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61-0, 322k dmg, Watchman Sentinel in WZ


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This was earlier tonight in Voidstar. Healing was outstanding and I was all about survivability and dmg output while getting to objectives and defending them. This class has taken me a while to get used to, the additions of a Razer Naga and Razer Nostromo recently have truly helped my cause. Not all matches go this way obviously, but I encourage any of you doubting this class to keep working with it.



Edited by Scythus
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Works fine for me. Try again?


Alright, got it to work, it didn't before. That's awesome damage output. This isn't about me gloating, I'm trying to share some success with other Sentinels out there having issues with our class. Some of them need to know that we can be successful.

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Alright, got it to work, it didn't before. That's awesome damage output. This isn't about me gloating, I'm trying to share some success with other Sentinels out there having issues with our class. Some of them need to know that we can be successful.


Hehe, I was just joking, it's just that I happened to read Emperorx post in another thread.


The point I made to him is the same I have to make to you : you are right the Sentinel is powerful and some proof of it is needed these days. However, a single good Warzone with a heal bot isn't going to convince the more skeptical, so be wary of what you post. You'll often just get flamed.

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Hehe, I was just joking, it's just that I happened to read Emperorx post in another thread.


The point I made to him is the same I have to make to you : you are right the Sentinel is powerful and some proof of it is needed these days. However, a single good Warzone with a heal bot isn't going to convince the more skeptical, so be wary of what you post. You'll often just get flamed.


That's fine, no one can claim to be a one man wrecking crew without some healing. This class is not designed that way. People can flame, but I'd take a healer in my pocket over going in solo anyday of the week.

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Judging by the final score, the opponents were scrubs. Not impressed. Do that in an even game.


lol, someone hasn't seen 2 good teams go at each other. Believe or it not, that score is easily possible. In fact unless some of the people outputs are incredibly, it's hard to tell how good a team actually was without actually being there. Even then, there can be reasons such as defending a door that wasn't very active, or being the 'ninja' of the team.


People saying that a team is bad by only looking at the score sheet truly are usually not that good themselves.

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lol, someone hasn't seen 2 good teams go at each other. Believe or it not, that score is easily possible. In fact unless some of the people outputs are incredibly, it's hard to tell how good a team actually was without actually being there. Even then, there can be reasons such as defending a door that wasn't very active, or being the 'ninja' of the team.


People saying that a team is bad by only looking at the score sheet truly are usually not that good themselves.


Hokkay. We'll go with that. So we have no way to determine whether his opponents were good or not. My point still stands. OP proves nothing with his epeen stroking.

Edited by Rakimou
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If you want to prove to people that our class isn't bad, a screenshot of you getting healed and killing people isn't enough. Post a video of you killing 2 players at the same time with your gear or even just 1 player with your gear. That would prove it. Not some screenshot that, for all I know, could be fake.
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Ok on one side we have



Damage = 322,117

Kills = 61

Deaths = 0

Healing = 57,183

Objective = 1200

Medals = 6

MVP = 1 vote




Damage = 567,209

Kills = 16

Deaths = 0

Healing = 99,794

Objective = 300

Medals = 7

MVP = ?




How can you break 500k and only kill 16 people? also minimal objective points.


Scythus wins, remember the damage is the most useless score to look at in pvp. All the others are varying degrees of more importance.


Theres a Bounty Hunter screen around here thats 800k, with no objectives and 8 kills.


So you be the judge.

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Not to break your glory, but whats the big deal? You did good one match, because you had healers that healed you. Any other class can do that, and with that amound of good healer the other classes would do better.


Thanks for the flame, but to answer your question, it's not about other classes doing this. I explained why I posted this. I could care less about my little gaming ego, all I see are complaints about the Sentinel class being broken. So I just wanted to show some of what this class is capable of.

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I have a Sentinel and think this is pretty impressive. I have yet to break the 300k mark in a warzone, but im getting better. I broke 270k the other day. I think my issue is that I use the same rotation, even if I have a full bar of focus. . .that and I probably dont hit zen as much as I should.


I assume you're decked out in at least Champion gear?

