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Don't Nerf Tracer Missle/Grav rounds.....Nerf


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nerf tracer missile and people will just start crying about how hard power shot hits. it has equal damage potential as tracer missile and is just as spam-able


easy solution to this is having tracer missile on a 3s cooldown, forcing it to be used every other global. i already do this and i do enormous amounts of damage still

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Armor Piercing Cell and High Velocity Gas Cylinder!


Why do you ask?


35% consistent armor pen which when stacked with Tracer missle and Grav rounds secondary effect builds up to 60% armor penetration!


Far and away the highest consistent figure of armor pen in the entire game.


And lest we forget, Bioware are nerfing Flechette Round and Acid Blade, both 31 point talents that grant 50% armor pen (and the only armor pen that a Scoundrel/Ops gets) for 6 seconds down to 30% for 6 seconds because they think 50% armor pen for 6 seconds is too much.....


So again, I ask how is 35% consistent armor pen on a heavy armor wearing class that can consistently stack to 60% armor pen fair? (not forgetting here, you have to invest absolutely nothing for that armor pen vs a 31 talent point)


Now you have your answer and the true problem behind Grav/Tracer spam.


honestly.. they can leave the troopers/bh's alone for all i care..


i actually get a little excited when i get hit with a tracer.. i quickly LoS.. figure out where they set up shop.. then i pop out and open up on the baddie. interrupt and rip him to shreds.. all while they either stand there dumbfounded cause their one button stopped working. or they try to run for the same reason.. only time it really sucks is if there are 2-3 of them together.

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Armor Piercing Cell and High Velocity Gas Cylinder!


Why do you ask?


35% consistent armor pen which when stacked with Tracer missle and Grav rounds secondary effect builds up to 60% armor penetration!


Far and away the highest consistent figure of armor pen in the entire game.


And lest we forget, Bioware are nerfing Flechette Round and Acid Blade, both 31 point talents that grant 50% armor pen (and the only armor pen that a Scoundrel/Ops gets) for 6 seconds down to 30% for 6 seconds because they think 50% armor pen for 6 seconds is too much.....


So again, I ask how is 35% consistent armor pen on a heavy armor wearing class that can consistently stack to 60% armor pen fair? (not forgetting here, you have to invest absolutely nothing for that armor pen vs a 31 talent point)


Now you have your answer and the true problem behind Grav/Tracer spam.


No they Need to reduce the 35% to 15% and then Reduce Damage on Tracer Missler by 20%


ontop of that they need to reduce Shield Duration to 6 seconds and the Aoe Knockback to give full resolve.



Mercs are fixed..


Over nerf into the ground ftw

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No they Need to reduce the 35% to 15% and then Reduce Damage on Tracer Missler by 20%


ontop of that they need to reduce Shield Duration to 6 seconds and the Aoe Knockback to give full resolve.



Mercs are fixed..


Over nerf into the ground ftw


I second this motion. NERF THEM ALLLLL

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WoW I sure wish my GR was godmode, I dont know what game some poeple been playing but the one I been playing when melee classes jump me, I might as well get up and go to the bathroom.


But maybe I am just a bad, I dont know.

Edited by Grimshock
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To be fair... the DoT debuff Fleshette Round puts on the enemy lasts 6 seconds... but Flechette Round also puts a buff on you for the armor pen which actually lasts like 15 seconds so it never really falls off if you keep reapplying it every 9 seconds if you can Backblast every 9 seconds.


That actually makes the nerf worse, since the 50% armor pen was essentially part of our baseline (sustained) damage which was already bad.

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Armor Piercing Cell and High Velocity Gas Cylinder!


Why do you ask?


35% consistent armor pen which when stacked with Tracer missle and Grav rounds secondary effect builds up to 60% armor penetration!


Far and away the highest consistent figure of armor pen in the entire game.


And lest we forget, Bioware are nerfing Flechette Round and Acid Blade, both 31 point talents that grant 50% armor pen (and the only armor pen that a Scoundrel/Ops gets) for 6 seconds down to 30% for 6 seconds because they think 50% armor pen for 6 seconds is too much.....


So again, I ask how is 35% consistent armor pen on a heavy armor wearing class that can consistently stack to 60% armor pen fair? (not forgetting here, you have to invest absolutely nothing for that armor pen vs a 31 talent point)


Now you have your answer and the true problem behind Grav/Tracer spam.


tracer missile needs a 20 second cooldown thats all it needs

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Aoe knockback and snare will interrupt

rocket punch knockback interrupts

Stun also interrupts


Stun is on a 1 min cooldown, and the other has a 2 sec cast time, in which most cases people have already casted. You have to be at least 8 meters away to use the aoe knockback, and you need to be within 4 meters to use the (talented) rocket punch.


