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Bioware is already neglecting customers.


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after bioware discovered they would make multiple times the money they were expecting they turned into Blizzard and are 100% all about making money and not aiding in entertainment... Which is exactly what their company is suppose to provide... Bioware... starting gate of what could be a epic game... is forever ruined.

Hope you dont screw the rest of the game up.

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And the elitist attitude of "They didn't answer MY demand so therefore the entire game/company/community/internet/yourmom sucks!" has already begun. :mad:



That's not elitism (nothing wrong with elitism if it's deserved). This is just an example of childish egocentrism of which these boards have been rife with in the 1+ day of their operation.

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after bioware discovered they would make multiple times the money they were expecting they turned into Blizzard and are 100% all about making money and not aiding in entertainment... Which is exactly what their company is suppose to provide... Bioware... starting gate of what could be a epic game... is forever ruined.

Hope you dont screw the rest of the game up.


You do realize forever is a long time right?

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How are they neglecting people? Really don't understand this post.


And that aside the actual SWTOR customer support got back quickly and resolved an issue for me quicker than id expect for most games never mind around launch time when they are swamped.

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after bioware discovered they would make multiple times the money they were expecting they turned into Blizzard and are 100% all about making money and not aiding in entertainment... Which is exactly what their company is suppose to provide... Bioware... starting gate of what could be a epic game... is forever ruined.

Hope you dont screw the rest of the game up.


All companies are about making money. Go learn something about business.

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Where is your evidence? That's like me complaining how I hate my life and if someone asks I just say "because I hate it".


If you're referring to Customer Services, it's the freaking launch of course they're going to be slow. Just email them and be patient instead of coming on here and spewing a load of bull

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How can you say BW is neglecting folks? Everyone that got in on the first day got a free speeder just for playing!!


Well, not everyone.


Apparently it was a "random chance" bag of what you would get.


Some folks got snowspeeders. Me...I got a Sand Crawler!


Dude, you know how much fun it was tanking over the Flesh Raiders in a Sand Crawler?




Tell you what, I'll give you a ride in my Sand Crawler if you let me take the speeder bike out for a spin!



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after bioware discovered they would make multiple times the money they were expecting they turned into Blizzard and are 100% all about making money and not aiding in entertainment... Which is exactly what their company is suppose to provide... Bioware... starting gate of what could be a epic game... is forever ruined.

Hope you dont screw the rest of the game up.


Trust me, i am so angry right now at them. im trying to contact origin aswell but they just link me back here!

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after bioware discovered they would make multiple times the money they were expecting they turned into Blizzard and are 100% all about making money and not aiding in entertainment... Which is exactly what their company is suppose to provide... Bioware... starting gate of what could be a epic game... is forever ruined.

Hope you dont screw the rest of the game up.


True indeed, the dark force is strong in BioWare - :csw_yoda:

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Imagine how it's going to be three months after launch when you guys are all addicted and they know they have you, this is how they're treating you now and you guys aren't even hooked.


How are they treating us exactly? You're still spewing out bull with absolutely no justification.


Move along people, just a wampa looking for attention

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