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UNOFFICAL welcome , and waiting for invite thread


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Bought pre-order: July 21

Redeemed pre-order: July 22

Status: not in-game

Conclusion: flawed system is flawed. e-mails should not be going out last minute. it would of been better to just say "if you redeemed between these dates...expect a invite sometime the first day".

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For those who pre-order in July first 5 days will probably get in today( about 200k people) they said alot of ppl will be invited today gradualy sending waves of invite( im not sure about the interval) but i heard its ea 4 hours( can any1 confirm this?)


this is my opinion


No I can't confirm but for a game that has over 1 million pre orders, they should let more than 200K in! At least double that, half a million.


200K out of 1 million plus is not very large!

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heh, redeemed 7/21 within a short time of my bud, he is in and I am not.


He preordered online, I did not.


heh, I sense a bit of something here :)


I sense the Force teaching me a painful lesson in patience.... I just so excited to get started! And I am also hating on every email i get that isnt from Bioware right now....

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You have people that order, when it first came available who didn't get in. I have a buddy who order last week who already in. So I'm not sure what there looking for. They should give dates, If you order before this time your in. Or send out email telling people when there going to have early access. So they know . People are all about knowing .
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How about they are prepared for this. Most people only expected to get in on December 15th onwards. They are doing folks a favor. I am not sure if you are used to MMO launches but a lot of times folks can't even play because servers are overloaded and crashing because everyone is trying to swarm in at once.


They are completely prepared for this.. its just some of you are being inconsiderate entitled babies about it.


I've been waiting for this game since Galaxies died. I can't really afford to spend the money to buy it but I'm doing it anyway. And I woke up at 6:45 am and I'm NOT a morning person, and can't get back to sleep.


I'm tired and cranky to begin with, and then don't get let in when my friends, who preordered a mere day before I did, do.


So yeah, you can bet I'm upset.

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Bought pre-order: July 21

Redeemed pre-order: July 22

Status: not in-game

Conclusion: flawed system is flawed. e-mails should not be going out last minute. it would of been better to just say "if you redeemed between these dates...expect a invite sometime the first day".


i agree

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How about they are prepared for this. Most people only expected to get in on December 15th onwards. They are doing folks a favor. I am not sure if you are used to MMO launches but a lot of times folks can't even play because servers are overloaded and crashing because everyone is trying to swarm in at once.


They are completely prepared for this.. its just some of you are being inconsiderate entitled babies about it.


Couldn't have said it better myself. :)


Anyone else going to play on Bloodworthy? Man, that server's getting several 400+ Scandinavian guilds, so it's going to be pretty huge. :)


Suspect it'll become *the* unofficial Scandinavian server.


- Elim

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Bought pre-order: July 21

Redeemed pre-order: July 22

Status: not in-game

Conclusion: flawed system is flawed. e-mails should not be going out last minute. it would of been better to just say "if you redeemed between these dates...expect a invite sometime the first day".


WOW, this is genius...you obviously have a better grasp on this then the multi-billion dollar company running it ... you should soooo be hired to work for them...maybe even run the place!!!

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Hopefully there are a lot of waves.


With that said I keep getting Emails and they are psyching me out!


I was like that with my phone's email alerts, stupid junkmail and newsletters lol. Just found out my collectors edition has been posted to me but its being held at the post office until the 15th :(

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I am glad they are doing waves personally. There is nothing worse than 500 people all trying to do the same quest at the same time. I'll wait my turn for a better experience.


That's why there are multiple instances of each planet on each server.

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It's probably less important when you preordered and more important about which server you're on. So if one server has no one who ordered in July by some weird coincide, then some of that later orderers will get in. Edited by Gyron
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