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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Beam me up Scotty!


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new spell that you get when you get your ship..2 sec cast time..10 minute cooldown teleports you to your ship from any location (cannot be used in combat) obviously you will need to pick a different name for copyright reasons..




Whats a spell? itd be nice having a ship pickup ability though, would make a good use for my useless golden droid

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new spell that you get when you get your ship..2 sec cast time..10 minute cooldown teleports you to your ship from any location (cannot be used in combat) obviously you will need to pick a different name for copyright reasons..




I would cut down the CD (or perhaps make it a bind point like mentioned above). the whole ship transition process is clunky and a horrible time sink. I don't mind time sinks in general, but that ones horribad. It physical forces you to remain seated for a large chunk of the process...I'd take a 10m speeder ride over that, I can at least browse thenet while waiting on the speeder, but with the ship you have to manually run it from point A to point Z

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