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Guide: How to bridge the PVP gear gap for fresh level 50s in less than 2 days


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I support this thread.


People are always over exegerating


I prefer to choose and craft my gear. I think it's much more fun to grow a plan. Plus it gives me different activities so that I'm not getting bored or frustrated.


And...I don't like to be a clone.


Be clever , be diffferent !

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An (expanded) example:


Centurion Field Tech's Leggings:

73 cunning, 71 endurance, 39 expertise, 40 accuracy (lol), 36 crit


Or my orange modded legs: (made pre-50, from daily quests)

66 cunning, 95 endurance (!), 21 power, 27 crit, 39 surge


Now multiply that over the entire set of gear... add in BiS crafted implants and earpieces you can pick up on the GTN for cheap.


significantly better than Centurion all around. You gain FAR more HP than the 8% expertise or so the set gives, and the FAR better dps stats equal out to more than an 8% dps gain across the board, making the expertise on the set a completely moot issue.



to fit this into a "whole set" perspective -


thats... 240 more HP per piece, x 6 pieces (5 orange armor pieces, + an orange weapon) so.. a base of 1440 HP.


Then we move on to the truly terrible pieces, belt, bracers, earpieces, and implants.


If you can get an orange belt, the difference is even more startling:


Centurion Field Techs Belt:

66 cunning, 47 endurance, 39expertise, 8 power


Or my crafted belt (which i currently use because its still better than a CHAMPION belt):

93 cunning, 61 endurance, 34 power


I could get a bit more endurance there if i switched the armoring to Patron instead of SKill, so well go with that number instead - 71 endurance, 83 cunning. Another 240 endurance difference, bringing us to:


1680 more HP than Centurion gear.. 140 primary stat, + loads of extra power, and crit, and surge.


The wrist pieces are identical, so we can add another 240 HP...bringing us to


+1920 HP over Centurion + loads of DPS stats (or defensive stats if you're a tank)


Moving on to earpiece:


Centurion Enforcers Device:

56 cunning, 64 endurance, 39 expertise, 40accuracy, 40 crit


compared to a BoE:


Rakata Enforcer's Device:

85 cunning, 98 endurance, 51 power, 51 surge.


a difference of 34 endurance (+ dps stats).. 340 more HP, bringing us to:


+2260 HP over centurion


and lastly, implants:


Centurion Enforcer's Package:

66 cunning, 60 endurance, 39 expertise, 40 accuracy, 34 crit




Rakata Field Medic's Package (better stats):

103 cunning, 85 endurance, 44 crit, 51 surge


a difference of 25 endurance, or 250 HP more than Centurion, EACH, bringing our total to:


+2760 HP over centurion gear, not including relics (everyone should have their matrix shard, so moot), and almost 200 of your primary stat, + far better itemized crit/surge/whatever stat you need.


And you dont need to PvP for any of it.. or even do anything hard.


Just do some dalies for a few total hours and spend a little bit of the cash you made on dalies on crafted implants/ears/belt/bracers

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appreciate the time/effort/post man, this is my first MMO so it helps tremendously. Besides I was just debating if I want to hold off on 50 because of all the QQing i see on the forums. Looks like again, just a bunch of trolls :p


I've already started leveling soley off PvP at 49, probably won't hit 1k/1k though, most likely 2-3 bags only. Again, thanks so much for this!!:D

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+1 Needed to follow this one. I am lvl 47 and just bought some lvl 50 mastercraft, and lvl 50 orange with augments at the AH, so I can hit the ground running in route to my BM gear. I guess my questions is:


1. Is orange > champ? Looks like you guys are saying they are about =.....


2. Should you even bother buying champ bags after you fill your empty slots with champ gear?


3. Should BM be the goal or should Rakata (fill empty slots with champ gear and go raid?) I don't raid, but the Rakata Gear should be a bit better in PvP by the logic you use. Correct?

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Very useful information in this post, I also found your Focus Guardian Guide pretty interesting as well. I play mostly Vigilance and Defense spec, but have toyed with Focus, that guide kinda sparked my interest in the build again. Keep up the good work!
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+1 Needed to follow this one. I am lvl 47 and just bought some lvl 50 mastercraft, and lvl 50 orange with augments at the AH, so I can hit the ground running in route to my BM gear. I guess my questions is:


1. Is orange > champ? Looks like you guys are saying they are about =.....


2. Should you even bother buying champ bags after you fill your empty slots with champ gear?


3. Should BM be the goal or should Rakata (fill empty slots with champ gear and go raid?) I don't raid, but the Rakata Gear should be a bit better in PvP by the logic you use. Correct?


Champ is better than orange... most of the time. Alot of times pvp gear come with horrible itemization like accuracy which is useless for most classes/builds. So it might be good Idea to get the champ gear and swap out the useless mods for something better.


The beauty of the system in swtor is all the flexibility you have in gearing yourself.


I'm personally wearing a mix of rakata gear and pvp gear now, and it seems to work pretty well for me.

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It would of been amazing if they kept the lvl50 PvP Gear in the game. I remember during pre-launch i had full lvl50 blue PvP gear when i was lvl20 and when i dinged i already had Expertise and lots of Endurance which held me through till i started getting Champion / Centurion gear.
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Champ is better than orange... most of the time. Alot of times pvp gear come with horrible itemization like accuracy which is useless for most classes/builds. So it might be good Idea to get the champ gear and swap out the useless mods for something better.


