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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Possibly of new Starships to gain/purchase?


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People claim Empire favoritism by Bioware. I didn't really agree until I gained my first starship on my Jedi Knight.


Republic starships:

  • Knight/Consular: Red Minivan-hammerhead. Does not give a sense of Jedi grace and knowledge.
  • Smuggler: Chinese knock-off Millennium Falcon. Har har.
  • Trooper: God-awful looking piece of crap. Grotesquely asymmetrical. Looks like it was built to transport hot garbage, not the Republic's most elite shock squad. Even features a forward-facing entrance/exit, perfect for enemies to bottleneck and kill your squad.


Empire starships:

  • Sith: Sleek tie-fight grandfather, projects a clear and pure presence of Sith.
  • Bounty Hunter: Somewhat chunky, with triforce engines. Would look better with only two lateral engines.
  • Agent: HOLY **** AWESOME HYPERCRAFT! The obscenely beautiful (in and out) Phantom. This ship is just a slap in the face to every other class, especially republic-side.


Do you think(hope) that new and better starships may be available for purchase? Can we finally replace that horrible Thunderclap/Defender with a warship that befits our level-50, top-teir-gear character?


A man can dream.

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People claim Empire favoritism by Bioware. I didn't really agree until I gained my first starship on my Jedi Knight.


Republic starships:

  • Knight/Consular: Red Minivan-hammerhead. Does not give a sense of Jedi grace and knowledge.
  • Smuggler: Chinese knock-off Millennium Falcon. Har har.
  • Trooper: God-awful looking piece of crap. Grotesquely asymmetrical. Looks like it was built to transport hot garbage, not the Republic's most elite shock squad. Even features a forward-facing entrance/exit, perfect for enemies to bottleneck and kill your squad.


Empire starships:

  • Sith: Sleek tie-fight grandfather, projects a clear and pure presence of Sith.
  • Bounty Hunter: Somewhat chunky, with triforce engines. Would look better with only two lateral engines.
  • Agent: HOLY **** AWESOME HYPERCRAFT! The obscenely beautiful (in and out) Phantom. This ship is just a slap in the face to every other class, especially republic-side.


Do you think(hope) that new and better starships may be available for purchase? Can we finally replace that horrible Thunderclap/Defender with a warship that befits our level-50, top-teir-gear character?


A man can dream.


Different strokes for different folks.


I personally think the Agent ship, although cool looking on the outside, is extremely underwhelming on the inside.

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I think the Defender perfectly suits the Jedi, the XS Freighter is a Smuggler's freighter and suits that class perfectly...


Anyone who has ever served in the military knows that the lowest bidder makes the gear and that it is often horribly ugly. The Thunderclap falls into that category perfectly.

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Different strokes for different folks.


I personally think the Agent ship, although cool looking on the outside, is extremely underwhelming on the inside.


The Agent ship really reminds me of a spoiled rich girl's car.

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All of the ships take inspiration from the movies and lore.


The Jedi ship looks and feels like the Hammerhead-class Cruiser, the smuggler's ship obviously borrows from the Millennium Falcon (but no one had that issue with the Ebon Hawk), and the trooper ship takes direct inspiration from the B-Wing.


As you say, the Fury pulls from the TIE-Fighter. The Mantis pulls inspiration from the Firespray-31, and though it does add some eccentricity, it suits the class well. Finally, the Phantom is directly inspired (and largely copied) from the Baudo-class Star Yacht.


I fail to see how, despite personal preferences, one could argue any of them are "horrible." Every single ship in the game has noticeable, tangible roots in canon.


I'm happy with them.

Edited by Dezzi
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While customizable starships would be cool, I don't see them coming. We don't know exactly how swtors dialogue scripting works, but most games tend to tie every quest/dialogue/whatever trigger to an area, so more ships means more work for the programmers, even more so if every class has all of those ships available.

That being said, a retexture or some more interior stuff would be fine and should be possible, maybe as a legacy feature even.

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Agent: HOLY **** AWESOME HYPERCRAFT! The obscenely beautiful (in and out) Phantom. This ship is just a slap in the face to every other class, especially republic-side.




