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Ball Handler pulled into Enemy Spawn: Empire Tactics


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Yes but it's not you carrying the ball across the line, it's your opponent doing it :D


Yeah but the ball is still in the teams possession, they're carrying the ball... it's the person doing the pulling that's carrying the player.... :p They don't have the ball. THey're just helping the player over the line.


If they fix this though, the players in question looking for this sort of stuff will move on to the next thing.


I just think the behaviour ruins the game for newbies to arenas. I think it's bloody stupid but newer players might not want to put up with it when it's done to them and the queues... they do get longer.

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The announcer does say "any means possible" even if that's using your opponents to pull you in ;)


Then blame the Hutts it's their game and pulling carriers into the spawn where they explode is highly entertaining :p .


Also consider that in games like American Football, I'm fairly sure that being carried over the line would get the touchdown disallowed.


Does it actually say "by any means"? The commentary in Huttball has been really buggy since the patch. I forgot what he actually says.

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The thing is that you will get booted out if you stay in the starting zone for a long time.


Jump down before timer runs out and die in fire, respawn back. Rinse and repeat. It takes to much coordination to get around this and score.


There are several people on my server and this is all they do in warzones.

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The people who do it fail at the game. So, cheat on losers. At least you know you are garbage.


I wish Bioware hadn't put that flavor voice over saying "cheating" was legal. Now every moron and their sub-par IQ friend will quote it when they find some easy way to cheat the pvp game. As if that justifies breaking the game.


You people who think this is "all good" really need to learn how to pvp instead of trying to find any desperate way to get wins.

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Thanks for proving my point about the lack of moral compass you two...


Funny how the people who do stuff like this, all seem to share the same brain, the same infantile posting habits, and the same responses.


Who would have thought people bad enough to cheat at video games, would also have the personality, and communication skills of a teratoma.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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The people who do it fail at the game. So, cheat on losers. At least you know you are garbage.


I wish Bioware hadn't put that flavor voice over saying "cheating" was legal. Now every moron and their sub-par IQ friend will quote it when they find some easy way to cheat the pvp game. As if that justifies breaking the game.


You people who think this is "all good" really need to learn how to pvp instead of trying to find any desperate way to get wins.



If your only excuse for losing a Huttball match is someone was pulling carrier into spawn, perhaps it is you would should L2P.

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It's part of the game mechanic, deal with it and stop crying. Not everything is an exploit.




It's an exploit


Abusing a poorly designed terrain is no excuse for instakilling a player with no way of retaliating or countering.


Nor is it even intended by the largely misguided Biowuss Company

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I'll admit, I do this on my Jedi Shadow and loovvee doing it. As a Shadow tank, you can sit stealthed after respawning and pull up the ballhandler out of the blue without any fear of accidentally receiving the ball. Even so, this doesn't seem any more intended than Sc/Op helping teammates capture PvP objectives while in stealth. The simplest solution would be to allow scoring as long as the ball handler touches the space above the goal line.


The announcer does say "any means possible" even if that's using your opponents to pull you in ;)


Should my bros and I go install this speedhack I've heard so much about since we can use 'any means possible'?


Also, can someone link this elusive Dev post saying the pull mechanism is being used as intended in this Warzone?

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Make sure to report players like that, that are obviously exploiting.


Using an ABILITY that is given to you in your spellbook is exploiting?


Forgetting the ANNOUNCER at the beginning of huttball who even tells you to cheat.. putting that aside.. this isn't even exploiting.

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It's part of the game mechanic, deal with it and stop crying. Not everything is an exploit.




Really? It is an obvious exploit that hurts the game. We as a community need make the game better and stop being so selfish. The ilum patch day was a disaster and we are still feeling the impact of that day and it has hurt PvP balance. No you want something else to hurt it. We should all be better than this and sit and call people names for pointing out something that is broken.

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It's not an exploit.


If you see someone setting up to do it, just throw the ball to them. That kills them and the ball bounces back to someone on your team. The game has a built in way to deal with this.


yup.. people are just crying about it right now b/c it probably shocked them and they had no idea what to do.



Also have some of your team mates SET themselves up for a pass, then quickly pass it to them before being pulled. There's many things to do here in this situation.


THE POINT BEING? this is actually GOOD in a PvP setting.. random things happening.. tactics.. innovative playstyles...




One tank carrying the ball... and a TRAIN of healers keeping him alive, walking slow to touch down the ball...


ummm... BORING?



Fire.. ledges.. Poison.. all of these elements Add to what makes Huttball great.

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Honestly if you are caught by this little trick you are most likely not paying attention in the first place. Every time I go for a score I make sure the ledge is clear. If it's not I pass laterally to one of my teamates that is already on the line, and woot, we score. Bypassed this pull trick so many times, people have stopped trying to use it on me.
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