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I have a Sentinel and think this is pretty impressive. I have yet to break the 300k mark in a warzone, but im getting better. I broke 270k the other day. I think my issue is that I use the same rotation, even if I have a full bar of focus. . .that and I probably dont hit zen as much as I should.


I assume you're decked out in at least Champion gear?


I have the 4 piece bonus for Champ gear. My offhand ls is only the Cent version, my main ls is an orange upgraded. I have 7 pieces of Champ gear overall. Other stuff is blue or cent gear. Even my helm is still an orange piece. I have bad luck with the champ bags.


In regards to your rotation, are you a watchman spec?

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I have a Sentinel and think this is pretty impressive. I have yet to break the 300k mark in a warzone, but im getting better. I broke 270k the other day. I think my issue is that I use the same rotation, even if I have a full bar of focus. . .that and I probably dont hit zen as much as I should.


I assume you're decked out in at least Champion gear?


Not to sound like a jerk and ruin a perfectly good "Have you seen the size of my epeen" thread, but at least with my sentinel, it's not that unusual.


I have mostly Champion gear and I'm focus specced (AOE damage means I'm almost always near top damage and kills with decent objective points). And I'm nothing special at pvp. Anyone with enough time put into the game (to get more Champion gear) and the same spec would do just as well as me, as long as they didn't play like an idiot.


It's mostly the fact that Voidstar lasts so long that allows people to rack up tons of damage and kills. It's not that surprising. Hell, with my friend as a healer, I can literally go entire Voidstars without dying, the same with just occasional healing and The Civil War.


Sentinels really aren't that difficult, really you could do the same as me if you specced the same and looked around the forums for a rotation that works.

Edited by Urza
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Keeping the thread on the topic at hand (pvp): The pvp rotations on the forum for focus works pretty well (just a little bit of downtime when you've got pretty much all your main abilities on cooldown after 2-3 times through the rotation.


Force Leap -> Force Exhaustion -> Zealous Strike -> Force Sweep ->Strike/Blade Storm/Dispatch/Master Strike (I usually use BS/MS in here) -> Force Stasis -> Zealous Leap -> Force Sweep -> Master Strike (if you wish)


But I'd like people looking for info on pvp to keep in mind that I'm no master, My smuggler guildmate with similar amounts of Champion armor does just as well as me in every department (he's a scoundrel) and I've been out dpsed by Shadows, Tracer Missle Spammers, and Sorcerers.


The entire Focus spec is centered around Force Sweep which hits 5 enemies within a certain radius, you build up a certain buff with Force Exhaustion and Force Stasis then use Force Sweep for 3-4k crits on all of those people. You can see why damage gets rather high without too much effort (Mode average is around 6 medals). It's great for areas on Civil War like the turrets, and Voidstar (there are always groups of people around the doors, or crowds of healers sitting in back and trying not to be noticed). I do just fine in The Pit too, but my focus there isn't trying to prevent people from touching a certain objective, and more trying to set up a passing relay because the Jedi Knight has a lot of survivability to push for the goal.

Edited by Meluna
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Thanks for the flame, but to answer your question, it's not about other classes doing this. I explained why I posted this. I could care less about my little gaming ego, all I see are complaints about the Sentinel class being broken. So I just wanted to show some of what this class is capable of.


Yes, Sents can do good damage and can end on top of the board, but and its a big one. Every other class can do it easier and better.


So you posting a ss where you had "dedicated" healer's is nothing new. We all knew that sent can do Ok and end on top of the board with one of those pocket healers. But the fact is we have to work much much harder, and there are much fewer good Sentinels that end up on top of the board at a standard rate, than for isntance there is Sorcs or BH.


PS: No, I am good with a sent and almost most of the games end in top 3 of total damage. And that is beeing Combat spec, not full Champ set and in 50 brackets.

Edited by OldxLady
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Shamelessly stolen from Emperorx :




You can now fight together to determine who's got the biggest.


this shows nothing other than he can beat on people that are being healed, while being healed. he only got 16 kills which is around 36k per kill, he was obviously beating on tanks and healers the entire game, while being healed by the 417k, and other 200k+ healers on his team. It's kinda sad people post e-peen pics that aren't even e-peen pics.

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