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Anyone else REALLY regretting going Marauder over Juggernaut?


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So this hit me like a train recently and I'm not sure what to do about it...


I realized that the Juggernaut advanced class for the Sith Warrior has all the fun abilities while the Marauder is like some sort of castrated WoW Warrior raid spec, consisting entirely of buffs/debuffs and lacking all the fun and dynamic CC/etc. abilities the Juggernaut posseses.






I just don't know what to do now...


The reason I went for the Sith Warrior as my first character is because of how awesome Force Charge and Force Choke are, but only now, after I leveled my warrior to level 49, have I suddenly realized that I chose the wrong advanced class for what I wanted: lots of fun, dynamic abilities that include movement, CC, etc. -- exactly what the Juggernaut advanced class has.


And now I can't change it...


Anyone else find themselves in this predicament? :sul_confused:

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I haven't rolled a Maur but I did play a Sent to 41 and I've reached 26 for my Jug and I have to say I'm having more fun with the Jug for three reasons.


Beefy armour, the force attack that slows everyone around you down and my new favourite, Force Push aka trololol.

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So this hit me like a train recently and I'm not sure what to do about it...


I realized that the Juggernaut advanced class for the Sith Warrior has all the fun abilities while the Marauder is like some sort of castrated WoW Warrior raid spec, consisting entirely of buffs/debuffs and lacking all the fun and dynamic CC/etc. abilities the Juggernaut posseses.






I just don't know what to do now...


The reason I went for the Sith Warrior as my first character is because of how awesome Force Charge and Force Choke are, but only now, after I leveled my warrior to level 49, have I suddenly realized that I chose the wrong advanced class for what I wanted: lots of fun, dynamic abilities that include movement, CC, etc. -- exactly what the Juggernaut advanced class has.


And now I can't change it...


Anyone else find themselves in this predicament? :sul_confused:



They don't even have force choke? I was going read it again but do they have charge? I love my two bladed saber guy. Makes sure I'm swinging as fast as I can. And force smash has great AOE. It knocks the guys I face at PVP down to half health.


They don't even look scary with one light saber. Now TWO your thinking. I don't want mess with this guy.

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I have a Marauder and a Jugernut, and I think the Marauder stinks. None ot the 3 skill trees really seem to have anything interesting in them, and I have a silly amount of rage, but nothing to spend it on because everything is on cooldown. Jugernut is much more fun IMO. :rolleyes:
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I think the Jugernut rocks, but I keep waiting for the Marauder to be good at something and it's just not happening.


What skill tree are most people following? They all seem equally usless, I mean wow, a 15% chance to do 10% more damage.....wow...impressive. It just seem like a bunch of abilites with cool-downs, to go with all my other abilites that have cooldowns; most of which I have just removed from my tool bar cuse they were wasting space. :cool:

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I have a 50 marauder and juggernaut.


I enjoyed my Marauder but it is the worst solo class in the game with three specs that need work atm.


Juggernaut has more c/c, utilit and pvp viability with less of a skill factor involved.


Needless to say i still love my Marauder and play it mostly cause theres 5 juggernauts for every 1 marauder. Marauders are gluttons for punishment.


I would like to see some tweaks to our three trees, more passive and less reactive mitigation, and I think we are fine.


People do overlook we have great short term group buffs. I think the 10 seconds majorly need to be upped for the tradeoff involved.


I also think our they should streamline some of our spells. When playing other classes its almost a feel day cause I have 1/2 the key bindings. Atleast make kick and pummel far less situational, and usuable on elites/pvp.

Edited by Haddion
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I make sure every Mad I see is dead instantly, as a precaution. Those SOB's are pretty damn annoying when played right, trust me, I play a Mad as my main.


I call them Mads over Mara's because you have one of two options:



uMad?(smart people who can figure out the class and play it well)

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Both the specs suck in general.


The warrior in this game is totally ****balls terrible, ive played a warrior/fighter type char in just about EVERY mmo that ive ever played (Aion Templar > WoW Warrior > Conan Barb > Warhammer Chopper/Iron breaker) and SW:TOR has the WORST warrior that ive ever seen, its disgusting how horrible/boring the char really is.


I haven't tried the Knight yet but from what i read hes 20x worse off.


Good thing i rerolled Operative/Assassin, seems to be alot more fun.

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Yeah I'm lv 44 sin atm who actually still cc's in heroics/fps. The only melee person to ever de-aggro a tank AND steal aggro from me was a marauder.


edit: I have problems with stealing aggro due to my dps.

Edited by Ekemeister
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thats a blatant lie.


Why less skill required?


Simple, they have far more utility,c/c and surviability. That makes their margin for error much greater than a marauders since we go down like 2 doller street walkers.


Does the class take skill to play? Sure. Does it take a lot more effort to get the same results as a marauder? Yes.

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An advanced class is a class just like any other. Your complaint is no different to someone saying "I made a mercenary and want to be a juggernaut". Both carry on solution... reroll.


Its a shame when classes don't end being what you expect or want (trust me, I have a habit of picking the crapest classes in new MMOs), but as I said, there is only one option. No MMO that I know of has a way of changing your class, so switching from one class to another (even if an advanced class) is an expactation I don't understand.

Edited by Baz_Kahuna
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