The beauty of the system in swtor is all the flexibility you have in gearing yourself.


I'm personally wearing a mix of rakata gear and pvp gear now, and it seems to work pretty well for me.


Will you comment on this scenario?


I am LVL 47. I got LVL 40 PVP for myself and companion (yeah I know now I wasted my Comms to top that I bought some LVL 50 stuff because I misread your OP).


Should I?

1. Remod the PVP stuff? or

2. Buy more Lvl 50 orange and MC purples, then mod them?



I thought the higher level stuff has a higher "base" armor rating, so when I saw a MC purple @lvl50 for like 25k I bought it. Then I saw a Lvl 50 Orange with Aug, for like 10k I bought it and felt happy. Now....not so much, especially if you tell me the LVL 40 PVP would have been sufficient.

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Champ is better than orange... most of the time. Alot of times pvp gear come with horrible itemization like accuracy which is useless for most classes/builds. So it might be good Idea to get the champ gear and swap out the useless mods for something better.


The beauty of the system in swtor is all the flexibility you have in gearing yourself.


I'm personally wearing a mix of rakata gear and pvp gear now, and it seems to work pretty well for me.


Will you comment on this scenario?


I am LVL 47. I got LVL 40 PVP for myself and companion (yeah I know now I wasted my Comms to top that I bought some LVL 50 stuff because I misread your OP).


Should I?

1. Remod the PVP stuff? or

2. Buy more Lvl 50 orange and MC purples, then mod them?



I thought the higher level stuff has a higher "base" armor rating, so when I saw a MC purple @lvl50 for like 25k I bought it. Then I saw a Lvl 50 Orange with Aug, for like 10k I bought it and felt happy. Now....not so much, especially if you tell me the LVL 40 PVP would have been sufficient.

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Question - how fast do mods/armouring pieces get replaced at 50? I am cybertech and can make myself lvl49 epic mods/armoring but am wondering if it's worth it. Should I just get all the blue schematics or is it worth it to go through RE'ing and craft myself epic versions? Given it takes time to discover the epics, as well as using purple mats to make, I just don't want them to be replaced so quickly. I've seen 50s with mods that are listed as (56), and the epics I'll be crafting are only (50). I'm still 49 but closing in fast on 50, let me know and I can plan ahead, thanks! :)
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Question - how fast do mods/armouring pieces get replaced at 50? I am cybertech and can make myself lvl49 epic mods/armoring but am wondering if it's worth it. Should I just get all the blue schematics or is it worth it to go through RE'ing and craft myself epic versions? Given it takes time to discover the epics, as well as using purple mats to make, I just don't want them to be replaced so quickly. I've seen 50s with mods that are listed as (56), and the epics I'll be crafting are only (50). I'm still 49 but closing in fast on 50, let me know and I can plan ahead, thanks! :)


The armorings you can skimp out on, because you can get lvl 50 (51) armorings from daily commendations. Mods however are harder to come by...

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Why this guide isnt stickied? It fell onto page 10...


I guess it's better to whine like clueless noobs "Amagad I just dinged 50s I have 11k HP and get my butt handled to me" than improve your char with everything at your disposal.

Edited by atreyuz
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Will you comment on this scenario?


I am LVL 47. I got LVL 40 PVP for myself and companion (yeah I know now I wasted my Comms to top that I bought some LVL 50 stuff because I misread your OP).


Should I?

1. Remod the PVP stuff? or

2. Buy more Lvl 50 orange and MC purples, then mod them?



I thought the higher level stuff has a higher "base" armor rating, so when I saw a MC purple @lvl50 for like 25k I bought it. Then I saw a Lvl 50 Orange with Aug, for like 10k I bought it and felt happy. Now....not so much, especially if you tell me the LVL 40 PVP would have been sufficient.


Just remod the level 40 PVP stuff. Armor rating is solely based on the quality of the armoring mod you put in your moddable gear, and the armor type of the moddable gear determines the armor amount (light,medium,heavy).

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The armorings you can skimp out on, because you can get lvl 50 (51) armorings from daily commendations. Mods however are harder to come by...


Okay I'll work on those armorings with the dailies, I'm actually very close to the stats you had before you geared up. Regarding the mods, below are the stats of the best mods I can craft, and ones I can buy with Corellia comms. Are the Corellia ones preferable with the huge boost to power? If so I'll need to go back to corellia and farm comms lol. Or are there better places to update my mods? Might be jumping the gun with this question though because I haven't checked out Ilum's mod vender yet, will have to see tonight, still at work right now.


Corellia (Deft Mod 21B)

29 strength, 14 endurance, 25 power


Crafted (Advanced Deft Mod 22A)

47 strength, 27 endurance, 8 power


btw are you using two matrix cubes? Didn't know you could do that, both lvl50s?

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You can also remove the enhancement from PHP commendation weapons to put in your armor to have expertise before 50. You can start buying the weapons at any level and take the mods out to store until you get to the required level. I stared this at 30 and had all of the mods I needed for lvl 41-49 by the time I was at 36. By 41 I had 1000 warzone and 1000 merchant commendations and a lvl 50 bag. At 45 I was able to add the expertise enhancement (+25) to my weapon and 5 armor pieces for 150 total. I don't remember the percentage but it was fine until I replaced it with BM/champ/cent gear.


Might be worth adding to the original post.

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