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Empire Only Servers!!!


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Well, republic is outnumbered almost everywhere. Adding insult to injury, an arm's list list of bugs or oversights favor Empire. PVP is dwindling to Empire vs Empire.


So just open up a few servers to stick all the excess Empire in.


Empire Only Servers!

Where everyone's a sorcerer, purple crystals are all the rage, and you can play nonstop 24/7 Huttball.




Bring back PVP?



Edited by LordSemaj
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I think Bioware have the options of server merges, capping character creation on one faction, or cross realm war zones and LFG. Give it time though, a lot of Imperials will re-roll on the Republic side of your server for more space, but the same familiar server. It may improve.


I think one of the things Bioware didn't fully anticipate is just how appealing playing the Imperial faction would be to so many folks. George Lucas apparently modelled the Empire on Nazi Germany in the 1930s.


Come on Biware Buff the republic a bit to improve faction balance if nothing else, people need more of a reason to choose it, I think.

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I think Bioware have the options of server merges, capping character creation on one faction, or cross realm war zones and LFG. Give it time though, a lot of Imperials will re-roll on the Republic side of your server for more space, but the same familiar server. It may improve.


I think one of the things Bioware didn't fully anticipate is just how appealing playing the Imperial faction would be to so many folks. George Lucas apparently modelled the Empire on Nazi Germany in the 1930s.


Come on Biware Buff the republic a bit to improve faction balance if nothing else, people need more of a reason to choose it, I think.


You know what server merges will do? Twice as many empire against still laughable republic numbers. Rest of your suggestions either change nothing at all or cater even more to imps.

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I think one of the things Bioware didn't fully anticipate is just how appealing playing the Imperial faction would be to so many folks.

You're kidding yourself if you believe that. BW knew exactly what they had on their hands. This is Warhammer, all over again.

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Far worse than Warhammer, and warhammer was thought to be as bad as it gets..


You need stats to fix this... Only stats can bring together a community.. personal solo game creation for a MMO is like building a igloo in hell... It dont work.... Must be a team based game.. designed with team goals.. and simple kill stats and realm points would help... Mythic thought realm vs realm was why their game was success??? hell no, it was the point system.. dont believe me.. then why did RvR in warhammer fail so bad? lol

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No its far worse than Warhammer.


Of course! Warhammer at least had imbalance on both sides at different times. Ironbreakers sending people catapulting out of the battle to the point that killing healers was no longer necessary. Chosen wiping out entire packs of enemies with brokenly powerful AOE abilities. Black Orcs wading into the thick of a raid to crush a solitary healer and still making it out alive. Bright Wizards incinerating everything in sight and some things they can't even SEE! Back and forth the imbalances went, though the population was never fixed for certain.


All because Mythic deviated from their three faction approach.


Best PVP games: DAOC and Planetside - Thing in Common? Three factions.

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Agreed. Warhammer at leas had tools for well organizes small force to fight off and cripple random zerg. In here? All we can do is die.
We can throw wave after wave of our own men at them until they hit their preset kill limit and shutdown!



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they should allow a cross faction change, somewhat like a server change, but class based.


they should also make it so that only a certain amount of people can do it, on a first come first served basis.


allow the first amount of people to put there names down, and then give a certain period before it all changes over, so that people can decided if they definitely want to change over, in case all their guild want to do it or not.


they can then free up a space for the next person in line if they decide against changing.


do this instead of just telling people to re roll. i play republic, and if the roles were reversed i wouldnt just simply decide to reroll, ive done my grind. i shouldnt have to do it again because of biowares mistakes.

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Well, republic is outnumbered almost everywhere. Adding insult to injury, an arm's list list of bugs or oversights favor Empire. PVP is dwindling to Empire vs Empire.


So just open up a few servers to stick all the excess Empire in.


Empire Only Servers!

Where everyone's a sorcerer, purple crystals are all the rage, and you can play nonstop 24/7 Huttball.




Bring back PVP?




So who won that huttball game?

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