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Ok, my server have 5 50 Empire, and less than 30 people on fleet at peak.


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I'm not saying it's all servers, but it's mine.


So I want a honest two cents. Is there any chance server transfers will happen ?


Because if not, it's useless to continue to level my level 34 sith warrior. (No...not quitting, taking another server)

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I wouldn't count on it anytime soon although i really don't know. I'd probably reroll, I've done that in almost every MMO i've ever played though lol. I like the heavist pop servers.


The Harbinger has really good pop on republic and empire even during off hours if you are looking for PVE, Swiftsure for PVP. Both have lots of aussies during off hours.

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I wouldn't count on it anytime soon although i really don't know. I'd probably reroll, I've done that in almost every MMO i've ever played though lol. I like the heavist pop servers.


The Harbinger has really good pop on republic and empire even during off hours if you are looking for PVE, Swiftsure for PVP. Both have lots of aussies during off hours.


Its also lagging like heck atm

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I would like a high pop server for Republic


This said, I put close to 100 hours on my SW, so I'm really disapointed. Really. I picked a server completely at random.


I picked the Harbinger server. That 1 just screamed at me for some reason and I'm glad I picked it. There are a few servers that aren't half bad though so I'd just reroll if I were you. Just please, no more in the harbinger. It lags bad at peak time...

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In MMOs, I always pick a server with either a cool sounding name or a recognizable name. Preferably a combination of both, though.


Not because I care about the name, but because other people do and such servers usually have a consistently high population. If there was a server called "Darth Vader", you can bet it'd be packed.

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I play on shadowhand and i can log into my sith almost anytime and fleet is packed.


Log into my jedi wich is my main and the fleet might have 1/3rd of the pop on it the imp side does. I dont realy like the imps so i dont play them much. But getting flash points and such is very hard as our rep pop is way below par.


And after the fiasco with the latest patch its only gotten worse left my guild because about 40% of it mainly high lvls quit over that stupid patch.

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I'm not saying it's all servers, but it's mine.


So I want a honest two cents. Is there any chance server transfers will happen ?


Because if not, it's useless to continue to level my level 34 sith warrior. (No...not quitting, taking another server)



I feel for you, OP. I'm in the same situation and to be honest this is the ONLY reason I am not renewing my sub. My server had a queue each night of the week when the game started. I love my character, I like the gameplay, I'm willing to forgive just about any bug/shortcoming because the game has HUGE potential as long as Bioware keeps it heading in the right direction.


I tried rerolling when my server population really started to die...but I couldn't bring myself to do it. The game loses a lot of its charm when you try to start from scratch and spacebar through everything since you just did the exact same quests in nearly the same exact order the week before.


Here is Swiftsure activity level...here is Harbinger....and here is my server, Krath.



TOR is suffering from the same thing that stopped Rift from being more successful, currently. They opened too many servers because of the popularity of the game at launch, but didn't close them fast enough and people will leave instead of rerolling. They held out on LFG when the vocal minority of the forums was resentful toward the idea and people left.


One of my first posts on this forum was suggesting server transfers or mergers and I got ripped to shreds by forceboys who refused to believe servers could be getting dwindling in populations already. This post was prior to search or post history (although I did repost it later).


I'm social, I hardly if ever used the LFG in WoW, but I can't seem to get the six other people on my planet to want to group up (or respond) for flashpoints and group content.

Edited by Scopian
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People dont like merging because it says that the game is contracting in numbers. It veryt very likely is. It always will after the first month is up. But the intention is to keep servers going until the word of mouth spreads and the numbers start picking up again (as people either hear about the game or older players come back after a few improvements/changes).


In truth i think people are more aware nowadays that there is a balance to be struck by initial (short term) interest in the game and consistent (long term) interest in it. I think we're all a little less knee jerk on merging, but it still carries that connotation, and certain people will be doing everything to suggest that swtor failed before it even really got out of the door, and server merging will be used as ammunition to make the point.


So its all PR. And it sucks that titles use players as pawns in this battle of attrition, but its just how it goes. Wow had the same low pop servers for almost its entire life span and refused to merge those servers, and i beleieve swtor will be no different. Maybe. Because maybe the time is right for a more grown up discussion on the reality of it all rather than the politiking.

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Any good suggestion for a server on US East that have a healthy republican pop ?


Port Nowhere has one of if not the strongest republic side in the game. We have the World #1 guild and many other guilds. We occasionally even camp the imp base in Ilum with most of the time being raid vs raid. Imps have numbers, but republic has skill.

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