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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Release the Kraken! (aka valor farming is perfectly legit)


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IF that truly is their stance on the issue, I'll have to cancel my sub to SWTOR and say goodbye to my MMO friends until guild wars 2. I cannot tolerate a game that allows people to cheat their way through valor levels. Yes, you're cheating, get over it. I don't care if the game allows you to do it, not pvping to get pvp gear is wrong.


However, I'm still waiting for official word. A screenshot to a ticket submitted isn't quite good enough for me since I've submitted 7 of my own and never gotten a reply past a T1 protocol droid. (generic reply, issue and concern noted)


I wish those people were blacklisted/guild kicked on my server, seems the majority are more then happy to take the easy cheat way out and trade kills all day long. Since it's a pvp server, that agitates me even more.

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People on my realm, due to this thread, are now starting to gather players on both sides to trade kills.


I was trying to find reasons to give TOR a few months, see if it goes somewhere in the PvP area, but **** like this just keeps piling on and I just stopped giving a ****.


Essentially, this game is a long single player RPG now. And for a single player RPG, the storyline is awful. Bioware would've done way better without trying to tack on MMO functionality that clearly isn't worth staying around for.

Edited by Fyrne
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Wow. If true, this is the only game I've ever heard of that actually condoned win trading. What a crock.


Although I do like this game, when I read things like this, it makes me wonder if I'd be better off just canceling now rather than hanging around to see what the future holds. If win trading is simply considered a clever use of game mechanics, and AFKers are also encouraged....Why in the world should I bother sticking around?


Hell, I can't even finish my class quest. I've had a ticket open for several days now.

Edited by belialle
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it makes me wonder if I'd be better off just canceling now rather than hanging around to see what the future holds. If win trading is simply considered a clever use of game mechanics, and AFKers are also encouraged....Why in the world should I bother sticking around?


That's what I kept asking myself and even if you're optimistic about the future, there really is nothing they can come up with ..


New Open PvP Zone that is designed well, permanent, maybe more RvR-style? Nah, not happening.


New Warzones? I don't care. For all I care, it could be Huttball-only. Huttball is the best part of TOR PvP.


Ranked Warzones? What for? There's maybe 3-4 teams on our server (and we're the highest populated server in Germany) that are fun to play against (e.g. they at least have a chance to win, no matter how small, ha ha!) ..it'll get old fast, if there's no real competition and nowhere to go.


And anything else, like having a "hardcore PvP server type" is completely out of question due to how the game is designed.


For anyone into competetive MMO PvP it's, as sad as that is, back to WoW and for anyone who's into hardcore or open world PvP, it's back to EVE or Darkfall again. Ilum is never going to be what we hoped for it to be (or what they told us it'll be) and competetive PvP is overshadowed by balance problems.


I love the "single player factor" of this game and I'll keep playing it for that, but PvP is pretty much dead for me.

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This is pathetic. I've unsubbed, wrote a long article (that I've been preparing for a while) and I pasted in that cancellation window to explain why. I doubt they care much anyway.


I will soon post that article on the forums for those interested.

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The gm said if a group of imps and rep players coordinate to meet up on ilum to "farm" valor by trading skills inst considered as an exploit since u guys stil doing pvp and u guys arent doing anything that is not intended for the game.


trading skills? theres no trading skills there ur animal, they are just letting they kill each other over and over to get free valor all day.


stil doing pvp? lol this is funny how in hell they stil doing pvp?


intended for the game? are u serious?


If a group of imps and rep players coordinate to meet up on ilum to "farm" valor by PVPING wich means fight each other is completelly different.


BW needs to get this gm fired or who let him said that and do someting about it. This video and others you can easily identify all the names there, perma ban them all and that wont happen again in any server.

Edited by thiagorib
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People on my realm, due to this thread, are now starting to gather players on both sides to trade kills.


All you really need to do, if you wanna stop it, is gather a group of 6-8 people and just kill off the opposing side. The problem is... as soon as people in your group start realizing that they would get a ton more valor if they waited for the diminishing returns is when greed sets in and they end up joining the farming group. I've seen it happen over and over again. People think they'l come in and disrupt the whole event, and instead, they end up joining in because it's almost too good to refuse.


poor system

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Ooooh patch smack down!!!


No more valor from Ilum kills. Which seems extreme, but I prefer that to the 73428793273 BM's running around that kill traded their way through their ranks.


There seems to be a bug on our server though, for the daily. Kills don't count for it, which kind of sucks. Central Armaments are an endangered species as a result. I'm hoping they'll hotfix that soon.

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Ooooh patch smack down!!!


No more valor from Ilum kills. Which seems extreme, but I prefer that to the 73428793273 BM's running around that kill traded their way through their ranks.


There seems to be a bug on our server though, for the daily. Kills don't count for it, which kind of sucks. Central Armaments are an endangered species as a result. I'm hoping they'll hotfix that soon.


aaaaand it was a bug; thought they fixed it didnt ya :p

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As of now, I refuse to take part in doing the Ilum daily; it's one of the most boring, uninteresting parts of the game. I think this is a shame as I really wanted to see objective based open world pvp work out, but in it's current state I refuse to be caught up in such a dull activity when I have a limited amount of play time each day. Most people I've talked to have said they dread going to Ilum to complete their daily and many have stopped going altogether. Something ought to be done; it is foundationally broken at this point.
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Ooooh patch smack down!!!


No more valor from Ilum kills. Which seems extreme, but I prefer that to the 73428793273 BM's running around that kill traded their way through their ranks.


There seems to be a bug on our server though, for the daily. Kills don't count for it, which kind of sucks. Central Armaments are an endangered species as a result. I'm hoping they'll hotfix that soon.

Why does other people being BM bother you, perhaps you should take a look at why it bothers you and then perhaps realize it has little real bearing on your character.

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BW needs to take a firm stance on this matter to deter it.


The unintended consequence on this matter though revolves around those casting accusations towards players who earned their Valor.


This ship has sailed..... too late for "firm" (or soft) stances... there's already a full tier of BMs running around - too late to take it all back from them and making it harder for newcomers meant total disaster

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