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PvP ; the hide classes= operative, smuggler, sentinal, maruder


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Hi mates, there is a problem at this game so I wanted to share it, maybe bioware fix it. These hide classes are given too much damage(s) realy, I have sniper(full champion lvl 50) and commando(lvl 45) class at game. At pvp zones and areas, these hide classses give realy too much damage and I cannot able to move. Bioware doesn'T do anything for these classes damages. At my main character(sniper) I am always dying to these classes , it is realy suck ,I am dying within max 10 sec to these classes. pvp system is so unbalance at this game. I am spending too much time to finish a daily/weekly quests already. Because of bioware I don't get any fun from pvp!!! Lags are another issue bioware must fix it, ı I have 120 ms generally ,but game frozen generally at pvp (even my computer is good). Bioware will gonna adjust these issues? or as many players doing too ,I will leave this game too. Content is good but pvp is realy suck. Bioware put some realy usefull warzones for sniper class can rock too, (and improve the attack range of sniper too). Because of Other classes skills , sniper'S 35 attack range is useless, my skills' cooldowns are realy long too. DO STH BIOWARE or you will gonna lose more players.... thx (I hope thy respond our wishes) Edited by kanun
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Hi mates, there is a problem at this game so I wanted to share it, maybe bioware fix it. These hide classes are given too much damage(s) realy, I have sniper(full champion lvl 50) and commando(lvl 45) class at game. At pvp zones and areas, these hide classses give realy too much damage and I cannot able to move. Bioware doesn'T do anything for these classes damages. At my main character(sniper) I am always dying to these classes , it is realy suck ,I am dying within max 10 sec to these classes. pvp system is so unbalance at this game. I am spending too much time to finish a daily/weekly quests already. Because of bioware I don't get any fun from pvp!!! Lags are another issue bioware must fix it, ı I have 120 ms generally ,but game frozen generally at pvp (even my computer is good). Bioware will gonna adjust these issues? or as many players doing too ,I will leave this game too. Content is good but pvp is realy suck. Bioware put some realy usefull warzones for sniper class can rock too, (and improve the attack range of sniper too). Because of Other classes skills , sniper'S 35 attack range is useless, my skills' cooldowns are realy long too. DO STH BIOWARE or you will gonna lose more players.... thx (I hope thy respond our wishes)


english much?

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first , what is a hide class? do you mean stealth? secondly, marauders are not a stealth class. they get a 4 second in combat vanish that's on like a 30 second cooldown timer. same with sentinel. maybe you should play the class before you complain about it, seeing as you don't even know that it's not a stealth class......;)
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Sounds like another "I just hit 50 with no expertise. All classes, which isnt my, are OP." Remember people, just because your 50 doesnt mean your going to faceroll everyone in warzones. 50s with pvp gear are going to **** anyone who doesnt. That doesnt mean their class is OP or does insane amount of damage. Edited by Tycoon
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I like how sith assassins are out of this "OP list" because as SA in (almost full) champion suit my toon can barely break 4k hit - unlike those 6-7k hitting guys - despite ungodly amount of adrenals, relics, buffs I trigger before attacks.


This is the first game I see (I've seen them all) where "rogue" class is underdog with less than average burst. Almost every other game started from "nerf the rogues / infiltrators" stupidity - unlike SWTOR.

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Hi mates, there is a problem at this game so I wanted to share it, maybe bioware fix it. These hide classes are given too much damage(s) realy, I have sniper(full champion lvl 50) and commando(lvl 45) class at game. At pvp zones and areas, these hide classses give realy too much damage and I cannot able to move. Bioware doesn'T do anything for these classes damages. At my main character(sniper) I am always dying to these classes , it is realy suck ,I am dying within max 10 sec to these classes. pvp system is so unbalance at this game. I am spending too much time to finish a daily/weekly quests already. Because of bioware I don't get any fun from pvp!!! Lags are another issue bioware must fix it, ı I have 120 ms generally ,but game frozen generally at pvp (even my computer is good). Bioware will gonna adjust these issues? or as many players doing too ,I will leave this game too. Content is good but pvp is realy suck. Bioware put some realy usefull warzones for sniper class can rock too, (and improve the attack range of sniper too). Because of Other classes skills , sniper'S 35 attack range is useless, my skills' cooldowns are realy long too. DO STH BIOWARE or you will gonna lose more players.... thx (I hope thy respond our wishes)



I luld..... Did he REALLY just say Sentinels do too much damage? Ha..... my sent can faceroll a sniper...if he doesn't even bother to CC or try to kite, something tells me this guy just stands in melee range and expects to not be cleaved in half by lightsabers

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