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Anyone else REALLY regretting going Marauder over Juggernaut?


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So this hit me like a train recently and I'm not sure what to do about it...


I realized that the Juggernaut advanced class for the Sith Warrior has all the fun abilities while the Marauder is like some sort of castrated WoW Warrior raid spec, consisting entirely of buffs/debuffs and lacking all the fun and dynamic CC/etc. abilities the Juggernaut posseses.






I just don't know what to do now...


The reason I went for the Sith Warrior as my first character is because of how awesome Force Charge and Force Choke are, but only now, after I leveled my warrior to level 49, have I suddenly realized that I chose the wrong advanced class for what I wanted: lots of fun, dynamic abilities that include movement, CC, etc. -- exactly what the Juggernaut advanced class has.


And now I can't change it...


Anyone else find themselves in this predicament? :sul_confused:


as long as you don't mind doing a lot less damage and having NO WAY of escaping a fight if it isn't gonig your way (which you do have as a marauder) then re-roll.

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I have yet to play a Jugg/Guardian. But have a 41 sith assassin and literally dropped playing him all together when I got my hands on a marauder. Yes they have a steeper learning curve than some other classes. But at level already at 36 I can be a force to be reckoned with. Annihilation is exactly what I was looking for. And to think they might give us more goodies in the future...
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There are times when I want to throw my mouse and crack my keyboard over the nearest person's head when playing my Marauder, screaming about how much I hate the entire world.


There are also times when I get to sadistically grin while ripping someone apart, going invisible, then choking a person while my bleeds drain them of their last bits of health. That's right, I want you to look at me while you helplessly die, knowing you might have been able to kill me if you just hit me one more time.


It's a love hate relationship, the only way to live. It's more rousing that way. >: )

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Its strange, they gave marauders and second lightsaber, that does pathetic damage. Then they made it so certain abilities attack with both light sabers, which doesnt seem to happen. Assuming it does, all they did was increase the damage done by many jug abilities therefore, juggs get similar damage, heavy armor etc. using 2 light sabers, means nothing.


heavy armor means nothing. It is only about 5% more mitigation against two type of damage. Marauder has more defensive cooldowns to survive.

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Honestly, I'd rather take an awesome knock back, the ability to provide protection in BGs (since most classes are hybrids), and a 30 mater saber throw vs...


4 second stealth and some buffs that are supposed to work on a party but wont really activate unless your team is literally standing on top of you? Outside of those, its nothing but "LOL I SMASH YOU" abilities that only benefit yourself and not your team.


At the end of the day, sorry, but Jugg has a lot more to offer in any setting.

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I've had my on and off regrets over my choice of Marauder, especially while leveling as sometimes it is hard, but it is quite a fun class. However I will say it is easily one of the most user-intensive classes in the game, and takes some know-how to play well. But damn when played well it is something amazing.


I've stolen aggro from tanks with the sheer amount of balls-to-the-wall damage I put out, and I do pretty well in PvP too, though I'm more partial to PvE. I'm a tank at heart, but that's what my powertech is for :) AoE tank is more fun for me anyway. If you find yourself regretting your choice in Marauder, watch the Fight for Korriban cinematic for the part where the Sith with two lightsabers goes hulk rage on a Jedi...always makes me remember how ****** the Mara is :)

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not one bit, so what if they have some issues, it makes you feel even better when you just rock someones face :D. the marauder isn't as bad off as most people would like to make it out to be, you got to know how to play the marauder. from seeing the posts on the fourms and other marauders in warzones and flashpoints/ operations i can tell you most peopel have no clue what they are doing on there marauder!
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How did you get to 49 and only just realise you wanted to be a juggernaut?

I regretting going marauder 11 - 28. Hated it, it was my "I need a reality" check class. As being unkillable all the time wore thin. from 29 onward, after i switched to annihilation and got my stuff together it became my main. It does get better at 50.

Being honest it does come with utility but its all very centered. For example, between cloak of pain, undying rage, blade ward, obsufiate, force choke. You can pretty much stun lock a mob or group of (if you know what you're doing) 2 mobs int odoing nothing while you kill one then use your insane damage on the other.

As DPS i often do close protection for healers in raids and HMs, if the tank has his hands full and a "stray" is beating our healer, i force choke, obsufiate, and beat it senseless to draw aggro, snare it then run. Or if the tank is struggling and we need stuff dead i just blast it down with blade ward up.

Go jugger if you want to tank, or else be glad you want marauder. There isnt room for much melee DPS in raids, and a marauder will out DPS a jugger every time.

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How did you get to 49 and only just realise you wanted to be a juggernaut?

I regretting going marauder 11 - 28. Hated it, it was my "I need a reality" check class. As being unkillable all the time wore thin. from 29 onward, after i switched to annihilation and got my stuff together it became my main. It does get better at 50.

Being honest it does come with utility but its all very centered. For example, between cloak of pain, undying rage, blade ward, obsufiate, force choke. You can pretty much stun lock a mob or group of (if you know what you're doing) 2 mobs int odoing nothing while you kill one then use your insane damage on the other.

