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Any update on when we can abandon quests?


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I have 7 quests in my log that can't be abandoned and it's getting very fustrating because I keep hitting the mission limit when doing the dailies. I thought this was supposed to have been fixed in 1.1, but since it hasn't are you able to give an update on when it will be?
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call me crazy but why not go do them ? they pay cash and occasionally an "orange" + drops + commendations.


In addition to the bug where you can't abandon them, they also don't show up on your map, so they could be anywhere. Also, they're pretty much all bonus quests, which I imagine can't be finished without having the main quest as well. The quests are null, impotent, useless.

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I still have about a dozen bonus quests I cannot delete too. I hardly ever finished a zone while leveling up and them trying to force me into doing a ****load of bonus quests to go kill 20-40 more of this or that didn't entice me to do them either. I should have the option whether to pick up bonus quests if I'm not going to be able to delete the darn things. Either make it so I can delete them or make it so I am not forced to automatically take the quest if I just walk into an area. This is just stupid. To those saying why not just do them? I shouldn't be forced to do their stupid kill 20-40 of these mindless quests if I don't want to, and I shouldn't have them cluttering up my quest logs.
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Same here. I guess they are too busy rewording tooltips and nerfing classes to care. :mad:
they are hardly slow with the patching cycle atm. have some patience. Edited by Noviru
filter dodging/rude - removed first half of post
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I and many other Troopers still have the "Stay Frosty" mission stuck in our quest log.

We failed it (it's this optional bonus quest to not set off any traps when you go aboard this one ship), but it didn't go away and we can't abandon it, reset it, nor complete it (at least I don't think we can).

Fix plz. D:

Edited by ZeroGravTrooper
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