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  1. What kind of numbers are you guys seeing? Please include which spec you are using as well. So far, my biggest crit in full BM gear Marksman is 3800, and Lethality 4200. Prior to 1.2, I was in 4 set BM/rakata gear and easily getting multiple 4900-5300s with Marks, without biochem. I feel gimped right now with Field Tech BM gear.
  2. What kind of numbers are you guys seeing? Please include which spec you are using as well. So far, my biggest crit in full BM gear Marksman is 3800, and Lethality 4200. Prior to 1.2, I was in 4 set BM/rakata gear and easily getting multiple 4900-5300s with Marks, without biochem. I feel gimped right now with Field Tech BM gear.
  3. Disclaimer: Much of this article is my opinion and my opinion only. If you disagree, go for it. Huttball is all about Mid control. The team that controls mid effectively will always win. As a sniper, we are not ball carriers what so ever. In fact, reroll servers if people expect you to carry the ball to the goal line. I am a Valor Rank 74 Marksman Sniper using 30/8/3 currently. Our primary goal should be to get the ball as soon as someone scores and pass it off. My favorite position in Huttball is in cover next to the ball stand. Now many of you may say, well you're just going to get LoS'd and can't kill. Not true. In this position you will have Sorc/Sage's dotting you, CCing you and all the like. They are easy prey. Lock them down with Distraction and Flashbang. Load the damage on. Soon as they freak, that sorc will run to one of the 4 corners of the first level up and attempt to get behind those little crates. You have two great opportunities here. Either Leg shot him, and continue another big hit on him, and hope he's ready for Takedown. Now run over to the Huttball Lift, jump up in the air, and finish him off with Takedown. Or if he's not ready for Takedown, use Legshot on him. Let him chill out behind that crate for another 5 seconds. Now our main goal isnt to take out sorcies I got a little carried away there. The main objective is to be the first to grab that ball. You're going to be doing this with Entrench. All the other classes love to run into mid, pop their CC's on everyone and snag that ball. Just sit next to the ball stand and pop Entrench and that ball is yours, provided you can spam the orange finger faster than others . Everyone tends to try and open up and burst down that ballcarrier as soon as its grabbed. Pop Shield Probe, Evasion, and you are sure to be able to freely pass to your team for at least 8 seconds. Getting a little more intense? Pop Ballistic Shield. Pass that ball off.. don't move. Now I'm loving the upgrade I get with Entrench in 1.2, You will survive a little longer, because a smart dps will pop AoE's on you and continue to DPS while you're sitting there waiting to pass that ball. Now, I use this strategy to dominate huttball. However, if your going to win, its up to your team to get back to you in time to get the ball. If they're no where near.. just throw the ball to someone squishy wearing a red tag Team yells at you? Tell them they shoulda bursted down that squishy. Our bane will be any operative/assassin that is wise to your strategy. Usually they won't figure it out until your up 3-0. Then they will open up on you before Entrench is down. Don't panic when this occurs.. just tell your team, you need assistance holding mid. Hope this helps many of you snipers who are struggling with Huttball.
  4. The only reason this is happening is because of auto queue after you finish a warzone. If people unqueue after a warzone, you're going to be short because the system believes it has even teams.
  5. Typically in Huttball, I guard the middle. I'm always paying attention to when the ball is reset. I'm always waiting to get jumped and CC'd when that ball is getting reset. Entrench is perfect for the job of sitting there and grabbing that ball first. The only thing the enemy team can do is try and burst me down, or attempt to get me to move out of entrench with an AOE and then CC for additional bursting time. So with the added 60% defense to AOE, its more viable for other snipers to try this technique in huttball. Mid Dominance wins matches, who cares about pulls and jumps and all those fancy shmancy moves.
  6. The actual problem is that the game doesn't just create warzones 2vs6 or whatever. The team with only 2 had 4 people just not accept queue. This happens because of the auto-queue feature. If a premade comes out of a Warzone, they all are autoqued, and if they drop the auto-queue you end up with short teams until more people queue up. They need to turn off the auto-requeue feature.
  7. The way I do it is.. I stack Crit and Accuracy if I want to take down tanks. If i want to take down squishies, power and surge.
  8. Yep, and if an American soldier did that on September 25th 2001, nobody would be complaining.
  9. I'm a sniper, and i have no issues with ANY class.. yes even an operative who gets to blow his load on my backside. Its all good, cuz I'm just gonna shoot him in da FACE!
  10. It sounds like you are missing the fact that throw the huttball is an AOE.. click ur button.. watch how you get an AOE target thing on the ground.. then use that to point where to throw.. toss away.
  11. Well, maybe they are giving a purpose for the neutral gtn.. try it
  12. Even if the OP was as bad as you guys have made him out to be... I think it would make sense to stretch out every lil 0.0001% that your raiders can get. Its the best way to get rid of the baddies in your guild, or at least to identify them. This game has no combat log. In a 16 man operation, the guild leader and officers aren't always going to immediately see who is messing up the raids progression due to a lack of performance. You may have the tank dying. But it might not be the tanks fault. So blame the tank? Blame the healers? Blame the dpsers for not interrupting? Whatever the case may be... that raid leader at the top of this thread knows damn well he can't blame it on lack of gear or crewskill buffs.
  13. I'm not totally sure if this is true, but I've read somewhere that if you gear your companions, they have more success in the missions. I didn't read your whole post either.
  14. Try out a Sniper in Engineering spec, lots of defensive abilities for pvp and quite a capable dpser. I'm originally a sniper class, and wanted to test out engineering. Did over 400k my first time playing as Engineer in huttball.
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