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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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sry but anybody who thinks its acceptable to ignore this bug since JULY is just absurd. lets give the sorc's their darth title, but ignore content on the JK archtype. it is indefensible and it limits my already limited gameplay in this ultra linear game. i cant count the number of times this got bugged since july, and still nothing...but yet its ok to get the canned response, provide canned feedback, and make no effort to communicate where it sits on their priority list to PAYING CUSTOMERS.


I am not "ignoring it" As you say I simply have come to the conclusion that it is beyond my expertise to fix it as I am not a Dev and thusly fail to see how constantly complaining about it as you have will resolve it any faster then is possible. My life is more then a game albeit it would be extremely aggrivvating yes I get that but all complaining and crying will do is alert others of your immaturities

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I may be in the minority here, but I've always preferred ETAs with updated ETAs when they can't make it than just "we're working on it" and "you'll see it when you see it".


No that's all this forum is about ETA is all they want understandably. Some just go about it in a "I want my lollipop now" mentality

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It's nice to hear this the second time today, but can't you give any estimation? I'm mean there a two possibilities. First, the developers have no clue where to find or how to fix this bug, therefore, no one could tell us how long this would take. Second, they know where the bug is and therefore it would be overwhelming to take a clearer estimation than "you have to wait". I mean, i work as a software engineer and it is hard to imagine for me, that nobody at BW have an idea how to fix this problem.


It's option 1. They have no clue. I'm not actually sure they *can* reset it, as I believe it was part of your story quest. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that this bug has been known since Beta and still hasn't been resolved.

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It's option 1. They have no clue. I'm not actually sure they *can* reset it, as I believe it was part of your story quest. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that this bug has been known since Beta and still hasn't been resolved.


Clarification: They HAVE fixed the cause of the problem, but what they haven't fixed is a way for the bugged toons to get "un-bugged", as it were.


Even though it's usually a tall order to ask for tact or patience on a game forum, I'd like to ask people to consider the fact that the devs are most likely flying blind trying to resolve this issue for those already affected, and if anything, the resources are probably stretched to the limit trying to resolve all the troubles with the game - not just this one, but other issues as well. The smaller fixes that some people complain about the devs fixing before the Kira issue are probably small fish that someone solved on a lunch break. This one? A bit bigger, by the looks of it.


That said, I can understand the frustration going around. No fun waiting for something like this. But try reading some of the responses on this thread, and then ask yourself if you'd really want to invest working hours into trying to please this crowd. A little humility and empathy goes a long way... ;)

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Clarification: They HAVE fixed the cause of the problem, but what they haven't fixed is a way for the bugged toons to get "un-bugged", as it were.


Even though it's usually a tall order to ask for tact or patience on a game forum, I'd like to ask people to consider the fact that the devs are most likely flying blind trying to resolve this issue for those already affected, and if anything, the resources are probably stretched to the limit trying to resolve all the troubles with the game - not just this one, but other issues as well. The smaller fixes that some people complain about the devs fixing before the Kira issue are probably small fish that someone solved on a lunch break. This one? A bit bigger, by the looks of it.


That said, I can understand the frustration going around. No fun waiting for something like this. But try reading some of the responses on this thread, and then ask yourself if you'd really want to invest working hours into trying to please this crowd. A little humility and empathy goes a long way... ;)


Agreed. Although some would lynch you for saying "Give Bioware more time"

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True, but like Alfred E. Neuman said it: "What, me worry?" :p


Hah, true.


Although I am curious because nobody actually seems to have noticed the exact affection points and main story progression needed to advance Kira.


As an example my one friend also a JK had 3600 AP when he got to tatooine and we both finished the defector quests the same time we ran it together, Jan 2nd. At 3600 points he got a discussion and I did not (i purposely bought a ton of items for her to test)


We both didn't do the DS flirt either way.

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K i choosed the dark side flirt after the fix. Now i'm level 29 with 7200 affection i had 3 conversations with her after the Deflector mission in which i could romance her. So far so fine but for the last 5 levels i keep getting messages she wants to speak with me on the ship and once i get there nothing. So here is possibly another bug or something
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K i choosed the dark side flirt after the fix. Now i'm level 29 with 7200 affection i had 3 conversations with her after the Deflector mission in which i could romance her. So far so fine but for the last 5 levels i keep getting messages she wants to speak with me on the ship and once i get there nothing. So here is possibly another bug or something


This as per a few pages ago is explained as a seperate bug not overly related to the intial issue. According to the posts just click on Kira and she will explain if she wants to talk or not.


Can anybody clearly remember when they get the Three quests after the deflector mission that comes "after" the Kiss?


Specifically what their affection was at or which Class quests they completed after?

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here's what i find ironic. in their game it is always the lightsided option to fill everyone in on whats going on. example:


telling your master you made a mistake and "hooked up" with the twilek matriarch or telling the council about kira's past.


yet here, they just keep in us in the dark on the whole issue. Now the truth behind BW comes out. They ARE ruled by the Emperor! DUN Dun dun! :mon_trap:


and kira is their snare to turn us all to the DS!!! :eek:

Edited by VlPER
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This as per a few pages ago is explained as a seperate bug not overly related to the intial issue. According to the posts just click on Kira and she will explain if she wants to talk or not.


