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Nerf TracerMissile/grav Round


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Nice attempt to insult anyone who claims this is an OP skill by saying good players can stop it....nice divert of attention.


Merc sill have other damaging options, its simply that tracer is to powerful for what it is meant to be.


I'm in full champion and centurion, it crits for 2400-2500 for me, with a 1.5 sec cast time (no alacrity in this).


Op's? I've been hit for 5k-6k on a regular basis. Seems like there normal attacks do about 3k damage to me.


Even going out of LoS will stop Tracer Missile. The Devs put so much on Tracer Missile, it puts a debuff on the target (more damage), puts a buff on you (less damage), and vents heat on a crit (hv cylinder on).


All our other moves have a CD associated with them (unload, heatseeking missile, rail shot)


So, its either Tracer Missile or Rapid Shot (the basic "auto-attack" skill).



There's a reason why the tracer missile animation has the BHer bending over.

Edited by RycheMykola
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I play a Vanguard and I probably have to use more auto-attacks a minute than every other class in-game combined. I can't spam my abilities because of the way ammo works, but I have a ton of AOE damage and my stock strike hurts.


Yet, you can basically just mash Tracer Missile + Force Lightning all day for massive amounts of damage with no consequence. Sure, I can interrupt you -- so can a lot of abilities -- but then you just use your second best abilities.

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then your a terrible 50 guardian if you cant force jump a merc, interupt his derp spam, and start slapping him.


watch his dps fall as you harass him, or stand there looking at him and take it up the ***


Dude they have a million knockbacks

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You have no clue at all. By the time you get there as a melee, you have been CCed, stunned or knockbacked. Keep it realistic, *******


Actually I play a Jugg and have no trouble with mercs/troopers who spam tracer/ grav.


It's the ones that use thier other abilities that cause me trouble.


Oops forgot I was on the forums, best finish this with an insult!



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I'm in full champion and centurion, it crits for 2400-2500 for me, with a 1.5 sec cast time (no alacrity in this).


Op's? I've been hit for 5k-6k on a regular basis. Seems like there normal attacks do about 3k damage to me.


You're comparing the damage on a squishy class' stealth based positional/opener (that's getting nerfed) to what now?

Edited by BDutch
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They have 1 AOE knockback on a longish cooldown.


Talented, they also have a 4m knockback on their Jetpunch, but that doesn't even get someone out of melee range.


It does if you're in huttball and you have 1/2 a clue of how to use your surrondings to your advantage.


(note: I don't think tracer missle/grav round needs a nerf per say...but I do think they should redo that tree to promote more variety. The skill cap is pretty low to play a commando well)


(also: no healer should have heavy armor and do heals as well as light armored classes)

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You're comparing the damage on a squishy class' stealth based positional/opener (that's getting nerfed) to what now?

I can't even get them down 1/4 health before I am dead. I would gladly trade for there "squishiness".


They needed to be nerfed, 500 expertise and I could be killed in a 3 second stun.


Oh, also Tracer Missile has a chance to Proc Unload to do extra damage (talented).


So, thats basically 4 "bonuses" tied to Tracer Missile. trust me, BHers much rather use a skill other than Tracer Missile.

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It does if you're in huttball and you have 1/2 a clue of how to use your surrondings to your advantage.


(note: I don't think tracer missle/grav round needs a nerf per say...but I do think they should redo that tree to promote more variety. The skill cap is pretty low to play a commando well)


(also: no healer should have heavy armor and do heals as well as light armored classes)


Nope, still doesn't. A Merc perches on the catwalks, hoping someone will be an idiot and stand at the ledge while wailing away. Then we can use the AOE Knockback... like every other class with a KB. Want to kill a KB class on the catwwalk? Don't stand at the edge, stand perpendicular to the walkway. The 4m KB for the Merc is flaky enough that it is primarily used as an Interrupt. Its 4M, adjusted for lag, you will rarely knock even the dumbest attacker onto a pit.


Complaining about CC in general is one thing, but complaining about Merc CC is really not logical. Look at the actual abilities. Mercs have some of the lowest CC of any class. They have fewer mobility/cc options then even Marauders.