As DPS i often do close protection for healers in raids and HMs, if the tank has his hands full and a "stray" is beating our healer, i force choke, obsufiate, and beat it senseless to draw aggro, snare it then run. Or if the tank is struggling and we need stuff dead i just blast it down with blade ward up.

Go jugger if you want to tank, or else be glad you want marauder. There isnt room for much melee DPS in raids, and a marauder will out DPS a jugger every time.


Sorry, where did i write that I just realized i wanted to be a jugg?

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Iv bin lv 50 now for 4 weeks and not 1 day gose by that I wish i had rolled a Jug over this Crap class ....


And im still trying to find armor that "looks" like a sith ...


Btw anyone know where i can find some modded BLACK PANTS ! ...

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50 Jugg and, most recently, a 50 marauder to go along with that here. Also have a 50 assassin and BH. Yeah, four 50's; can you tell what I did with my extended holiday vacation? XD



That aside, I have no overall regrets about most recently burning it up with a Marauder.


Like Juggernaut, it feels like there's a hump to crawl over from about level 25-40 wherein which you just don't have all the right powers yet to really come up with the good rotations, and so the backloading of power distributions on both classes tends to make them feel a bit underpowered, at least in part due to this, until you can cap out a talent tree and, for my experience, see it all finally come together like magic for one or two abilitis that connect it all into a blazing fury of terror.


From 40 on, both my Marauder and prior, my Jugg, felt like I was playing a whole other game. I finally had the tools and the abilities to make it shine in both cases.



Marauder felt squishier, I suppose, but that was at least in part due to my familiarity with playing a Jugg. Even in a DPS Veng or Rage spec on a Jugg, you can still flip Soresu on and have passive damage mitigation, if you're in even decent armor, ranging from 43-50+%.


On a jugg, flipping over to Soresu in a DPS spec tends to severely curb your DPS output, but you can do it.


Marauder's a different game. The survivability is there, but until you're deep into any of the trees, things don't come together very smoothly.


There's not a very good toolbox with which to built basic, effective rotations with and just keep elaborating upon them. For me, I was pretty much using the same rotation at 38 on my Marauder as I was at 25.


Not entirely the same; there were a lot more of the conditional, situational and CD powers to work with, but rotation-wise, which directly translates into consistent DPS (and for a marauder, half your survivability), it just felt more and more anemic.


And then the dam broke with...I forget if it was one or two powers that seemed to fill the glaring gaps and allow me to start chaining DPS with rage building like a tornado.


It seriously felt like, from 25-39, I was playing one game, and from 40-50 I was playing another. Drastic efficacy difference.


Playstyle is also important on a marauder or, for that matter, a DPS jugg. I'll focus on Marauder however.


You have to play it utterly aggressively. On a Marauder, no matter what tree you're specing down, you absolutely have to use every tool you have and hold nothing back.


That doesn't mean you should burn all your CD's all the time; not at all. You need to get tactical. There's no such thing as a mindless trash kill on a Marauder until you're level 40+.


You treat even a pack of four normals like one mistake will see you pushing that respawn button. And the way mobs can tear into you in higher levels, it very well might if you make the wrong mistake with a silver, or god help you, two silvers or a gold and two normals.


You need; absolutely need; to identify and prioritize your targets. If there are healers in the mob you're soloing, they go first. They must go first; they diminish your overall DPS which diminishes your survivability.


Then you take out the trash. A good example would be how I deal with the rather common mob groupings of a silver and a normal or a silver and two normals.


Never go for the silver first. Take the trash out first. Yeah, the silver does more damage, but it's going to take you longer to kill it. You don't want those normals, doing their not-inconsequential damage, to be beating on you the whole time you're taking down that silver.


You want them gone, out of the picture, right now. You get some tools for taking out the trash quickly and easily just for this purpose; use them if your rotation isn't spiking hard enough to wipe them out with a two or three hit kill.


And then you unload everything you've got on that silver. Pop Undying Rage if you need; use Berserk every time you can.


How you go about it will depend on the tree you're going down and your rotation, but your rotation is non-negotiable; you need to do your absolute best to put together a good rage build/spend rotation.


The temptation to rage dump is folly. It's folly on a Jugg and its folly on a Marauder. Only rage dump if it'll make the difference between killing what you're hitting or it killing you.


Close fights with golds sometimes warrant a rage dump. Otherwise, you're developing a bad habit that will undermine you at all levels of play on either sort of warrior.


PVP is another matter. Other people that are, frankly, better at PVP would be better suited to addressing Marauder PVP strats and perspectives elsewhere; I just hit 50 on mine. I'll be running hardmodes and dailies for a while yet before I even touch the 50 bracket of PVP.


Personal preference. Not my concern either.


Work on your rotation though. Don't just stick powers that don't seem to make sense to you off in a corner and ignore them; try to find a way to make them useful if at all you can.


Even if they don't wind up having a place in your rotation, it will be vital that you know very intimately what all your tools do, how they work and what they're good for as well as when. Not knowing these things; refusing to learn these things; serves only to undermine you and will diminish your potential to enjoy this class.


