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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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I go back to WoW every now and then for one reason.


To troll.


WoW has a crappy community and butchered lore along with ridiculously easy raids that an armless crippled blind deaf and dumb kid could beat by rolling his face across his keyboard. Ever tried dragonsoul? Beat it first try, nobody died, facerolled through hardmode and got top notch gear- Then I got bored.


I go back and troll horde bgs by not contributing and handing the alliance kills. I've lost all respect for WoW, and for good reason. I have 4k honor on a level 27 orc warrior that doesn't wear clothes and punches people in pvp, assuming I even have reason to try to autoattack them. What am I going to do with that honor? Glad you asked! Buy BoA and make a new troll roll!


You will hate me because I say these things, just watch :)


What? It's not like blizzard's going to do anything about it. I've been doing this since dragonsoul and not one suspension has come my way. Just 9 warnings.

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Since the Warcraft 3 Expansion, and they started out as an April Fools joke.


And I'm with crazyjeffy on that. I jumped ship the second I heard about the Panda thing.


ACTUALLY, if you read your lore, you would know that the pandaran helped Thrall found and build Orgrimmar. So besides being a "joke" they ALSO had a vital role they played in WoW lore :)

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Yep. I come from WoW. Played it for over 6 years. I would describe my relationship with WoW to be similar to 'someone-who-is-hungover' 's with alcohol.


In other words, no more WoW please! I'm hungover and the sight of it repulses me.



TOR is admittedly similar but different enough for me enjoy and I'm liking the community here a lot. On my server at least.

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I like to play games - just saying first off. I came from WoW. Tried out Rift - got bored but I will say that their graphics engine is superior to this piece of garbage that BW is using. Played this game ONLY because I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and KOTOR I & II which I played religiously. This game has been a major let-down. The devs have no clue what they're doing. Using an antiquated piece of garbage for a gaming engine (I have a Masters in IT so I'm aware of software garbage when I see it ;) ). The graphics are terrible in this game - why couldn't they use something like what Rift did?! We're in the 21st century of gaming technology. There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE to use garbage unless you're being cheap and cutting corners which they did :eek: CS here is rubbish using outsourced, 3rd world ppl who: 1) don't know the game whatsoever; 2) can't even string together a coherent thought in English. Am I disappointed, am I pissed - you betcha! I spent $150 for the CE and didn't even get what was promised to me ingame - talk about feeling cheated on multiple levels.


Cancelled my sub and maybe will come back in 6 months after the devs decide to MAYBE get their act together. I subbed for a year wtih WoW - there are still a lot of nice things to that game and I'm never bored with it. And as for pandas, so what. They've been around since WC3 and DID help Thrall found and build Org - for those of you interested in WoW lore. And let's remember one important thing, a panda is still a bear that can rip you in half with one paw :D

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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I played wow since the beginning , I will never go back that game is just too darn boring and yes it still has bugs and exploits. Sorry but it is true,this game has had a much better startup and I personally have never seen blizzards devolpers even put up a blog . In my opnion the creators of this game are very interested in customer service -kind of--I know it seems wrong but this company reacts much quicker to the complaining threads. Not sure why but....:eek:
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I played wow since the beginning , I will never go back that game is just too darn boring and yes it still has bugs and exploits. Sorry but it is true,this game has had a much better startup and I personally have never seen blizzards devolpers even put up a blog . In my opnion the creators of this game are very interested in customer service -kind of--I know it seems wrong but this company reacts much quicker to the complaining threads. Not sure why but....:eek:


right?? They be shutting down post at the slightest hint of trash talking their game? thats lost them many subs alone. mine one of them.

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I'm a seven year vet of WoW who dumped his WoW sub for SWTOR and won't be going back.


Problems: Oh hell yes. I've seen some craptacular bugs in this game that should not have made it thorough a modern development process (green laser lights, serious desktop crashes, combat/UI bugs, etc.). I've seen some gaping feature holes crying out to be filled (UI modification, warzone/flashpoint finder [even same-server], guild leveling system, etc.) that WoW had already filled long ago.


Successes: Double yes. This is as entertaining to me as KOTOR 1 and 2, and almost as entertaining as BC WoW was (my favorite expansion, Kara was ftw and so was EotS). The mechanics are comfortable for longtime WoW players, and the right things are missing, like DBM and other idiot-proofing mods. The game has a consistent feel to it, a sense of epic storytelling even in the endgame, and a great many done-right mechanics.


I considered dropping my sub over the problems and playing WoW through DragonSoul, but the problems in the game don't outweigh the joys of the game.