Also those abilities don't put a cooldown when they interrupt.



Than interrupts in this game cannot be classified as interrupts either.

Not counting they have ability delay.


The lockout does not even work 90% of the time, this has been tested.



After fixing ability delay, probably something that would actually balance out some of the Tracer/Grav issue is just replace the borked lockout of all interrupts and replace it with a GCD modifier. As in, an ability gets interrupted and a 2 second universal GCD is added to the natural one incurred by the ability itself, spanning across pools (EX:all DPS abilities after a DPS ability was interrupted)


Then it might as well be a 4s stun.



tracer missile needs a 20 second cooldown thats all it needs


Then what's the purpose of the 15s armor debuff???

Edited by gluefoot
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I find it hard to believe that this thread got to 14 pages, and no one corrected the OP on how much Armor Pen Merc/Commado has. Really disappointing.


It's a 48% armor pen, that requires 4.5seconds to get to:


(EnemyArmor * .8) * (1 - .35) = EnemyArmor * .52


Now this balances out with the 9% damage buff in Assault at roughly 17% damage reduction. It's one of the reasons that the two specs are similar in damage.

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I dont think this person knows how nerfs are suppose to work.

Classes function drastically different from one another and saying that a different class has a better skill than you doesn't really amount to much.

Game balance is always dictated on performance, not function.

If the BH/Commando's armor penetration made the class perform too well, then it would be nerfed.

Operatives still had less armor pen but were still out performing, so they got nerfed.

BH/Commando's, in spite of their better armor pen, were still functioning as intended.


You cant nit pick which class has better stuff than you and say its imbalanced if it doesn't drastically affect their performance. BH/Commandos have it because their class was balanced around them having it and your class now doesn't because bioware thinks that it boosts your performance too much.(i.e. your class doesn't have it because they dont need it).

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Wow keep in mind the only thing ops were good at is burst. That was taken away. To be fair you need to loose your easymode arnor penetration. They cant say OPs armor penatration at 50% was too much but yours at 60% is not.


Lets have some balance here.


Your burst was reduced because it was incredibly, incredibly high.


The burst getting reduced was a -result- of an imbalance, not a cause of a new one.

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With the nerf to Hidden Strike, looks like tracer missle spamming will do as much or maybe more than hidden strike. Difference in that is Operatives can only use hidden strike once in a fight, tracer missle on the other hand.....


Sorry to say but this is next on the chopping block. You can cry all you want about Operative burst (Or lack there of these days) but I'll take the constant damage any day and twice on sundays. Operative burst only happens in the opener and pretty much a free kill if you survive their barrage of hits.


The only difference here is that Imperial Agents actually press more buttons than a Mercenary in PvP. Mind Blowing isn't it?

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Operative burst only happens in the opener and pretty much a free kill if you survive their barrage of hits.



No, it isn't. If you survived the opener your only option is to try and run (LOL) or fight and die. No class is so squishy that they can win a fight at 30% health again an opponent with 100% health.


The problem with ops is that it was poor designed for PvP (i.e not designed with PvP in mind).

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No, it isn't. If you survived the opener your only option is to try and run (LOL) or fight and die. No class is so squishy that they can win a fight at 30% health again an opponent with 100% health.


The problem with ops is that it was poor designed for PvP (i.e not designed with PvP in mind).


If an operative got you to 30% on the opener, your gear sucked (relatively) or you were already low. Regardless, in group PvP you have a good chance of surviving at that point because the chances are you'll get a heal before the operative drops you.

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If an operative got you to 30% on the opener, your gear sucked (relatively) or you were already low. Regardless, in group PvP you have a good chance of surviving at that point because the chances are you'll get a heal before the operative drops you.


I had the lvl 40 gear you can buy from the PvP vendor. I guess that's crappy gear for a lvl 40, huh?


And it's not just the opener (which is 40-50% alone). The follow up as well. If you are hit for 5k with a 2k DOT and a couple more hits you will be pretty low and they will still have 100%. Operative could take me down from 100% to 30 and that's assuming I blow my cc-break and have concussive round ready to knock them away. Which only prstpones the inevitable. Please don't feign ignorance and act like you didn't know what was going on.


"A good chance" I'll get a heal? Within 3 secs? And of course there is a healer everywhere at all times and they are all making me top priority at all times. Please stop talking.

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