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carnage or anhilate


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I started out Annihilation, then switched to Carnage at about level 25. I just switched back to Annihilation at 47. Mainly because the hp on mobs is outpacing the burst damage done by carnage (finally). Personally I'd level with Carnage, because I found it to be faster.


Endgame = Annihilation imo (besides pvp). The higher the hp of the mob, the better annihilation is. Especially once you learn to keep 3 stacks of DS up and pop berserk whenever it's up (which is often).

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try them, respec cost reset every weeks, and chose the one you feel more comfortable/best with, threads like these are created over 9000 per week and in the end it's just pick the one you are best with. Don't ask for what to do or you'll always be bad cuz it's not you but THE advice.
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This is my experience so take it for that..


the short...


starting from 10


10-14 Carnage taking dual wield mastery and defensive form


15 - ?? Annihilation


xx - xx Rage if you start to out level your quests or want to see the big see a big crit. Might require Quinn or the Droid for heals.



the long...



I started with Carnage for PVP.. Thinking it would do well as I leveled. I had problems and kind of fell into the "class is broke" Switched to Annihilation after a few levels and did a lot of PVP and did better at staying alive once you get all the dots/crit to heal bump. SO... My survivability went up. Also was able to solo some champ mobs still a few levels higher but doable.


Yet I had out leveled most of the Quests I was doing and facing groups of normal/strong/elite I was falling asleep cause it was boring. So I switched to Rage. Rage I can take down groups fairly well and I got the huge burst damage in PVP with smash. Yet since I'm not 50 yet I'm forced to only choke then smash(lacking crush) With Rage and using Quinn my survivability seems to have dropped a little.


SO... a lot of what I've read here is people speaking from the level 50 stand point. But you got to get there 1st.

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Most people think annihilation is the best spec, most people are how ever wrong.

It is simply the easier spec to master.


Carnage played flawlessly vs Anni Played flawlessly the carnage spec will dominate anni every time.


Pve and Pvp.


I got 2 guildies who have about same gear as me, we raid together every week, and they always insist that anni is the better build, that does how ever not change the fact that when I kill my mob in infernal council they are still at about 40% hp.


Infernal council being the best way to check dps currently, outside of pvp dps.

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Another post that might help you out. I have utilized Carnage for a while but have tried all 3 specs more than once. Have been doing Normal Raids (start hard modes this week) and have full Columni gear and over half a champion set to give you an idea of where I stand when you read my post in this forum link. But as far as what Carnage is about I think I pretty much explain its Pro's more in depth than the other posts atm. Let me know if you find a really good Annihilation post. I tried it but found it lacking in the raids I did.




Now from a lvl'ing standpoint it depends on whether you want to be a dot class that can self-heal 2% on dot crits but find yourself hitting your auto attack often since you are always starving for rage... or lose a bit of survivability for a class that gives you more rage to use constantly. I used both while lvl'ing and honestly once you get Quin it really shouldn't make or break a quest for you regardless of if you are Carnage or Annihilation. I will say that I personally think after 40 carnage is easier/faster to lvl with. Once you get Massacre you notice you are killing things rather quickly and as Annihilation you don't really have the ability to kill things quickly. HOWEVER as far as solo'ing gold elites you will never do as well as you do in Annihilation simply because of the 2% heal on dot crits which is amazing for those situations.

Edited by pvtglass
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Most people think annihilation is the best spec, most people are how ever wrong.

It is simply the easier spec to master.


Carnage played flawlessly vs Anni Played flawlessly the carnage spec will dominate anni every time.


Pve and Pvp.


I got 2 guildies who have about same gear as me, we raid together every week, and they always insist that anni is the better build, that does how ever not change the fact that when I kill my mob in infernal council they are still at about 40% hp.


Infernal council being the best way to check dps currently, outside of pvp dps.


That could have nothing to do with spec but skill.

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which AC is the most prevalent? And why is it the most common? I have read the guide and I am having trouble decided which AC to choose.



If you want to focus PVE - I have no idea what ac you should chose.


If you want to focus PVP - Id say you should test it yourself and after it stick with whatever suits your style.


And I'll be smart and repeat the things said over and over again - Rage has best (arguably) DPS output in pvp - whatever other ppl said, aoe makes you reach top 3 DPS in WZs, alongside with your burst ofc (isnt that the same skill smash? :p)

Anni if you prefer some type of melee sp or whatever, with good single target dps and easy 1v1.


Carn - never had nuff nerve to test it out as I should, so Im not making any comments on that.


PS not to be some random "knowhow dude", I actually got a 50lvl mara (!) with full champ gear (no offhd) and 57valor....yeeey


Meet you in melee

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which AC is the most prevalent? And why is it the most common? I have read the guide and I am having trouble decided which AC to choose.


Marauder and Juggernaut are ACs. You're asking about talent specs. (Anhi, Carnage, Rage).


Careful you don't mix up the two :p

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Skill only goes so far, each class/spec has its limits.


While this is true, Annihilation at the moment is just all around better for both PvE and PvP. I've been Carnage since day 1. I'm 50 and 4-piece Champion (Armor only) geared now. Last night I tried Annihilation just to see what everyone was talking about.


I was breaking 200k EVERY single warzone. I actually STOPPED watching my HP cause it nearly never moved due to heal-ticks. The only things I found irritating were that I didn't have as great of time on target due to no deadly-throw root or Ravage-root, and that I couldn't get away as easily if I was stunlocked. With Carnage, Camo is a snare-breaker, so you can pop that, frenzy, and predation, and there're few who can catch you.


Tbh, what makes Anni better atm is the heal ticks. Carnage would need an overall DPS boost to make up for the heal ticks. The biggest hit I ever tossed as Carnage was a 4k hit. Typically my big ones went for 2.5k. If you add the damage of the build up into that, the burst itself was something to the effect of damn near 10k and that's BEFORE you factor in things like Bloodthirst and Relics. And that's just the first five attacks, which all come within about five seconds. Where you run into a snag is that most of the OSHYTE cooldowns people have can carry them through that sort of damage, AND you end up taking a significant amount of damage as well meaning that you HAVE to run away and heal. Anni heal-ticks are like always having a pocket off-healer. Longer life = More DPS, plain and simple. Even though Anni will not burst anywhere close to as hard, your survivability will shoot through the roof.


Add all of the above to the fact that the Anni spec is almost absurdly easy to master and it's no wonder most Marauders/Sentinels go Anni. Carnage requires a very specific build and rotation, and requires you to have your Bloodthirst/Relic combo up to see the really big numbers. Its the heal-ticks, not needing to watch for procs/buffs, not needing to manage your fury as closely, and the smaller number of must-use-every-fight abilities that make Anni so much better at the moment.


Idk, I think that if you are good enough at it you can be absolutly devestating as Carnage. It just requires only the most skilled at the class.

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