That said, I'm on a low-pop server without many structured guilds. I might have to dust my old GL hat off and rebuild my old guild from the ground up to get decent endgame going.

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I still have my WoW sub because two things keep me going -


* I am in a guild with friends and we raid 3 nights a week. We progress and clear new content. I still find this fun.


* I have put so much time and effort into my main, more than any other game of any genre I have ever played. I have issues letting go of that. If I didn't I would have quit long ago. If I could somehow port my WoW main into other games I would be a happy camper.


I generally like ToR, but there are problems that really bother me. I plan to stick around for the first six months, but Bioware really needs to show me something to keep getting my dollars beyond that.

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I loved WoW very much until recently. I quit for this game, and this game is a far superior single player game.


Even though this game was terrible MMO as I thought it would, I would never go back to WoW. Not after going through a 12 step program to break my wow addiction.


Fixed it for you.:)

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I played WoW for 7 years , and I wont go back . It's a great game , very polished , and was very fun at times , but for me it has run its coarse , much like everquest did ,and is not fun anymore , and I want something different .


SWTOR seems to fill that desire for something different for now , is perfect , by no means , and I do hope that bioware fixes a lot of the things that its lacking , but for now the lvling experience is fun , by far the best questing system I have played . I enjoy the pvp , and hope for improvements in the end game .


Hopefully bioware will read enough of these forums to see what needs fixing and what needs left alone , and adapt thier game to thier player base which is still being built . Yes a lot of WoW people will return to aseroth , and continue thier gaming time there , but quite a few will stay and continue to build a community here .

Edited by Aegeryen
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right?? They be shutting down post at the slightest hint of trash talking their game? thats lost them many subs alone. mine one of them.


i know exactly what post you're talking about, the post was made, BW was consolidating, GROW UP, YOU'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. if you don't want to play, i woun't miss you. they may have lost a lot of subs, but they're getting so many, that loosing a few hundred is nothing, so yeah, bye. ill stay here so that i can say that i stuck with the game through the rough beginning, personal choice, not necessarily the right or even smart one, but whatever, it's mine.

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i know exactly what post you're talking about, the post was made, BW was consolidating, GROW UP, YOU'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. if you don't want to play, i woun't miss you. they may have lost a lot of subs, but they're getting so many, that loosing a few hundred is nothing, so yeah, bye. ill stay here so that i can say that i stuck with the game through the rough beginning, personal choice, not necessarily the right or even smart one, but whatever, it's mine.


your a ******* the post your talkin about wasnt even up at the time of this comment

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About 10 out of 150 in our WoW guild gave it a try, since then only has maintained a subscription. How are we not a spectrum for the playerbase at large? Take a college-level statistics class.


How does any of that relate to real stats? Are you taking your 150 to be representative of WoW subsscribers as of TOR's release, and your 10 purchases to those who bought TOR? If so, your numbers already don't add up.

Edited by Typeslice
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I like to play games - just saying first off. I came from WoW. Tried out Rift - got bored but I will say that their graphics engine is superior to this piece of garbage that BW is using. Played this game ONLY because I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and KOTOR I & II which I played religiously. This game has been a major let-down. The devs have no clue what they're doing. Using an antiquated piece of garbage for a gaming engine (I have a Masters in IT so I'm aware of software garbage when I see it ;) ). The graphics are terrible in this game - why couldn't they use something like what Rift did?! We're in the 21st century of gaming technology. There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE to use garbage unless you're being cheap and cutting corners which they did :eek: CS here is rubbish using outsourced, 3rd world ppl who: 1) don't know the game whatsoever; 2) can't even string together a coherent thought in English. Am I disappointed, am I pissed - you betcha! I spent $150 for the CE and didn't even get what was promised to me ingame - talk about feeling cheated on multiple levels.


Cancelled my sub and maybe will come back in 6 months after the devs decide to MAYBE get their act together. I subbed for a year wtih WoW - there are still a lot of nice things to that game and I'm never bored with it. And as for pandas, so what. They've been around since WC3 and DID help Thrall found and build Org - for those of you interested in WoW lore. And let's remember one important thing, a panda is still a bear that can rip you in half with one paw :D


wait... what are you still doing in these forums then? :confused::confused::confused:

i guess you got confused and got here by accident. go you.

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I played WoW for longer then I will admit to in public. I, however, will never go back. Regardless of how good or bad any other MMO is, Wow is garbage. I'd rather play Wizard 101. At least it doesnt pretend to not be a kids game.
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