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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


If a game is looking to even achieve half the numbers WoW has, innovation is not the way to go. You don't get those kinds of numbers from hardcore gamers. At least, not for a while. GW2 will be an interesting test of the whole innovation vs stagnation argument.

Edited by CorranTyev
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Yes it will, but you don't have to take my word for it, you will see it happen in the following months with your own eyes.


When you try to copy WOW and end up being the same game with a couple additions, reskinned, except worse in gameplay (the thing that matters most), you're not gonna live long.


The game does have some innovation but it's just not innovation in gameplay, and if it's not innovation in gameplay it simply makes no difference. 90% of the time we'll be fighting. Combat is nothing new. So it's just not innovative in the right parts.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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No innovations? Fully voiced quests, new crafting system, new companion system, lots of 'new' things for an MMO.


But oh wait, it's a 'WoW clone' now because it is an MMO with buttons and stuff! :rolleyes:


People are so stupid sometimes. The things that you say make this a WoW clone are in damn near every MMO before and after WoW.


That's like complaining that RPGs all have a leveling system! They're all the same!


Agreed, my fear isnt lack of innovation, its that the innovation already here isn't enough for most.

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Yes it will, but you don't have to take my word for it, you will see it happen in the following months with your own eyes.


When you try to copy WOW and end up being the same game with a couple additions, reskinned, except worse in gameplay (the thing that matters most), you're not gonna live long.


The gameplay is not worse, and there are revolutionary ideas.

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UI, class design, art style (cartoony style nods at WoW's success), trinity, flightpoints are the same, menu interface is the same, guild interface is the same, PVP grouping functionality is the same.


UI: Every game is going to require buttons. Action bars make sense. Period. They're going to be in every game. Every game will have a mini map. Every game will have menu buttons. I don't see what you're complaining about here.


Class Design: Melee classes hit stuff at close range? And they have distance closers and snares? Ranged stuff hits things at range, and has snares? Someone call the Herp Police! I'm about to derp!


Flightpoints: You're right. Let's take these out so you can run your happy *** everywhere until level 25. Then you can speed across planets manually.


Menu Inerface: A menu is a menu. Not sure what you think anyone could make so revolutionary. Let's get in contact with people about touch screen moniters yes?


You're asking someone to build a book shelf without shelves.

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not until GW2 comes out.


No one even really knows what innovation is in a mmo unless you've been following GW2 very closely.


BTW, GW2 started closed beta on Friday and released the final class today.


I don't need a sales pitch, go back to the official GW2 forum.

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If it's so much like WoW to you and others, then go play WoW.


Well, because it is better than WOW, not by much but it is better. That's the answer. I'll play the best game out but that doesn't mean it's that good.


I was super dissapointed on the first beta weekend logging into Swtors personally. I'll play for a few months or until I have the best pvp gear but after that I dont see it holding my interests. It's still more of the same.

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UI: Every game is going to require buttons. Action bars make sense. Period. They're going to be in every game. Every game will have a mini map. Every game will have menu buttons. I don't see what you're complaining about here.


Class Design: Melee classes hit stuff at close range? And they have distance closers and snares? Ranged stuff hits things at range, and has snares? Someone call the Herp Police! I'm about to derp!


Flightpoints: You're right. Let's take these out so you can run your happy *** everywhere until level 25. Then you can speed across planets manually.


Menu Inerface: A menu is a menu. Not sure what you think anyone could make so revolutionary. Let's get in contact with people about touch screen moniters yes?


You're asking someone to build a book shelf without shelves.


Agreed, but most dont realize what you are saying which will damage the games success.

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idont get these fools that think this game is so much like WoW ok if you have played a few different mmos youd see this game is a lil like most of them they took the stuff people liked from older mmos and made it with theirs rift did the same thing **** wow did the same thing so just stop talking becouse you have no idea what your talking about.
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Yes it will, but you don't have to take my word for it, you will see it happen in the following months with your own eyes.


When you try to copy WOW and end up being the same game with a couple additions, reskinned, except worse in gameplay (the thing that matters most), you're not gonna live long.


The game does have some innovation but it's just not innovation in gameplay, and if it's not innovation in gameplay it simply makes no difference. 90% of the time we'll be fighting. Combat is nothing new. So it's just not innovative in the right parts.




The Reason GW2 is so popular for a mmo that isn't released yet is the actual MECHANICS of combat have been drastically changed from the standard hotbar combat.


It plays much more like a 3rd person combat game than a traditional mmo.

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The Reason GW2 is so popular for a mmo that isn't released yet is the actual MECHANICS of combat have been drastically changed from the standard hotbar combat.


It plays much more like a 3rd person combat game than a traditional mmo.


