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Old Republic Review


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Dear PC gamers,



I am truly sorry for that fact that PC game Devs are taking new directions. This is what I mean... PC gamers for years have built awesome machines to play graphically intense games. This is why we love the PC GAMING world so much. We buy, build, and stress test our systems to the limit. Unfortunately now days, DEVS are taking new directions to satisfy the lesser of the PC gamer population.


Building a new machine is expensive right, and a lot of people just don't have the money to fork out for a new graphics card or processor. So when a game developer builds a game, they tend to cater the older machines more so than not these days. Unfortunately, this is the plain old truth. It's all about money, the more they cater to the entire population, the more people they will keep, and the more money they will earn.


As sad as this blatant comment is, it's true. And for the next comment that I am going to make, will hurt your head. Literally!


Ever since I can remember PC games have had settings. These settings - Low, med, High, Ultra. These settings...... their total existence is to cater to the entire PC gamer population. Those who have old machines, middle aged, and brand spanking new machines. Now, I really can't wrap my head around why Bioware has gone in a linear direction regarding this issue.


Bioware's Direction - Low, high, with AA.


In a recent post they stated that high texture settings and such would not benefit the overall gamers experience. It would lead to a "Poor Performance" experience instead. Even though the high settings are available, it really doesn't meet the standard.


So with all of that said, I am pretty angry about the situation. I built a 4k system with a multi-monitor setup. I know, I know....not everyone has the money to do such a thing. But I did, and I want to have the ability to play a game such as Old Republic on a graphically pleasuring setting. If you do not have the same system specs, then lower your settings so you can still play the game. It's that simple. Why ruin it for everyone else??


Now that I have my rant about graphics, let's move onto PVP. This is one of the core reasons why I just canceled my sub.


I reached level 50 awhile ago. I really didn't care too much about the story line. My goal was to get to 50 and be a master at PVP. When I finally hit 50, I realized quickly that it was a very boring experience. And frustrating.....


These are some reasonable complaints. You might have a difference in opinion, which is FANTASTIC!!!!


PVP was entirely lacking in depth, content, and fun. Let me explain.


1. SICK and TIRED of Hutball. Oh my gosh, I can't explain how frustrating it was to load up a PVP match and see that hutball loading screen. I wanted to tear out my hair! Especially for the fact that it takes HOURS and thousands of games to get to rank 60 valor. After playing Hutball more than 500 times, just can't do it anymore. I truly enjoy the other PVP maps. They were fun, but the luck of the draw was not in my favor.


2. ILUM is terribly built, extremely terrible. At times it can be fun, when you have 15 toons on each side, meeting up to fight a bloody battle. But I can say that is rarely the case. Usually you go to Ilum to find no OPS groups, a giant collaboration of enemy who gank you apoun seeing your helpless self trying to gather armaments to complete dallies. Let me just say, dallies are EXTREMELY fun. Wow, the best system I have ever seen.


3. PVP epic bags are a handful. Ok, so here I go with this..... After opening literally over a hundred bags, I received only a couple epic items. No armor, just some relics and an earpiece. The luck system is just too much for me. I can't stand the luck system. I tried, but wow. Enough said.


After being let down by each opening of an epic bag, I finally had a last ditch effort of going from valor rank 40-60 while I saved up my Battlemaster bags. Soon to find out you can't even do that. You can only carry one EPIC BAG! What a freaking joke man! There is no reward to even those who have the ability to save.


I have heard the rumor that Bioware doesn't want you too be decked out in battlemaster gear when your rank valor 60. My question is WHY????!!!??? It takes hours, days, months for the leveling experience from valor rank 1-60. So why does it matter?


Anyway's, my complaints will obviously spark a forum fight. Which I can see coming now. And which is why the forum gestapo is going to close this post. As long as a couple of you get to see it, is all that matters to me.


I truly do hope that you guy's enjoy your experience. I don't want to effect anyone's decision in playing this game. These are my personal opinions, experiences, facts, and fallacies. And yes, I do admit to some fallacies in my arguments. But its nature.


Have fun and take care people!

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I understand but when it comes to Low/high here.. there is no HIGH. They took MED and called it HIGH. Just look at anytime your armor then watch in any cut scene. Go back to game and its all blurry.. just awful They keep dropping the ball big time.


Just read the FORUMS..its PLAYERS now that are not happy

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This isn't a review at all. This is a PvP player's "I quit, here's why" rant about a STORY DRIVEN MMO not living up to being his/her PvP standards. Too bad, so sad. Please allow the virtual door to hit your behind on the way out.


I thought the "A genre that mostly appeals to more casual gamers who have no impetuous to buy high end machines should cater to my four thousand dollar system with two monitors" part was better than the PvP part.

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I saw the graphics like this. If they based the game around my PC. Than many people including my old man, wouldn't be able to enjoy the game. With the graphics designed the way they are, someone like my dad can still use his 4 year old laptop.


They could still add high quality option so you could choose if you want to play with low, medium or high graphics settings, now the options is low, medium and high which is same as medium.

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the high quality option that you see in cut scenes are not simple textures but a form of model scaling. if that was enabled globally it would kill even the most modern high end machines.


the reason its used in cuts scenes is because they have total control over the rendered scene and the effect is much more cinematically satisfying than the normal rendering.

