuggler, knight.


Only real thing that was the same is that Taral V gave us trooper gloves 3 times in a row (lucky me).


Guardian (Tank), Sage (healer), Trooper (DPS), and Scoundrel (DPS).


Consular piece dropped last night...same group so: Trooper, Smuggler, Smuggler, Knight, Consular.

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Same issue here. Our premades get almost always the same things from every flashpoints, only seeing variance when someone can't make it and pug someone. On 20+ hardmode runs, we have only ever seen ONE smuggler drop, and it was with an half pugged party.


Not only is the final piece of loot always the same (usually trooper when we have no troopers), but every piece of loot across the board is the same.


Same synthweaving recipes dropping from bonus bosses, same tionese implants, same energized/xenotech loot... with a small variance (I _THINK_ ) for end loot depending on if we do bonus bosses or not.


The odds of getting the exact same thing from every boss over 5-10 runs of False Emperor is mathematically possible, but so stupidly low I should be buying lottery tickets. Its not "almost always the same thing". Its EXACTLY always the same thing. Even the trash loots, unless we pug people.

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Consular piece dropped last night...same group so: Trooper, Smuggler, Smuggler, Knight, Consular.


5 people? :)


Anyway, its probably not seeded exactly by class. Its either:


A) seeded by player internal id

B) seeded by classes with some order depending on how the group was built. So maybe even just switching party leader or the order in which you invite people may matter.



My personal guess is A), but who knows, its just a guess.

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5 people? :)



B) seeded by classes with some order depending on how the group was built. So maybe even just switching party leader or the order in which you invite people may matter.



My personal guess is A), but who knows, its just a guess.


We've tried all variations of B. Different leader, different person zoning in first, different person looting the bosses.


When we run with our standard 4, no changes in loot regardless of who invites/zones/loots etc.

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11 HM FE runs with varying group setups (always containing 1 Jug and 1 Sorc healer)


Not a single Juggernaut Token yet. As people have pointed out it's possible (assuming perfect random system ~ 4% probability) but improbable. We have been fortunate in that many of those we take with us have got a token they could use, but the Jug one has never dropped. A full run takes < 45 minutes now but still :S.

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Just a hint I am on hard mode #14 with no smuggler drops. I dont do them any more unless someone really needs me no point at all. Trooper friend of mine has companions with 3/4 comlumni I have yet to get my 2 piece. loot lotto is uterly stupid.
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My Theory to loot drop is if one play is contributing more for dps that is the token that drops. And if everyone does around the same amount its random drop. When i would run with a guild mate who was a sniper (very geared) about 80% of the time smug/IA token would drop. now that i dont run with him i have way more variety with token drops. And when i run with 2 Merc dps im PT tank and x healer its been a 80% chance that BH/trooper token drops.
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My Theory to loot drop is if one play is contributing more for dps that is the token that drops. And if everyone does around the same amount its random drop. When i would run with a guild mate who was a sniper (very geared) about 80% of the time smug/IA token would drop. now that i dont run with him i have way more variety with token drops. And when i run with 2 Merc dps im PT tank and x healer its been a 80% chance that BH/trooper token drops.


Can't be. That wouldn't explain people getting loot non-stop for classes that aren't in the party, and entire flashpoints dropping the exact same stuff in the same order. Do you think our healer is outdpsing our shadow on one boss, but not on the other? =P

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5 people? :)


Anyway, its probably not seeded exactly by class. Its either:


A) seeded by player internal id

B) seeded by classes with some order depending on how the group was built. So maybe even just switching party leader or the order in which you invite people may matter.



My personal guess is A), but who knows, its just a guess.


No, those are the drops he has gotten from the boss/encounter the opening poster was talking about, not his makeup :). The OP wanted to see a full week's worth of drops from him, so he is updating the drops. You can find his group makeup earlier in the thread.

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No, those are the drops he has gotten from the boss/encounter the opening poster was talking about, not his makeup :). The OP wanted to see a full week's worth of drops from him, so he is updating the drops. You can find his group makeup earlier in the thread.


This guys gets me.

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Can't be. That wouldn't explain people getting loot non-stop for classes that aren't in the party, and entire flashpoints dropping the exact same stuff in the same order. Do you think our healer is outdpsing our shadow on one boss, but not on the other? =P



Its only when one person does significant more damage then the entire group, if dps does around the same dps its random drop token. If one person is more heavily geared then the others it always seem that person gets the drop with my experience running HMs all day for the past 2 weeks. so far Ive only got 4 BH drops with more then 30 HMs all after when i stoped running with a guild mate who was always had way better gear then everyone else and always got the drop. Regardless of class grouping. I would like to know if the OP's scoundrel is as geared as everyone else or better.

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Does varying the group leader change the drops at all? Just wondering if the seed is by the group make up or by the leader?


No, regardless of who makes the group/gets the quest/zones in first/loots the boss in our premade, the loot is the same.

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Its only when one person does significant more damage then the entire group, if dps does around the same dps its random drop token. If one person is more heavily geared then the others it always seem that person gets the drop with my experience running HMs all day for the past 2 weeks. so far Ive only got 4 BH drops with more then 30 HMs all after when i stoped running with a guild mate who was always had way better gear then everyone else and always got the drop. Regardless of class grouping. I would like to know if the OP's scoundrel is as geared as everyone else or better.


Yeah, i think that part is a coincidence. You just happen to have a group setup that seeds the class that happens to be your top DPS.


Im fully geared in columi, because of reproducible loot patterns in one of our setups we keep always getting the same consular pieces...and im the tank. I can tell you that I'm not outdamaging the fully decked out knight in my party. Its borderline if i can even hold threat from him. Yet the loot is still always the same.

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this post is so full of trolls its not even funny. Ive been running the same group for heroics 90% of the time. sometimes we get loot no one wants. we have also each gotten columi pieces. It is just random loot. keep at the ones you need for those last pieces of columi and good luck.


Getting 11 of the same item is crazy and annoying but this has been seen in countless boss fights in wow and in other games.


Id say its 100% random as thats what we've seen. The thing that happens generally is people only remember the times when loot drop that no one needed. They forget about when there buddy got his gloves that gave him his for piece or that off hand they got last week. remember you dont DESERVE loot just for running an instance or an opps. **** happens get over it.

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