If I wanted God of War I would play that, I preffer traditional MMOs after my experience with Tera.

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.



Will lack of innovation in the Mc Donald's menu really hurt their success??



see what I did there?



Selling a simple product to customers who wants their product to be simple always helps business.



Do you know the reason why Blizzard reached 11 million subs with WOW?

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UI: Every game is going to require buttons. Action bars make sense. Period. They're going to be in every game. Every game will have a mini map. Every game will have menu buttons. I don't see what you're complaining about here.


Class Design: Melee classes hit stuff at close range? And they have distance closers and snares? Ranged stuff hits things at range, and has snares? Someone call the Herp Police! I'm about to derp!


Flightpoints: You're right. Let's take these out so you can run your happy *** everywhere until level 25. Then you can speed across planets manually.


Menu Inerface: A menu is a menu. Not sure what you think anyone could make so revolutionary. Let's get in contact with people about touch screen moniters yes?


You're asking someone to build a book shelf without shelves.


I completely agree.


With Some people, Innovation dose not exist till you have a cybernetic implant, and/or VR goggles with gloves to live within the game.


Not saying its not going to happen someday.. but some people are gunning for the over the top *if its not earth shattering progress* its not good enough.

Edited by Tericc
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How do you define "lack of innovation"?


The game has 8 unique and branching stories for each class that run the length of the game, with fully animated cut-scenes, several unique companions per class and voiced player characters. That's a pretty awesome innovation for an MMO, in my opinion.

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The Reason GW2 is so popular for a mmo that isn't released yet is the actual MECHANICS of combat have been drastically changed from the standard hotbar combat.


It plays much more like a 3rd person combat game than a traditional mmo.


Lots of games are popular before they're released. It's called hype. Guess what happens after that, though? :rolleyes: But don't let me stop you from drinking the koolaid.

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Succeeding in the MMO market has never been about innovation.


Succeeding in the MMO market has always been, and remains, about starting with a familiar framework and overlaying it with other people's structural innovations implemented better, cleaner, more stable, more reliable than the innovators themselves could do, and combining that with engaging content.


Will SWTOR's similarity to WoW hurt it? No. Not unless the implementation is bad.

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I wish the game was more original. I wish they wer a little braver from a mechanics standpoint. They did for an MMO break new ground with the story, dialog branches, and even to some extent with the cover system. But I know the mechanics are virtually the same. It is false to say it is exactly like WOW, because WOW was very similar to EQ. Really 80% of the MMO's out there are very similar in most ways. Those that are very different have not done that well. Which means, either people do not want different, or different has not been done well. So is being polished with innovative story enough to be considered a great game? Only time will tell. For me at least the increased immersion level is keeping me interested so far.
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The Reason GW2 is so popular for a mmo that isn't released yet is the actual MECHANICS of combat have been drastically changed from the standard hotbar combat.


It plays much more like a 3rd person combat game than a traditional mmo.


Rockpapershotgun.com, a fairly good PC gaming site, did a write up on getting to play GW2 a few months ago.


They said that while it is good, the combat isn't as "not-MMO-y" as people think it is. They apparently did a very good job of hiding the MMO-bits beneath a very good veil, but they did not fix them.

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Will SWTOR's similarity to WoW hurt it? No. Not unless the implementation is bad.


Exactly. As long as what is being imitated is familiar and nothing stands out or can be fixed with a band aid. Innovation and imitation work hand in hand.

Edited by Tericc
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Truth hurts?


Everyone already knows this game is going to bleed alot of subs from hardcore gamers in 3-6 months just like RIFT did.


Rift was a great game but as a poster above pointed out the mechanics are boring.


I'm not saying this game wont do super well though, just that it is going to bleed some in 3 months when the novelty of a reskinned WOW wheres off.


I'm just being realistic here as a long time pc gamer who has played most of the new mmo's over the last 8 years.


Truth? Can you see into the future? No I just dont like having rampant GW2 fanboys going around preaching GW2 like " THEY HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT, PRAISE THE LAWD HALLEJULIAH!" on every video,forum and blog. Yeah because the novelty of WoW re-skinning EQ died in a few months right? OH WAIT. RIFT lacked content and had no innovation of any kind or any self image of itself THATS WHY IT DIDNT DO TO WELL (also bad game design choices).

Edited by relapes
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LOL? It's WoW with voice acting and everyone has pets. Oh and the Star Wars setting of course.


The term "pets" indicate a being with no individual thought or choice. The term "companion" which is what they are indicates a being with their own like/dislikes remarks and complaints... WoW has NONE of these.


SW:TOR has no pets. So no everyone does not have a pet.

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