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Darth Baras: Proof that the Darkside does have cookies


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That would be amazing if he looked as he did in that first picture. I would have SO much more respect for him. That body model in general just doesn't garner any respect from me; I can't take any character at all that plays with that kind of toon seriously.
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lol I always imagine he has buck teeth under his mask and a mole with hair growing out of it on his nose or cheek or something. (Just like how I imagine Darth Malgus has bad breath). I, too, always give him crap. I look forward to finishing him off when I get the chance. He's a wussy, always makin me kill off his enemies because he can't do it himself. I think it's funny how every time one of his enemies, like Nomen Karr or whoever, has always bested him at one point or another. Sad. Edited by ayrxsolell
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THAT'S WHAT BARAS LOOKED LIKE!? Wow, apparently he just decided to eat a lot of cookies, and go bald and decided, oh **** i got a lot of chins, i better put this on...


He didn't go bald he got

thrown in fire by Nomen Karr.



He has been sitting around doing the political Sith BS for a while I'm sure he gained weight at the time. That doesn't have anything to do with how in tune he is with the force. Don't underestimate people because of how they look. You'll look like a moron when you get the crap kicked out of you by a 55 year old, 240lb, 6th degree black belt.(IRL Comparison)


There is more to being Sith than physical aptitude and staying in shape. He was a master manipulator and if you didn't

kill him after he betrayed you.

He would have become the Voice of the Emperor. Then the Emperor himself after

The Jedi Knight killed the real Emperor.


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The Jedi Knight killed the real Emperor.


you know who else...

kills the emperor? the sith warrior when he meets the true voice of the emperor and the emperor explains that the warrior must kill that vessel in order to free him. it's cute that jedi get to "kill" the emperor and it's cuter when they believe that after killing that body he is gone for good.


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Is it me, or am I the only one who can't take Baras seriously?


The overweight Darth who is only useful for telling me where to go. It's like every cutscene solidifies how useless he is. I even keep insulting him every scene and he always just takes it.


I wish he looked more like in the comics.




Baras is, without a doubt, the coolest character in this game. If you can't take Baras seriously over something as superficial as his weight, maybe you shouldn't be playing TOR at all.


Frankly, I think his paunch just adds to a sense of power. He's like a Sumo of the Sith -- powerful and large.

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Baras is, without a doubt, the coolest character in this game. If you can't take Baras seriously over something as superficial as his weight, maybe you shouldn't be playing TOR at all.


Frankly, I think his paunch just adds to a sense of power. He's like a Sumo of the Sith -- powerful and large.


Well, he was certainly the most influential character in the game. I have never wanted to set pixels on fire as bad as Darth Doughnut when he told me I should bow to him... and pretty much every time I saw him from then on.


The only character I wanted to strangle more was the chick in Taris. Ugh.

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He works as a fat Stih, as much as any Sith could work as fat. The mask and calculating nature help.


But those damn shoulder pads, they go all goofy when he puts his arms behind his back, and he puts his arms behind his back all the time.

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Oh gods, Baras.


It's impossible to take this guy seriously at all. He looks ridiculous, and not just because he's a fatarse. Well, yeah, that doesn't help any, but that gimp mask of his? It just looks stupid at the best of times, and when you get close-ups, it turns into a pixelated mess. Combined with the frankly terrible character animations of the cut-scenes and he looks more like a puppet then an actual character. The motion issues extend to his shoulder armour. Now, not only does it look pretty damn silly, but the way it folds when he moves is almost embarrassing.


Oh, and then there's his voice. Is he meant to sound menacing? Annoyed? Evil? No. Kind of bored? Mostly. It sounds like his VA showed up one day, put a bucket on his head and kind of slept his way though the recording session, mumbling out his lines with a kind of casual indifference. For the most part, the scenes with him are just dull, livened up only by the opportunity to give him consequence-free sass.


The problem is simple. All of Baras' traits are purely informed attributes. He's allegedly a genius with spies everywhere and an insidious master manipulator. I say allegedly, because there's next-to-no evidence of this in his character beyond "he says so" and none of this alleged genius is ever demonstrated. Taken as just in the context of what you see in-game, he's a titanic fat-butt who's engaged in a pissing contest with his fellow dark lords. We're supposed to be impressed/intimidated by him, but there's no reason to do such.


Now had Baras had a non-fat character model with a visible face that would have helped a lot. Put some darkside corruption on him or some visible scarring, then he'd have had some credibility. As it stands? He's kind of ridiculous-looking

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I really like Darth Baras. I think the character works.


Also--if you can't take a character seriously because they're overweight, that's kind of awful. If you don't like the mask, or the costume, or the personality, fine. Opinion and all that. But his weight? You think a fat person can't be dangerous? That's just ludicrously shallow. It's upsetting. Do you just burst out laughing when you see an overweight person in real life? Come on.


This is why every character in every movie has to be some kind of Adonis unless they're comic relief. Because people are the worst.

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i love darth baras but i really hate that he is fat. I am fat in real life so i can talk about it. I never make my hero overweight because they look ridiculous and non heroic. I got no respect for anyone who take the 4th body type. I think those who take it just wanna giggle/troll
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Also--if you can't take a character seriously because they're overweight, that's kind of awful. If you don't like the mask, or the costume, or the personality, fine. Opinion and all that. But his weight? You think a fat person can't be dangerous? That's just ludicrously shallow. It's upsetting. Do you just burst out laughing when you see an overweight person in real life? Come on.


Don't get me wrong. Its not that I find fat people to be inherently funny at all. Its just that, in this case, Baras' bulk unfortunately detracts from the character's menace. When added to the other issues above it makes him appear more comical than anyhting else.

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Fat people can be plenty menacing. I think the problem is that Darth Baras's voice and character sounds like it's coming from a thin, creepy old guy. Instead, it's a fat guy in a silly mask with hilarious shoulderpads.


The Voidwolf from the Smuggler storyline is a menacing fat guy.

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Lols. I think Baras is the only Darth so far with a sense of humor


Me - "I can feel your anger master"

Baras - "A deaf mute could *feel* my anger!"





"A blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient could feel my anger!"

and VA is hillarious in this case...

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