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Legacy - will there be options available only for new characters?


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So, I like what I've been hearing about the Legacy update, but I would like to know if any elements of it will only apply to fresh characters created after the update hits.


I'm wondering if after the update new characters will have options that aren't present now, and which can't be used retroactively.


Basically, is there any reason to wait with making a new character until the March update?

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So, I like what I've been hearing about the Legacy update, but I would like to know if any elements of it will only apply to fresh characters created after the update hits.


I'm wondering if after the update new characters will have options that aren't present now, and which can't be used retroactively.


Basically, is there any reason to wait with making a new character until the March update?


No idea. Bioware didn't release any usefull informations. I suggest you wait. Focus on one or two characters and play until they show something. I plan to return into the game on march if there will add something worth my time.

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Yeah, I'm hoping that at some point before the update, the devs will clarify this.


Then again, I doubt they're gonna say "no, don't make any alts now, better wait until March". That might be taken as discouraging people from playing.


Well, I just hit Five-Oh, and then there's ME3 mid-March, and replaying ME2 before that. I'll stay afloat until then even without alting.

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It is counter intuative for Bioware to be so secrative about the Legacy system.


If it offers worthwhile options only avilable at character creation people need to know so as not to roll too many alts and experience the stories of the different classes only to then have to reroll and replay to take advantage of these options.


If on the other hand all it offers is a couple of republic races as imperial and a few imperial races as republic which people aren't interested in then holding off from creating alts and playing through the story line is pointless.


By letting people know what is going to be happening with it BW can allow their customers to make an informed decisions. It also lessons the disappointment should the legacy system turn out to be rubbish and bring nothing new to the game except another form of grinding but have none of the decent options offered by the Valor grind.

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It is counter intuitive for Bioware to be so secretive about the Legacy system.


It makes perfect business sense to be secretive. If they tease, people will keep playing until it comes out; grinding Legacy XP while doing so. This gives the benefit of making the server populations look healthy.


If they tell us, then people who like it will do as above ... while people who don't like it are more likely to unsubscribe now rather than later when the system goes live (when they may be more engaged in the game and so less likely to unsubscribe).


The opportunity cost for telling us is too high.


Dollar, dollar, bill, yo. (... or however the kids say it these days.) :D

Edited by Sun-Runner
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