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Why do you like Star Wars: The Clone Wars?


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The only things I seriously dislike about TCW? Like many, I really didn't like the three episode 'Mortis' arc. It just felt. . . entirely out of place. Also, Jar Jar episodes. If an episode looks like it's going to be Jar Jar centric, I skip it.
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Ive really enjoyed the series so far. As other have pointed out, its a hit and miss series, but the hits are usually fantastic. The Jar Jar episodes though...oh god, why do those need to be included? And, yeah, the Mortis arc was overall just kinda pointless.
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The main thing I hate about the series, the fact that these trained soliders have a hard time hiting anything. The way they shoot at times in the series makes me wonder how the jedi haven't been hit by friendly fire.


Then the way that they forget about force powers at times and then crush droids and send them flying the next second with a flick of their finger. And the sometimes lackluster episodes.


But they have had some great episodes and they seem to get better every season, I do wish that they would focus on different jedi more. I want to find out what happened to the sith assassains that tried to kill Dooku and see if cad bane is finally killed off.


My favorite episdoes still are the first ones they did with the super battleship that grevious commanded, but the lastest arc with the jedi that dual-weilded dual-bladed lightsabers was great.

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The main thing I hate about the series, the fact that these trained soliders have a hard time hiting anything. The way they shoot at times in the series makes me wonder how the jedi haven't been hit by friendly fire.


Strange, I feel the opposite. More often than not I see Clones taking down at least 3-5 droids on their own before getting shot.


But they have had some great episodes and they seem to get better every season, I do wish that they would focus on different jedi more. I want to find out what happened to the sith assassains that tried to kill Dooku and see if cad bane is finally killed off.


I think Savage Opress, I assume he's the one assassin you're referring to, Is slated to re-appear later this season, or early next one. Can't remember.

And Cad Bane Is in the current story arc.

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Did you ever see the animated series Samurai Jack? That was an awesome series, and the artist who did the animation for that series is the same one who did the animation for the animated Clone Wars series. If you ever see Samurai Jack, you will definitely recognize the style of the animation.


Yeah, I knew that. And I think, even with the limited possibilities of the first series, he made more emotional images... like the Padawan who is sweating of fear before getting chopped by Grievous.

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the style is pretty good, making the clones feel different from one another was a great step in the right direction but they make the villains seem like pathetically weak idiots.

anakin is suposed to be abit more volatile and obi-wan needs to be abit less "goes everywhere, does everything"


the clone wars needs to seem alot less one sided with the CIS winning some major battles. have obi wan take a breather from saving anakin every episode and being the grand commander in every battle.

and anakin needs to step up and fulfil his reputation as "the hero without fear" and become the powerful warrior that turns certain defeat into victory

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