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inq get the shaft for gear options?


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In case there is another post similar, i did do a forum search n found nothing. Just courious what everyone thinks on the issue. Now that im lvl 50 ive been trying to find some gear i really love the look of. Iv found a few pieces that i have moded but im not satisfied. Most of the end game gear looks are gross. i mean viking helmets ? feathers? and party hats? some of the robe styles are alright i just expect a little more. comparing our gear to the medium and heavy options, we seem to get the shaft. anyone else think the same ?



and again i appologize if there is a thread going already if so please leave link. thanks

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I have a feeling that eventually Bioware will cave in and allow us to pull ALL the mods out of the epic gear so we can use whatever orange gear we want. I mean, that was the intent all along - find orange gear that you like the look of, and keep it all the way to endgame while upgrading its mods.


We're all starting to look like carbon copies of each other already, and it's only going to get worse. AND if they let us go back to using orange gear it will help boost the crafting professions.

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I have a feeling that eventually Bioware will cave in and allow us to pull ALL the mods out of the epic gear so we can use whatever orange gear we want. I mean, that was the intent all along - find orange gear that you like the look of, and keep it all the way to endgame while upgrading its mods.


We're all starting to look like carbon copies of each other already, and it's only going to get worse. AND if they let us go back to using orange gear it will help boost the crafting professions.


They have already said that they plan on doing so. The armoring from endgame stuff will be a bit restrictive so you can't say farm the gloves of a set over and over and pull the armoring to place in every slot.

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They have already said that they plan on doing so. The armoring from endgame stuff will be a bit restrictive so you can't say farm the gloves of a set over and over and pull the armoring to place in every slot.


Easily done at lest in theory by adding the following code "Gloves only" to the mods.

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I never understood the point behind the change.


We all knew it was gonna be trouble. I don't understand why they don't just make all items cosmetically craftable by their respective crafters and then make loot essentially just mods and recipes. It's the EXACT same effect with the bonus of wider availability to target group members.


Crafters get what they want.


Raiders get what they want.


PvPers get what they want.


BioWare still retains itemization.


Literally, everyone wins. Sticking to this archaic loot system we've used for decades isn't the solution. BioWare had the original idea right. Why they changed it is beyond me. Well, no, I know WHY they changed it. The reason was quite explicit.


It's just the reason was stupid.


You can't hybrid a loot system. Either do it this way or do it that way. Don't try to play the middle because you'll just end up with tripe. No body wins with a hybrid system.

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