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What new classes would you like to see?


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Ideally I would have liked to see an Imperial Trooper to be the analogue to the Republic Trooper, but we got BH instead. I think it'd be pretty cool in the future to see an Imperial Guard class. Please note, these aren't troopers. If you've played the Imperial storyline, they're the elite guard who use electrostaves and guns. Usually dressed in the red armour. I think that it has the potential for some interesting story ideas.


Not sure what the Pube analogue would be.

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nooo kungfu please, or swordfighters, or pikemen or whatever. that is not star wars.


nothing is less star wars than seeing a guy do kungfu kicks to a jedi, or seeing a guy pull out a broadsword and start fencing or whatever.


this is star wars and non force users use laser guns and explosives. not swords.

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I would really like to see different races to be made. There is no variation. It's like bioware just got lazy and decided to do all human bodies. In fact, I am sure this is what happened. I want to see some Jawa / Wookie / Ewok playable races.
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Companion or "pet"-heavy class: Republic Noble / Imperial Officer


Two companions at once, Presence as primary attribute (for extra companion buffs).


Advanced Classes: charismatic leader / tactician officer with healing / melee damage skill trees (uses blaster pistol & vibrosword/electrostaff)

manipulator / strategist with debuff / ranged damage skill trees (uses blaster pistol and power generator or equivalent)

shared skill tree is leadership (provides party buffs and companion enhancements).


both classes would gain a bodyguard//tank companion at level 1.


storyline for Noble would focus heavily on Republic politics, for the Officer would focus on Imperial grand strategy.


Examples from Star Wars: Princess Leia / Senator Amidala; Grand Moff Tarkin / Grand Admiral Thrawn



Yes please!! I'll take another one for Force users as well, thanks!:D

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nooo kungfu please, or swordfighters, or pikemen or whatever. that is not star wars.


nothing is less star wars than seeing a guy do kungfu kicks to a jedi, or seeing a guy pull out a broadsword and start fencing or whatever.


this is star wars and non force users use laser guns and explosives. not swords.


Not quite true. Teras Kasi makes a first appearance in the Star Wars novel Shadows of the Empire and then is mentioned in several subsequent sources. It may not be "classic" Star Wars canon, but then neither are the events of The Old Republic.


From what I can tell timeline-wise, Teras Kasi was invented during The Old Republic.

Edited by Lunazen
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I like the fledgeling luke BLaster pistol/ lightsaber idea. Seems like there would be a lot of potential for MH pistol / OH saber builds ....or MH sabler / OH Pistol builds.


I can imagine a kinetic combat attack where you throw your lightsaber in the middle of a group of enemies and then rapid fipre blaster pistol and defelct your shots around the area while chopping them up.


or you use a blaster shot to shoot their blaster shot.



I still think it would be really cool to play as a droid.

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Droid Commander. All companions are Droids (obviously different makes and models) except for *maybe* one "biological" companion at the most. The Devs can skip the romance stuff with this class if they like. Both factions.


(IMHO there are too few droid companions in this Star Wars MMO, Bioware needs to fix that asap)

Edited by Kyrmius
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I would be interested in seeing a non-force melee character utilizing vibroswords/blades/electro-staffs. Ultimately, I'm satisfied with slapping orange vibroswords on my Marauder, but hey, it would be cool.


One of these.


And playable protocol droids that sound like C3P0.


nooo kungfu please, or swordfighters, or pikemen or whatever. that is not star wars.


nothing is less star wars than seeing a guy do kungfu kicks to a jedi, or seeing a guy pull out a broadsword and start fencing or whatever.


this is star wars and non force users use laser guns and explosives. not swords.


I'm not sure if you're yet familiar with SWTOR, but we already play this game while running into hordes of sword wielding mobs. Imperial troopers with vibroblades, scrambled droids with vibroblades, pirate captains with vibroblades. Then ofcourse we have 11 in game, max level, near PC level companions that also choose non-lightsaber melee weapons as their primary means of attack.


I think this game has already jumped the shark on YOUR version of Star Wars.

Edited by MeanMartian
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Droid Class, but you choose your AC from the get go (Protocol: healing/buff , Assault: DPS/Tank, Utility: Mixed/debuff). As long as I can play as that ancient Tarisan droid, I would be happy.


Melee non-Force user, with one AC for weapons, one for Teras Ksai.


Presence based class that has a non-companion "pet" as well as their regular companions. Very buff heavy and procs group bonuses based on presence.



And Mirror classes to an extent (with some redesigns)

Imperial Pirate (Smuggler) - two-weapon fighters (M/R, M/M, R/R)

Imperial Soldier (Trooper) - Medium/Heavy armor and rifles

Republic Spy (Agent) - Stealth and Gadgets

Republic Peacekeeper (BH) - Cryotech and shotguns

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1 new AC per class to allow the base class to be played in any of the 3 roles. (dps, heal, tank)


1. Warrior/Knight:

.Weapon: vibrostaff

.Roles: self & AoE healing, tank, dps


...Healing tree: strengthens AoE heals, adds targeted heals

...tank tree: strengthens self heals, life stealing abilities, and defence

...Focus/Rage tree: dps

.Empire: Royal guard, warrior chooses a narrow path in hopes to eventually guard the emperor

.Republic: not yet determined


2. Bounty Hunter/Trooper:

.Weapon: BH-vibro knuckles, Trooper-dual vibroswords

.Roles: combat support, stealth, dps


...Combat support: focuses on weakening enemy

...Stealth: increased stealth & burst dps

...Pyrotech/Assault: dps

.Empire: Hitman, BH chooses to specialize in hand to hand combat

.Republic: Ranger, Trooper opts to use blades to kill his foes silently


3. Operative/Smuggler:

.Weapon: Blaster main hand, vibro baton off hand (used for parrying & special abilities)

.Roles: avoidance tank, (high parry & dodge, weaves in & out of melee range) dps


...tank: increases parry & dodge, increased crowd control

...burst dps tree

...Lethality/Dirty Fighting: dps

.Empire: not yet determined, uses holograms & probes as distractions to increase dodge

.Republic: Brawler, Smuggler likes to instigate fights, uses smoke & powders to increase dodge


4. Inquisitor/Councilor:

.Weapon: light pike (long staff tipped by a light saber) - melee range increased

.Roles: combat support, dps


...combat support 1: increases melee damage, uses force abilities to strengthen allies

...combat support 2: increases AoE force powers damage, debuffs enemies

...Madness/Balance: dps

.Empire: not yet determined

.Republic: not yet determined

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I would like them to do as they did in KoToR.. You pick what you want to be...For example as a jedi you pick the skills you want to master in along with your lightsaber form...


Example: i would max out force push, force stun, throw saber..as basic jedi skills



Then you chose what lightsaber tech you want and master whatever skills are under that set. (If you chose master more than one you chose more than one but ur limited so u wont be able to chose adv jedi skills)



You can also chose jedi adv skills based on a spec (heals, dot dps,burst dps force talents)



So for example if you wanted to be more lightsaber based lets say burst dps..you would chose maybe shien, and ataru stances and the skills that cone with them and ud have basic jedi skills as said above.



If you chose to be a healer ud chose heal spec, the basic jedi tree and either a dps force spec ,support force spec or maybe Soresu set for defensive lightsaber skills etc etc..

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