It's not an easy class to play. The warrior classes in general are absolutely the most necessarily complex of all the classes.


I say 'necessarily complex' because, with any other class, you can roll around using fewer total abilities, or possibly even spamming the same one to four things, and get by alright in typical PVE content.


Nobody playing any class like that is 'doing it right', but any other class can do it like that to some extent and function.


Warrior absolutely cannot. It will feel horribly broken and grossly underpowered if you try to play it like that, and that, I think, is where a lot of people faceplant on it.


Every single class can be as complex, and is as complex to play optimally, as a warrior.


There is no class; not one; that does not benefit immensely to master rotations and fully utilize your every tool in as tactically advantageous a manner as you possibly can.


For a warrior, and perhaps most of all, a Mar (or presumably also a jedi Sentinel), it's not just good for you; it's vital. As vital as keeping your gear as high quality as you can manage and picking the right companion for the job in regular PVe play.


And in PVP where it's just you and your gear against the world? Even more vital. PVP can be looked at as the proving ground of how well you can play your class.


Not depend on your companion to make up for gaps, not how well you can kite dumb NPC's or any of that.


Hence why there's so much irrational egotism some have about doing well as a marauder; they have to, no other class -has- to.


Where -that- faceplants is when they run into someone that plays any other class with that same disposition.


That's also where the holes in Marauder mechanics, as well as its strengths, really get laid bare.


Don't pick a fight as a Marauder with a skillfully played Powertech or, gods help you, a Juggernaut. They'll shut your primary offense-as-defense down pretty hard, soak you and just plain out-last you. What little PVPing I've done as a marauder in the 1-49 show (only came into 50 with three bags and valor rank 17. I count that as very little PVP) gave me this impression anyway.


My experience might well change when I get this marauder geared decently and hit it out there some more in the 50 bracket; I dunno. Others might, and others would certainly be better qualified to comment than I on how a geared Marauder can roll against what and in what circumstances than I no matter.



But in PVE? Neglect nothing. Play it hard at all times. Target priority is important. Rotations must always be the best and most rage generate/spend effective with DPS output as you can fiddle together.


The level 25ish to 40 game when you're working your way up a tree and you don't have all the powers yet may...or may not (your mileage may very well vary) feel like more of a slog than you'll think it should.


The devs are looking at warriors. Things will probably get smoothed out on that hump over time. But right now, the 40+ game isn't broken at all and there's no reason to feel like you're playing a gimped class if you take what I've said here and go in the direction with it all I hope I've at least generally managed to illustrate.


I'm not here to tell you rotations for this spec or that; you'd be doing yourself a disservice not to experiment and develop them yourself, check guides and info on here and take an active role in refining those rotations.


You'll hate life as a marauder if you take someone else's build and rotation assignment and just copy it. First time you have to do something differently will probably not be the last time you're left going 'Derp' and falling over dead.


Hi respawn button, my name is Herp and I didn't learn my class; I just did what it said on the forum.


And, at the end of it all, you still might just flat out not like the class.


Ignore the people that say you're a baddie if you just don't like how it plays. Play something you enjoy; you -will- do better with something you like than with something that frustrates, bores or is just paced wrong for you.


Doesn't make you bad. Just not doing what you'd probably be happier, and thus much more inclined to care more about being better at, doing.


And all that said, cheers!

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I make sure every Mad I see is dead instantly, as a precaution. Those SOB's are pretty damn annoying when played right, trust me, I play a Mad as my main.


I call them Mads over Mara's because you have one of two options:



uMad?(smart people who can figure out the class and play it well)



This made me very sad.


Why? because it is so very very true.


Huttball: if i don't have the ball, i often still get attacked cause as the enemy team is trying to take down the ball carrier, i am taking down the enemy team 1 by 1.


Voidstar: I hate this map on my other characters, on my mara, i love it. run the undefended side, eat the 1, maybe 2 defenders, plant bomb. alternatively, eat attackers as they file in 1 by 1.

For defense: eat attackers alive


Alderaan: I hate this one, mostly because it is just such a huge zerg fest and does not play to a mara's strengths. It is flat sit on point A, B, or C. mara's have to move in close to the objectives for kills, and there is no encouragement for the enemy to break off and get the marauder.


This is how mara's function. This is how you kill them. This is how they kill you:


Marauders are the wolf to your sheep. They are the cheetah to your gazelle. They will break into your ranks, find the fattest, juiciest, slowest prey and devour them.


Marauders are not social creatures. They tend to avoid places where large groups gather. Remember, there is always safety in numbers.


Do NOT, EVER EVER EVER, go marauder hunting alone. This is what the marauder wants. Marauders are sly beasts and know what you want. It is not beyond a marauder to play hurt on the fringes of the battle just hoping to lure their next victim away.


Always remember, if you find one all by yourself, marauders are not assassins, they are not operatives, you can always, and often times should, turn your back on a marauder. then move as quickly as you can in the opposite direction

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