I haven't played all of the healers enough to really comment on balance between them. Then again, I don't think anyone has, based on the general comments I see posted about the subject. I do know that a Merc healer has fewer CC/mobility options than a Sorc or Agent. I'm not sure about the Agent, but the Merc healer also has a more limited resource (Heat opposed to Force.) A non Healing specced Merc doesn't heal either, btw. There's no point to it, you easily get outdamaged by anyone with a noodle to swing. A Sorc can heal a little bit, but he is still probably better off doing something else with his GCDs unless Healing specced.

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Actually I play a Jugg and have no trouble with mercs/troopers who spam tracer/ grav.


It's the ones that use their other abilities that cause me trouble.






I play a Guardian and if the opposite player solely depends on his tracer only i will get in his face and slice him open in a matter of seconds.


However if they are actually versatile and know how to play and utilize their other skills then they can be trouble indeed, but that goes for any class not just for them.

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He had 2 piece PvE with the rest PvP it looks like. He had a premade and plenty of support vs lesser geared herpderp pug that don't even know what an interrupt is and let him sit there casting while they focused on the powertech, a tank. He could have done the same with a sniper or sorc and his team would have had the same results. Oh, they still lost BTW.


As a Pyro Merc, I have no problems with tracer missile spammers. Even without an iterrupt, I can kill them before they kill me.

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Nice attempt to insult anyone who claims this is an OP skill by saying good players can stop it....nice divert of attention.


Merc sill have other damaging options, its simply that tracer is to powerful for what it is meant to be.


The whole Arsenal tree is built around tracer missile.

If you're letting an Arsenal Merc keep hitting you with tracers you deserve to die.

It's about as clever as trying to run into melee range of a sniper while you have their undivided attention. It ends badly.

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They have 1 AOE knockback on a longish cooldown.


Talented, they also have a 4m knockback on their Jetpunch, but that doesn't even get someone out of melee range.


Wrong, 2 knockbacks... the melee 4 meter one (I'm at work and forget the name).


But a bad player won't have that keybound and even then I've never seen it used in a WZ.

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Tracer is just fine, the entire tree is built around that skill, learn to play maybe?


If you allow Mercenary/Commando to lash out on you from distance you are dead and thats how it should be honestly.


Lol, L2p insult - whatever

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Wrong, 2 knockbacks... the melee 4 meter one (I'm at work and forget the name).


But a bad player won't have that keybound and even then I've never seen it used in a WZ.


No, he mentioned the 4m one, its a given from a arsenal talent, afaik its called `rocket punch`

Edited by DarkOpinion
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Wrong, 2 knockbacks... the melee 4 meter one (I'm at work and forget the name).


But a bad player won't have that keybound and even then I've never seen it used in a WZ.


Talented rocket punch barely seems to knock people back 4 meters. It at most delays melee a second(as in they'll be back on you before the GCD finishes) before being able to hit you some more. Only thing it's good for is a lucky bump off one of the walkways in huttball if they're by one of the edges.

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Wrong, 2 knockbacks... the melee 4 meter one (I'm at work and forget the name).


But a bad player won't have that keybound and even then I've never seen it used in a WZ.


I actually did mention it. It's a talented Arsenal tree ability. You don't need to keybind it specifically, as it's part of your rocket punch. Since it is only 4m, it is not used as a knockback by most players, but moreso as an interrupt. 4m isn't even enough to knock someone out of melee range, especially considering there is no snare attached. In addition, because of factors such as latency and ability delay, it's not feasible to try to throw people off a ledge with such a short knockback.

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It simply does to much damage, it easily does twice the damage of any other classes 1.5 second cast, adds a debuff and ontop of that they get to walk around in heavy armour with masses of HP. It seems totally out of wack with the rest of the powers in the game.



we have no interrupt


we have no mobility boost/ability


we have no evade


we have no stealth



give me any two of those and you can have 30% of tracer damage, deal


all BH/com have is dps, try focus fire, we die fast

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