I laughed pretty hard when I read this. But you are so correct in your assessment. I love my Jedi Sage, but absolutely despise the Starship. It's horrible. Even in space combat it's just out of place ... looks awful.


Then I rolled an Imperial Agent, a Sith and the rest is history ...


Their Starships are AMAZING! Especially the Agent.




My Sage gets a crappy looking Starship, absolute laughable end-game gear as seen here:


(that is a male seen in this picture ... LOL)!


and has a story line that pales in comparison to it's mirror class, the Inquisitor. Why should I keep trying to play the Sage?


Answer: Because I like being the under-dog, but it's getting harder and harder every day.

Edited by Alkiii
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My Sage gets a crappy looking Starship, absolute laughable end-game gear as seen here:


(that is a male seen in this picture ... LOL)!


I'm with you there, who the *********** hell thought THIS is what people would want to work for? And there I was thinking sorcerers gear looked stupid but this is just... bah...


Also maybe it's just me, but the char's face expression on the picture seem perfectly matched, exactly how I'd look if I had to wear that dress.

Edited by Korevas
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Republic starships:


Knight/Consular: pretty cute with those twin engines.

Smuggler: same as the Defender class, and it has the largest interior. However the ship is asymmetrical...

Trooper: God-awful looking piece of crap. Grotesquely asymmetrical. (Agree)

If the wings are symmetrical would be better.


Empire starships:


Sith: Meh. Looks cool, but very small.

Bounty Hunter: robotic/box-ish looking spacecraft, pretty cool. However, the lower engine is asymmetrical.

Agent: Most ugly ship I think. The shape is good, but its too flat and with no windows. (I understand its a stealth craft, but its not my tast.


By adding a few customization will be cool. For example, in STO you can custimize your bridge and invite players/friends aboard.

Edited by HCGxKaLiBeR
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People claim Empire favoritism by Bioware. I didn't really agree until I gained my first starship on my Jedi Knight.


Republic starships:

  • Knight/Consular: Red Minivan-hammerhead. Does not give a sense of Jedi grace and knowledge.
  • Smuggler: Chinese knock-off Millennium Falcon. Har har.
  • Trooper: God-awful looking piece of crap. Grotesquely asymmetrical. Looks like it was built to transport hot garbage, not the Republic's most elite shock squad. Even features a forward-facing entrance/exit, perfect for enemies to bottleneck and kill your squad.


Empire starships:

  • Sith: Sleek tie-fight grandfather, projects a clear and pure presence of Sith.
  • Bounty Hunter: Somewhat chunky, with triforce engines. Would look better with only two lateral engines.
  • Agent: HOLY **** AWESOME HYPERCRAFT! The obscenely beautiful (in and out) Phantom. This ship is just a slap in the face to every other class, especially republic-side.


Do you think(hope) that new and better starships may be available for purchase? Can we finally replace that horrible Thunderclap/Defender with a warship that befits our level-50, top-teir-gear character?


A man can dream.


I totaly agree with you.


Also, I think the Imperial Agent ship pretty much looks like the J-Type 327 Nubian ship.




This was a republic ship (Naboo).


Don't you think?

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That's just a chrome SR-71.


Beat me to it.


Apart from simple re-skinning, even I think Ship customization would be too complicated. However, I do not believe brand-new ships would be too difficult. There are set places that every character stays, a static Holoterminal/Map/Intercom/Cargo, and set exit(s). They could be limited to high-level players in order to avoid any ship-related class quests, and cost quite a bit of credits, of course.

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Agreed. :D


Never seen this ship before.


The only reason I recognized it is because I gave my players a Baudo-class in a table-top game. When I walked into the hangar for the first time as an IA, my jaw dropped. "This ship is 3,000 years too young!"

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  • 2 months later...

I really like the thunderclap over all ships aside from the bounty hunter ship. I think the agent's ship looks awful.


This discussion shows that you cannot limit people to one ship if so many hate the, they need to add more, and preferably fighter combat too, none of this on rails bollocks.

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