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I support Needing for companions


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Title says it all, HOWEVER!


If there is a player character in the FP/OP for whom the Item in question is an upgrade (No matter how slight) I believe the right thing to do is differ in favor of giving gear to the person who needs it. What are your thoughts on the issue?

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Rolling for companions is unfair and stupid. In other MMOs if I said I was rolling need on an item for an alt, I'd be laughed out of the group. Companions don't, or at least in most cases shouldn't, be participating in FPs or OPs, they are pets to help you level and to sleep with, nothing more.


I hope every person who rolls need and says "It's for my companion" is booted from any group they're in.


I know that you said you believe the right thing to do is to pass to others, no matter how small of an upgrade. But if we allow any leeway on this then it'll get abused for sure.

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Rolling for companions is unfair and stupid. In other MMOs if I said I was rolling need on an item for an alt, I'd be laughed out of the group. Companions don't, or at least in most cases shouldn't, be participating in FPs or OPs, they are pets to help you level and to sleep with, nothing more.


I hope every person who rolls need and says "It's for my companion" is booted from any group they're in.


I know that you said you believe the right thing to do is to pass to others, no matter how small of an upgrade. But if we allow any leeway on this then it'll get abused for sure.


Personally, I believe that there is a need and greed button for a reason and that the application of the button does not change based on what model the gear is for. Like I said, if an actual player character can use it then it's theirs, but if it''s down to companions and it's an UPGRADE, then I slot it under the same category. I would ask that if they assist in your ability to solo, why don't you need it? Also, a companion is not an alt, I have one out for everything outside of FP/OP. An upgrade for them affects me the same way an upgrade for myself (most of this game is spent solo regardless).


Continued debate?

Edited by Alteraphim
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Title says it all, HOWEVER!


If there is a player character in the FP/OP for whom the Item in question is an upgrade (No matter how slight) I believe the right thing to do is differ in favor of giving gear to the person who needs it. What are your thoughts on the issue?


Man , idont really even discuss this anymore , old thing.


If you need on my group is kick + ignore , that is all.

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Oh, here we go again.


It's okay, LP: you and I agree on this one 100%, right? ;)


No, in all seriousness, this one has been played out. The only thing the last thread (which stopped just a couple pages shy of 70 pages) showed was that there's no consensus among the statistical minority of us who are active on the forums. Some are all right with it, others aren't, both have justifications that sound 100% unassailable from their perspective, and most everyone is just going to quietly do as they want to begin with.

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Man , idont really even discuss this anymore , old thing.


If you need on my group is kick + ignore , that is all.


So what do you do with the gear that you win if it is not an upgrade for any of your companions but you all greeded on it? Sell it? You deprived someone of a small measure of extra solo ability so you could make a few credits? That sounds pretty selfish. Also, you just discussed it (couldn't resist)

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It's okay, LP: you and I agree on this one 100%, right? ;)


No, in all seriousness, this one has been played out. The only thing the last thread (which stopped just a couple pages shy of 70 pages) showed was that there's no consensus among the statistical minority of us who are active on the forums. Some are all right with it, others aren't, both have justifications that sound 100% unassailable from their perspective, and most everyone is just going to quietly do as they want to begin with.


I figured as much, but we don't all arrive at the forums at the same time. I am just eager to hear things out (you're right when you say I will still do things the way I believe in doing them). I am going to treat these forums as a place to share thoughts and Ideas, regardless of whatother people do (I try to keep flaming to a minimum on my end)

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they should add a new companion need option so it would go need>companion need>greed


I am 110% behind this, although they would need to at least take the time to make it so that if you don't have a companion who can use that type of gear the button is grey'd out

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It's okay, LP: you and I agree on this one 100%, right? ;)


No, in all seriousness, this one has been played out. The only thing the last thread (which stopped just a couple pages shy of 70 pages) showed was that there's no consensus among the statistical minority of us who are active on the forums. Some are all right with it, others aren't, both have justifications that sound 100% unassailable from their perspective, and most everyone is just going to quietly do as they want to begin with.


I'm still doing my research. The trend, however, is hilarious.


Generally, Republic characters need their companions geared heavily to prop them up, while Empire can go with mostly greens and do fine.


Oh, I LOL'd.

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This is why I run masterlooter now


If I'm in a group of friends or a guild run, loot distribution isn't an issue either way. We all understand what we're in there for, and we proceed appropriately.


If I wind up in a PUG that has things set to Master Looter, I head the other direction. I'm not in there to let another player decide whether I get loot or not. At least NBG, while inexact and definitely suboptimal in the age of gearable companions, remains 100% impartial.

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I support common courtesy.

If it would be a great upgrade for a companion, ask the other people in the group whether they'd mind you grabbing it.

This is what has happened a few times in groups I as in and so far none of us ever minded.


This. Just communicate and come to a concensus with your group mates so there's no bad blood.

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Title says it all, HOWEVER!


If there is a player character in the FP/OP for whom the Item in question is an upgrade (No matter how slight) I believe the right thing to do is differ in favor of giving gear to the person who needs it. What are your thoughts on the issue?


I will kick anyone in group who needs for a companion and put them on my ignore list. Additionally, they will be added the guild blacklist to not group with.

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