Can anybody clearly remember when they get the Three quests after the deflector mission that comes "after" the Kiss?


Specifically what their affection was at or which Class quests they completed after?


You get the 3 quests in a row after you come from the jedi council with her and yes the kiss can happen then. I think i was around 2 - 3 k with affection not sure

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As you may know from the previous sides I also got this bug.


Spoilers following!!!


I'm level 50 now, 'cause I have faith in BW, that I will be able to play through all of her quests and conversations sometime and I couldn't stop playing my knight. I've beaten the emperor today and rescued her before this event. There was another option to flirt with her and I finally got my kiss (which could only depend on the affection, because she didn't talked to me once before). She also said, that she wants to do this (the kiss) earlier on the ship, but there were to many eyes on the ship.

I really hope BW would fix this soon, cause romancing Kira is a major reason playing a knight for me.

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You get the 3 quests in a row after you come from the jedi council with her and yes the kiss can happen then. I think i was around 2 - 3 k with affection not sure


Of the individuals who say this is not bugged state they have made it to the "kiss" but I have not received reports of anything "after" said Kiss


Which leads me to believe either it is still bugged for those who did defector after the 27th or there are more Class based quests you need to finish before she speaks to you again

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Hey guys,



I was just wondering if somebody could clarify the Dec. 27th date for me.


I created my JK and got Kira prior to the 27th (I'm pretty sure...) I have only chosen one dark side option with her back on Coruscant and I just got the defector quest. Now, is the bug fixed if you make the dark side decision after the 27th, or if you make your JK after the 27th? Really don't want to get bugged as I enjoyed playing JK and Kira has become my favorite companion. I have always liked the Jedi-Padawan/Master-Apprentice dynamic to stories. Any thoughts though?




PS. If anything I can always re-roll Consular. My server is in desperate need of heals heh.

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Hey guys,



I was just wondering if somebody could clarify the Dec. 27th date for me.


I created my JK and got Kira prior to the 27th (I'm pretty sure...) I have only chosen one dark side option with her back on Coruscant and I just got the defector quest. Now, is the bug fixed if you make the dark side decision after the 27th, or if you make your JK after the 27th? Really don't want to get bugged as I enjoyed playing JK and Kira has become my favorite companion. I have always liked the Jedi-Padawan/Master-Apprentice dynamic to stories. Any thoughts though?




PS. If anything I can always re-roll Consular. My server is in desperate need of heals heh.


Here is my conundrum which nobody seems to have an answer for *EDIT* and people say they have quests up to the "kiss" but no confirmed reports on anything after this.


Which again leads me to question what are the affection point triggers and or Class quest based triggers


EVERYBODY appears to say that if you chose the DS flirt from defector AFTER the 27th your fine and the coruscant DS flirt has nothing to do with the bug- So based on everything your fine if you have the defector quest after the 27th

Edited by Spyderwraith
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Hahaha we all know where your mind is! Bahaha


:D That's just in other bioware games / EA like Dragon Age Origin or Mass Effect 1/2 you can have this choice ! I'can't just imagine another way for a dark female jedi :p

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:D That's just in other bioware games / EA like Dragon Age Origin or Mass Effect 1/2 you can have this choice ! I'can't just imagine another way for a dark female jedi :p


Haha, it's not like my mind hasn't gone there myself of course. 3/4 of the enjoyment of any Bioware game for me to date has been the "romancing"

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Okay let's clear this up one last time, all simple like.


If you have done the Defector quest, AND got the THREE Kira companion conversations that follow, but now do not have any more conversations with her then you're not bugged, and you just need to....





You will get more conversations after it. So, do that before you make another post claiming that you're bugged when you really aren't.






Also: the "talk on the ship" icon over your companion portrait when they don't have a actual conversation is a UI BUG that effect's all companions of all classes and has no effect on the game at all.

Edited by SuperSair
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okay let's clear this up one last time, all simple like.


If you have done the defector quest, and got the three kira companion conversations that follow, but now do not have any more conversations with her then you're not bugged, and you just need to....



finish act one!!!


do that before you make another post claiming that you're bugged when you really aren't.






Also: The "talk on the ship" icon over your companion portrait when they don't have a actual conversation is a ui bug that effect's all companions of all classes and has no effect on the game at all.


thank you for putting it in big massive letters

Edited by Spyderwraith
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thank you for putting it in big massive letters


It was either that or write another 3 paragraph wall of text that carefully explains the situation of how both affection and story progress effect's companion conversations and is ultimately just ignored.

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Corellia finished. Lvl 50 Jedi Guardian. only quest remaining is to go to Dromund Kaas and confront the emperor. I am waiting until Kira bug is fixed and she opens up to my character before the final battle.


uh dude, spoilers?

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