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You are going to lose subs if u don't incentivise republic.


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I think the best way Bioware can achieve this is to:


1) make mirrors classes mirrors and if that means creating new animations for the difference between Project and Shock (slower for Shock or faster for project so be it).


2) Do the republic some justice and give us better looking gear. Empire are all like "******" gear and the for example the Sage set is....... well, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but but BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! and What the hell is up with the Jedi Sentinel PvP helm.


Simply make the Republic look a bit cooler (Trooper is fine don't ruin it) and FIX Mortar Volley!!!! sorry, make mirrors actual mirrors and balance will start to even out.

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the OP seems to be the inpatient type...


there is always someone griping about faction inbalance in any game...it happens, the problems always exist at one point or another.


eventually it all evens out in time for a certain time period..and then it may be unbalanced again, then will even out again.....its something that will be an ongoing thing..so jus sit back, enjoy the ride and wait...


Warhammer Online is a good example of changing PvP balance, with exception that the whole game is based around it.

Has nothing to do with which races and stuff there is available.

Also posting here and complaining might make more people create Imperial characters, few chose to roll on the "weaker" faction.


I have never seen a good solution to balance 2 faction based PvP.

Either it's long queues or gankfest.

Edited by Mineria
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Also posting here and complaining might make more people create Imperial characters, few chose to roll on the "weaker" faction.


There are lots of people who like to play the underdog as well, but honestly I hope no one is so easily swayed that they would chose a faction based on a forum post rather than what they naturally gravitate toward.

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Give it 2-3 months and Diablo 3 is released and people will move on.... or they could get thier head out thier behind and actually do something.



50% increase in valor if the faction 4 to 1

30% increase in valor if the faction 3 to 1

15% increase in valor if the faction 2 to 1


Enable/disable exp bonus option


Remove Huttball as a same faction WZ... punish the Empire/repub for not trying to make factions even.

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Nobody plays republic because of the retarded looking Jedi hats. o.O

Really this has to be the most awful headgear I have seen in a MMO.


Not all who play republic are interested in mary-sue jedi. You can also turn off the head slot if you hate it.

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Nobody plays republic because of the retarded looking Jedi hats. o.O

Really this has to be the most awful headgear I have seen in a MMO.



Lol :D


I can't wait to get my sorc to Belsavis and buy the absurd commendation hat - the one with the.. um, deely bobbers on it.

Edited by grania
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I want Ortolan or Jawa toon or pet! And I want it naw, or else I'll switch from republic side, see if I don't!:cool:


But seriously the people behind clothes design should be sacked for a good reason, they've got the artist skills of a 4 year old.

Edited by Bainwen
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Give it 2-3 months and Diablo 3 is released and people will move on.... or they could get thier head out thier behind and actually do something.



50% increase in valor if the faction 4 to 1

30% increase in valor if the faction 3 to 1

15% increase in valor if the faction 2 to 1


Enable/disable exp bonus option


Remove Huttball as a same faction WZ... punish the Empire/repub for not trying to make factions even.


NO. The last thing we need is empire kids starting to flame republic for "receiving help to make up for being bad" or god knows what the 13 yos (in mental years) will think up.

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There are lots of people who like to play the underdog as well, but honestly I hope no one is so easily swayed that they would chose a faction based on a forum post rather than what they naturally gravitate toward.


There are few of us that chose the underdog when checking a servers PvP balance.

Simply to get a challenge instead of easy mode.

Most like it easy thou.

If people don't see the balance on the server list they will check the forums, I have seen to many doing it that way.

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50% increase in valor if the faction 4 to 1

30% increase in valor if the faction 3 to 1

15% increase in valor if the faction 2 to 1


Enable/disable exp bonus option

Sorry that is not a solution.

Seen it done before, it didn't help jack, except for more posts on the forums.


The only way to balance would be to deny people logging in on a faction that is in minority.

We can all imagine what drama that would give.

Edited by Mineria
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There are lots of people who like to play the underdog as well, but honestly I hope no one is so easily swayed that they would chose a faction based on a forum post rather than what they naturally gravitate toward.


Are you more likely to stay in a game if:

- you are playing your favourite character, and winning.


- you are playing a character "to make other people happy", and losing.


Having people join the underdog realm, only to be unhappy and quit has a negative effect on the game.


As to whether forum posts sway players, of course they do. Mostly in terms of 'where will I find it easy to get a group/healthy guild', and the answer is (naturally) the side with more people.

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I agree, this issue of faction imbalance really needs to be fixed. I never noticed it so much until this week when I rolled a Sith Inq (My mains are on republic) because I enjoyed the story in beta and wanted to carry it on.


It's major imbalance.


I have no idea how they can fix it though, they can't force people to play republic.

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Oh yes, I do so enjoy my big butted, hooded robe. Nothing fills my heart with gladness knowing that my next big upgrade is a recolour of what I already had for the last 40 levels. Thanks for removing visual progression for us Jedi, as if we needed anymore reason to dump the Jedi classes and the Republic.