Edited by Sleekit
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No. It's not.
he has a point. i build and use my PC for compatibility. i don't need "performance"...they keep making games to run on a 10 year old "console" that runs DX9...


if we all pushed constantly for performance i doubt id be playing on a 3GHz dual core with an ATI 4850 running XP...with an original audigy 1 sound card !

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Seriously OP isnt even worth arguing about...check his/her post list...

The only thing he/she's a veteran at, is making whine posts.


Dont feed the trolls.



The moment when trolls and whiners will disappear from this forum cannot come too soon.


But i am afraid it won't happen these days because i have feeling they will RE SUB and stay here to haunt us with the same old threads.



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Dear PC gamers,



I am truly sorry for that fact that PC game Devs are taking new directions. This is what I mean... PC gamers for years have built awesome machines to play graphically intense games. This is why we love the PC GAMING world so much. We buy, build, and stress test our systems to the limit. Unfortunately now days, DEVS are taking new directions to satisfy the lesser of the PC gamer population.


Building a new machine is expensive right, and a lot of people just don't have the money to fork out for a new graphics card or processor. So when a game developer builds a game, they tend to cater the older machines more so than not these days. Unfortunately, this is the plain old truth. It's all about money, the more they cater to the entire population, the more people they will keep, and the more money they will earn.


As sad as this blatant comment is, it's true. And for the next comment that I am going to make, will hurt your head. Literally!


Ever since I can remember PC games have had settings. These settings - Low, med, High, Ultra. These settings...... their total existence is to cater to the entire PC gamer population. Those who have old machines, middle aged, and brand spanking new machines. Now, I really can't wrap my head around why Bioware has gone in a linear direction regarding this issue.


Bioware's Direction - Low, high, with AA.


In a recent post they stated that high texture settings and such would not benefit the overall gamers experience. It would lead to a "Poor Performance" experience instead. Even though the high settings are available, it really doesn't meet the standard.


So with all of that said, I am pretty angry about the situation. I built a 4k system with a multi-monitor setup. I know, I know....not everyone has the money to do such a thing. But I did, and I want to have the ability to play a game such as Old Republic on a graphically pleasuring setting. If you do not have the same system specs, then lower your settings so you can still play the game. It's that simple. Why ruin it for everyone else??


Now that I have my rant about graphics, let's move onto PVP. This is one of the core reasons why I just canceled my sub.


I reached level 50 awhile ago. I really didn't care too much about the story line. My goal was to get to 50 and be a master at PVP. When I finally hit 50, I realized quickly that it was a very boring experience. And frustrating.....


These are some reasonable complaints. You might have a difference in opinion, which is FANTASTIC!!!!


PVP was entirely lacking in depth, content, and fun. Let me explain.


1. SICK and TIRED of Hutball. Oh my gosh, I can't explain how frustrating it was to load up a PVP match and see that hutball loading screen. I wanted to tear out my hair! Especially for the fact that it takes HOURS and thousands of games to get to rank 60 valor. After playing Hutball more than 500 times, just can't do it anymore. I truly enjoy the other PVP maps. They were fun, but the luck of the draw was not in my favor.


2. ILUM is terribly built, extremely terrible. At times it can be fun, when you have 15 toons on each side, meeting up to fight a bloody battle. But I can say that is rarely the case. Usually you go to Ilum to find no OPS groups, a giant collaboration of enemy who gank you apoun seeing your helpless self trying to gather armaments to complete dallies. Let me just say, dallies are EXTREMELY fun. Wow, the best system I have ever seen.


3. PVP epic bags are a handful. Ok, so here I go with this..... After opening literally over a hundred bags, I received only a couple epic items. No armor, just some relics and an earpiece. The luck system is just too much for me. I can't stand the luck system. I tried, but wow. Enough said.


After being let down by each opening of an epic bag, I finally had a last ditch effort of going from valor rank 40-60 while I saved up my Battlemaster bags. Soon to find out you can't even do that. You can only carry one EPIC BAG! What a freaking joke man! There is no reward to even those who have the ability to save.


I have heard the rumor that Bioware doesn't want you too be decked out in battlemaster gear when your rank valor 60. My question is WHY????!!!??? It takes hours, days, months for the leveling experience from valor rank 1-60. So why does it matter?


Anyway's, my complaints will obviously spark a forum fight. Which I can see coming now. And which is why the forum gestapo is going to close this post. As long as a couple of you get to see it, is all that matters to me.


I truly do hope that you guy's enjoy your experience. I don't want to effect anyone's decision in playing this game. These are my personal opinions, experiences, facts, and fallacies. And yes, I do admit to some fallacies in my arguments. But its nature.


Have fun and take care people!


A little bird told me that all mmo's have 2 factions so devs can always give advantages to one over the other to keep subs going.......

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A little bird told me that all mmo's have 2 factions so devs can always give advantages to one over the other to keep subs going.......
unless its lotro or sto or eve or fallen earth or... Edited by Sleekit
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A little bird told me that all mmo's have 2 factions so devs can always give advantages to one over the other to keep subs going.......


You haven't played many MMOs then.


Every society that has destroyed their middle class, has fallen.


Read into that a little deeper. You might sprout a cell or two.

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