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Combat sentinel needs a boost.


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I've switched builds about 20 times now, and IMO combat is the least effective tree, because it is the least survivable.


Increase Bladestorm damage by about 30%, our single burst ability should be doing 3500-4000 a hit with full BM gear to a target of equal gear, 2600-2800 per hit is simply not enough, especially when classes like snipers, ops can pull over 5k.


Increase maximum duration of rebuke by 15-30seconds. yes, almost 100% potential uptime, but can still be turned off if not refreshed if played against smart. This is more than fair considering in a 30sec fight a watchman could generate 30%+ in heals and Focus can generate 10% heals from using resolute and 7% increase in resistance.


Combat sents are the true melee tree, relies on 100% direct damage on target, no DOTS. It needs a bit more survivability and burst compared to watchman/focus.

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I agree, the whole class in itself seems to be missing a niche. Its not a tank, not a healer, and some of the other classes who arnt all that much more squishy than us do far better dps. Not sure that sentinel is going to be an in-demand class for the high end zones.
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I agree, the whole class in itself seems to be missing a niche. Its not a tank, not a healer, and some of the other classes who arnt all that much more squishy than us do far better dps. Not sure that sentinel is going to be an in-demand class for the high end zones.
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I have changed specs many times too. And I like Combat tree mechanic because this spec has bigger skill cap then others. In the same time Combat have the most hard realized damage and fact this damage is not compared with Watchman\ Focus make me sad. Not saying about another classes with simpler dps rotation, with better CC, with better survivability.
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Honestly, I don't think sustained damage from combat is all that bad. form what i've seen blade rush damage gets similar results to slash with watchman. and the ataru procs can match burns without zen. bladestorm needs a boost. as a guaranteed criter, it barely does more damage than merciless slash base which is rediculous. and we need a form of survivability, watchman gets heals, focus gets heal from resolute and higher resist. we get nothing. Edited by SharkSurfr
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While I sure would love to see some extra attention from the devs to the Sentinel, I do not quite understand why are ppl so sceptical to bladestorm dmg. Especially comparing to Merciless slas from watchman.

I think some forget that combat has precision slash that grants 100% armour penetration for 6 sec (and with 15 CD that is very nice).


So at lvl 47 I have 80% crit dmg bonus (and +30% from skill makes it 110%) without any adrenals / relics. My BS hits for 2500 in crit while PS is active. It hits for much less if I do not have PS due to high damage reduction (min 20% on light / mid and I believe up to 45% on heavies). When i tried watchman spec MS NEVER hit that much, even in crit (tested against kinetic specced shadow. and that was quite a lot of testing). And MS has a longer CD, much higher focus cost, shorter range, you must face the target for it to become active while BS hits no matter where I face). So for me it seemed pretty obvious that BS is a much heavier hitter than MS (though, obviously, basic dmg seems higher on the MS. But now remove 25-45% due to armour reduction and ...). In addition it seems like even though it is stated that ataru hits are energy (and must be lowered by damage reduction) they do not seem to be reduced at all (so that makes them elemental?) will test a bit more though.

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, watchman gets heals, focus gets heal from resolute and higher resist. we get nothing.


Combat gets the best pvp target control with the ability to imobilize the target with Crippling Thrown from 10m, and the ability to re-immobilize them with Master Strike in addition to the already present leg slash.


I feel like Combat has the best, or at least most reliable focus managment too. Watchman gets decent focus from the the DOTs...but its random and unpredictable, especially when the fight is first started an you havnt established all 4 DOTs on the target for maximum focus and with Merciliess slash constantly hitting you for a 5 point chunk and 3 everytime you reset Overload. I always feel focus starved on Watchman for the first half of a fight until a lot of DOTs are set. I never have the same problem with Combat, could be my personal rotation, but I just tend to manage focus better when Im in Combat.


Combat does need a little more "oopmh", but it doesnt have nothing. Personally I think it'd help for the "ataru proc" system function to be available while in the Juyo form instead of being a new stance, that way Combat doesnt lose out on the damage from Juyo. Currently Combat loses a lot of damage simply by being forced to use the Ataru form, which only grants Accuracy.

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Oh and one more addition: Blade Rush / Slash. While basic slash dmg is a bit bigger we all know that autoataru proc makes up for that. But what some seem to miss is this:

1) In addition to autoproc, you can get an additional proc per use (20% per first BR and 50% for the second)! This makes this much much better!

2) To sweeten the deal even further - you get 30% dmg on crit for both BR and every proc.

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Meh Combat is fine as it is and I am only using Comabt on my Sent. I would thought love if they could buff Blade Storm, as with Precise Slash and Auto crit it only does aboout 3.5k damaga with almost full Champ Set.

And that is after building up to get the crit. (Leap->Zealus-->Precise-->BladeRush-->BaldeStorm). So yeah all that is needed to have 100% Blade Storm crit, which that only does 3k-3.5k damage... So a buff for at least only Blade Storm would be nice.


Also, fix "Pacify" anyone? It never seems to work on any class...

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Meh Combat is fine as it is and I am only using Comabt on my Sent. I would thought love if they could buff Blade Storm, as with Precise Slash and Auto crit it only does aboout 3.5k damaga with almost full Champ Set.

And that is after building up to get the crit. (Leap->Zealus-->Precise-->BladeRush-->BaldeStorm). So yeah all that is needed to have 100% Blade Storm crit, which that only does 3k-3.5k damage... So a buff for at least only Blade Storm would be nice.


Also, fix "Pacify" anyone? It never seems to work on any class...


yeah... a watchman can roll any combat, even in less gear. the self heals are beyond combats burst, and zen giving watchman 100% crit and each crit =~3% hp back, and overload lightsaber ticking for 1.6-1.9k every few secs, combats good, but its top end dmg in top end gear doesnt compare, it really sucks, im forcing myself to play as combat despite its disadvantage.

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Ataru should proc more often, even without Blade Rush, and it should be a bit more powerful. And yes, Blade Storm damage sucks hard.


Plus, Watchman sents got that really helpful healing thing, and if they know how to play, they do more dps than us. Question is: why?

Edited by Zenmar
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I don't agree. If you pop saber ward and rebuke before they unleash hell, you can beat 'em. Even so.. popping them at half health can still grant you a win if you know what you're doing and have a good rotation going.


both of twice the other 2 tress have, so what advantage is there for combat?

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both of twice the other 2 tress have, so what advantage is there for combat?




Combat is king with regard to anti-kiting. So much in fact that sometimes I don't feel like a melee class.


In so SO many years of playing Melee DPS classes I can say with all honesty that 90% of the challenge is positioning and 10% attack sequencing. In some games it's closer to 99% and 1%.


But in Combat it's more like 20/80 where SO much of the effort is in pressing the right keys and hoping (praying) that they fire, and so little is devoted to proper positioning and hit box control.


I think unfortunately the devs either knew this, or just messed up, and made our actual attacks relatively weaker compared to other builds/classes. So it's rough. I'm definitely not curbstomping opponents like I have in other games once I lock down inside their hit box. But on the other hand it's FAR easier to get to and stay in the hitbox in the first place....




I'm really torn on this class, and in particular the Combat build, right now. I look forward to the stuttering getting fixed so I can then make an informed decision about the long term nature of my playing.

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