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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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About 10 out of 150 in our WoW guild gave it a try, since then only has maintained a subscription. How are we not a spectrum for the playerbase at large? Take a college-level statistics class.


Your sample is already biased by virtue that your hypothesis is based on a single guild which is likely to be made up of likeminded people; for example they all may dislike science fiction.


And to the OP question.


No and no and I still sub to 2 MMOs

Edited by ShotByBothSides
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Just curious to how many players came from WoW and have returned or how many are still playing ToR?


I myself am playing both games, I know it's crazy but I think it's ok to enjoy more than one game at a time :D


7 year Wow veteran but I will never go back, time will tell whether Swtor will be my home for the next 7 years.

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I have played on wow for a little over 4 years but got burned out when I made my worgen and had to do all the same quests over again. Got him to 84 and then got to game test here and have been here since then. I may go back to wow now and then cause I do have some friends there but have no desire to try to level a panda to 85. I love the character interaction story lines on this game, makes it more personal I think. I really think this game has alot of potential.
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I was playing WOW for about 4 years non stop ! The truth is that i am not going to go back to wow cause i got sick of the same routine over and over again.Tor offers some new things and with some more updates from the developers it ll be perfect !
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I came from WoW, and originally had plans to play both. But my WoW subscription ran out at early this month, and I currently have no plans to pay to start it back up again. Might have something to do with the fact that I felt like I was losing touch with my guild even before I left to play SWTOR. I would like to see Dragon Soul, even if it's through LFR, but right now I'm having too much fun playing TOR to justify paying 15 bucks to go run a raid a few times and then likely be bored again.
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Played wow ferom 3/2005 (nonstop meaning no month or two month breaks in between as I have never taken a break from an MMORPH) until 12/9/2011



Before wow I played FFXI


Before that it was Ultima Online from 1997-2004


I must say that after playing all of these mmorpgs, that TO ME ONLY, Ultima Online is still the best. This comes in a very close second and wow is third.


In the end there I was logging in only twice a week for 6 hours during those two times. So three hours a night for two nights and IMHO That wasnt worth it paying 15 dollers a month.


In this game I average 5 1/2 hours a day for 30 days so I would rather play this as I am actually having fun in this game. The fun factor is what wow started missing ever since the BC Expansion.


So in conclusion NO, I will never go back to wow. Thanks but ill stay here in SWTOR.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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I feel all games have something to offer and enjoy gaming in general. I will give everything a chance and have no desire to cancel wow or any game. I only wish people would allow themselves the opportunity to not have to belong to any one "club". It's ok to play what ever you enjoy playing and if you don't enjoy it, opinions don't matter.
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SWTOR lacks Ghostcrawler, and I'll be playing as long as that continues.


I'm sorry, I know this is pretty off-topic, but why do some players dislike GC so much? I played WoW for 4-5 years, quit over a year ago, but in my time there I thought GC communicated clearly and patiently with the players.


To answer the OP's question, yes, I came from WoW and no, I don't plan to return (but I may check it out after next expansion). Bought Rift for cheap during a Steam sale, so I plan to give that one a try. Looking forward to GW2 in a big way. Might try Tera Online when it releases, but to be honest, I think I'm just burnt out on the MMO genre. I LOVE the immersive, "alive" worlds, but they seem to require a time investment that I'm just not willing to give anymore. For this reason I decided to let my SW:ToR sub expire after the free month.

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7 year WoW veteran here.

I had hoped this would replace my WoW playtime, but sadly it's missing way too many nice features atm.

So I'll continue my WoW subscription. I'm still hoping that SWTOR will patch in some major improvements over the next 6 months. Otherwise I'll cancel my SWTOR sub after that.

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I was playing WOW for about 4 years non stop ! The truth is that i am not going to go back to wow cause i got sick of the same routine over and over again.Tor offers some new things and with some more updates from the developers it ll be perfect !


Almost my story! I played WoW for 4 years had about 5 85s pretty well geared, but got tired of getting rid of my purples for greens when a new xpac would come out lol. Just didn't like the same routine over and over.

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I don't paly kiddy WoW anymore, but I decided to try Rift, and Boy oh boy what did I miss?!! looks awesome (after starting area) and the PvP is fun... So I cancelled this boring, linear (single player with some online stuff) game.. and now happy on Rift :)


But have hopes for the future of this game... So I'll keep an eye on it, but until then.. no Subs to BW from me:confused:

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i have an active subscription for both games.


both have their own appeal to me, but star wars is a little closer to my heart due to childhood nostalgia. i still have hasbro toys from the 70's and 80's, i don't have any wow toys from my youth.


i'll continue to play both till i get bored with one or the other or both.

Edited by UgliGoat
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I've played WoW on and off since its release, but I'm currently taking a break from it to play this game. ^_^


I can't say that I won't go back; I've kicked the habit before and ended up becoming readdicted. I *am* hoping this game keeps me distracted for a good long while, though.

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Yes and prolly.


I enjoy SW:TOR so far, that is the story line and class quest, not sure about the grouping and instancing as I'we rerolled on a new server as the other side so I'we skipped the instances more or less.


SWTor is still to flawed to be lasting in my eyes, but it might change and hopefully it will :D

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WoW is one of many MMOs that I've played. I probably won't be going back - but not because I think SWTOR is so much better. If the class stories weren't so well done, I probably wouldn't be here either, for many of the same reasons that I left WoW. Edited by BobaTed
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I stoped playing WoW just as cata was launching. After playing for many years simply because SWG got ruined and WoW was really all there was aside from a short run on CoX and DCUO.



The 2 reasons I left will never change so I will never return and frankly with ToR I dont wana go back. They were the community and the setting. The Elitest jerk tudes running around on ever server and the little toolboxs running their cakeholes killed it and I am really not a big fan of the dragon slaying knights and wizards elves and stuff like that.



And yes I understand SW ia basicly that Sword for Light sabers bow and arrows for blasters but you get the point.

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WoW was a good game, I still have 3 active sub's on EQ, WoW and SWTOR. For me, nothing has really ever replaced EQ for fun and a overall great MMO experience, it just takes more time to play than I ever get in front of a PC.


I'm likely to drop the WoW sub quite soon, I can't bring myself to buy the kung-fu panda expansion, although my 7 year old son likes the look of it.

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