The only reason I stay Republic is so I don't have to que long for PvP. And avoid Huttball!


Everything about the Republic is sub-par and we've all pretty much worked out which faction the Devs play, the quality difference and the blatant favouritism is glaring.


1) Better Ships

2) Better Animations

3) Larger Race Selection

4) No Ability Delay

5) Damage applied instantly (unlike so many Rep skills)

6) Gear Progression

7) Gear Variety

8) Better Class quest

9) English Accents!


The list could go on, Bioware messed up bigtime and I don't think they could do enough for the Republic to ever lure anyone away from Empire.


1) Ummm...subjective opinion is subjective.


2) If be "better" you mean prettier....most of the animations are the same. A few differences are there (and no, I'm not talking about things like DfA vs Mortar Volley...that's a balance thing). But if it's prettier than, once again, subective opinion is subjective. Now if you're talking about balance, well that's a different argument.


3) Simply. Not. True. Either you're lying to support your cause or you really are just an ignorant hypochondriac who believes all the crap he reads on the forums. Btw, where's your tinfoil hat?


4) See point # 3.


5) OK.....but once again there are certain advantages for having it "delayed." But yes, this is technically an imbalance.


6) Empire has better gear progression??? Last time I checked the sets were identical. See point # 3.


7) Subjective opinion is subjective.


8) Subjective opinion is subjective.


9) OK

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Are you more likely to stay in a game if:

- you are playing your favourite character, and winning.


- you are playing a character "to make other people happy", and losing.


Having people join the underdog realm, only to be unhappy and quit has a negative effect on the game.


As to whether forum posts sway players, of course they do. Mostly in terms of 'where will I find it easy to get a group/healthy guild', and the answer is (naturally) the side with more people.


Exactly, and also reason why World PvP is dead in most mmorpg's.

Heck, I don't even care about PvP myself anymore.

Edited by Mineria
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I enjoy my Republic Jedi Sage much more than my Empire Sith Sorcerer. It's night and day for me.


However, all my friends play on Empire, and it's extremely hard to keep focus on my Jedi. I can't pinpoint the problem, but I certainly will not blame Bioware for everything here. Many people just want to be the bad guy. I've been the bad guy since Ultima Online. Being the good guy (so to speak) is quite refreshing.


On our server, Republic dominates Empire in Ilum and it's pretty balanced population wise. It's a good time all the way around.


As far as certain classes not being mirrored:

I welcome the instant damage change for Project. However, the Sith will then complain when they realize that a Jedi's Force Armor is an instant bubble whereas the Sith Static Barrier has a cast animation before it puts the bubble up. More QQ incoming ...


I like the difference and do hope they don't change anything other than Telekinetic Throw for the Jedi Consular.


It's not Bioware's fault entirely for the majority playing Empire. I like my Consular story better than my Inquisitor story, but I cannot stand the Jedi Knight story compared to the Sith Warrior.



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hate to suggest something from wow, but wintergrasp had tenacity, increasing the people fighting a 10v60 battles damage so they could still compete in some way, because on most servers, the horde outnumbered alliance, the imbalance from imps to repub is FAR greater than those imbalances, and illum will be a deadzone within days, if its not already. Edited by HollowVamp
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I give you LOTRO that's been around 4 years and still going pretty strongly and might just have the worst pvp system in the known universe.


I would like to submit City of Heroes as a contender for that title.


On topic: I've played since early release and have both Imperial and Republic characters. My impression is that playing my Imperial toons is more fun because...


1) Far more interesting story.

2) Better dialog options.

3) Far better looking outfits.

4) Less glitchy gameplay. ( I have this on both sides but it is bearable on Imperial while playing my Republic toons I am constantly on the verge of dropkicking this game thru the goalposts of life.)

5) Better companions or at least more interesting ones.


Personally I don't really care. I'm not the developer that is going to have to put down on his resume how Bioware took a franchise that was damn near tailor-made for an MMO, had a built in fanbase of millions and has been a financial moneytree in almost every incarnation... and rawdogged that sucker right into the crapper.


Yes I realize it's only been out for 38 days....but in development for how many years?

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Well therein lies the issue that both you and i face. We are staunchly determined to stick with republic. Ive never played on the majority faction. I am Thaurissan alliance since year dot.


Alliance was the majority in wow til about year 3, the blood elf was explicitly done to fix the imbalance by providing the horde with an aesthetically pleasing race....perhaps it worked too well?


Honestly if i could transfer my character across factions at this point rather than rerolling i would.


hate to suggest something from wow, but wintergrasp had tenacity, increasing the people fighting a 10v60 battles damage so they could still compete in some way, because on most servers, the horde outnumbered alliance, the imbalance from imps to repub is FAR greater than those imbalances, and illum will be a deadzone within days, if its not already.


Been so long since i played wow, forgot all about that, would certainly improve ilum imo.

Edited by Adzzy
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