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Ilum daily takes 30 days


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Hi, I'm republic


I can get one(maybe two) armament/kill in ilum a day before being zerged. Ilum has 2-6 republic players, imperial has 20-50 players at any time.


Could you please do something so I can finish the weekly this year?


Thanks, a republic player.

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HI, I am republic,


I cannot get the people on my server to participate in Ilum even though the cap is at 50.


Please lower the cap to like 5 or 10 so we can be even.


Or just add something for us Republics so we can get our dailies/weeklies done easy.


Thank you.

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its true


my server is however becoming slightly more balanced in terms of republic/empire dominance. empire is dominating probably 70% of the time, but i still can something try to run and pick up some things if there are 8-10 emps running around.


it takes long.. nothing is gonna change, maybe time will change something.

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Yea unbalanced servers either way hurts the illum daily for both sides. It especially hurts the weaker side because they cannot make it to the middle to get armaments and must face getting zerged over and over. I happen to be on the overpopulated side on my server. We out number the repubs 4 or 5 to 1 so they rarely come out and our only option is to sit on armaments. There are so many imperials getting them you have to find one armament and sit on it which takes like 3 hours to complete.


They are going to have to change the daily soon. Most people I know can't take much more of it, though I am going to give it more time. BW needs to either make armament spawns all over the map and at a faster respawn rate or lower the number needed to like 10-15 per daily

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The daily isnt supposed to be "Grab 30 armaments, it is supposed to be kill 30 players. But "pvpers" on this game arent interest in killing players. Just in purples.


Just give everyone battlemaster gear and be done with it. Disable it when not in pvp or in ilum and just let the whole thing go.

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The daily isnt supposed to be "Grab 30 armaments, it is supposed to be kill 30 players. But "pvpers" on this game arent interest in killing players. Just in purples.


Just give everyone battlemaster gear and be done with it. Disable it when not in pvp or in ilum and just let the whole thing go.



We try to look for PVP we are lucky if we get 2-5 kills in an hour only thing there is to do is play click wars with the stupid boxes....I agree you really shouldn't pve for dailies by collecting armaments but if we just stuck to PVP kills it would take nearly all day to do. I love PVP and thats the reason I came to this game, but on this server the only place you will find PVP is in a warzone.


I don't mind something taking awhile to complete, but when that time is filled with non sense its just terrible like with clicking on boxes for like 2-3 hours or flying back and forth all over the map looking for that 1 or 2 repubs that spammed the map and rarely finding them because someone beat you to them.

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1) diminishing returns.


PvP rewards diminish based on valor rank of victor/vanquished.

PvP rewards reduced to higher pop faction


2) improving returns


Gear prices (commendation vendor) reduced to lower pop faction

NPC defenders get increasingly stronger for lower pop faction

Flashpoints get increasingly easier for lower pop faction




Solutions -

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i think less and less ppl are going to illum coz its just not fun for the weaker side to get farmed to death let alone the terrible lagg.

who wants to go and get killed in 2 secs respawn rinse and repeat i mean is that enjoyable?

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Better processor would help.


tell that to my CPU thats 50% idle when i run Ilum yet it lags like hell ... same for gfx ...

hell, it doesnt even make a difference if I run Ilum on 1920x1080 with everything maxed out or 1680x1050 with everything toned down to low ... the lag just stays the same.

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On Basilisk Droid, our Republic guild runs a min 4 man team most evenings and completes the daily in around 45 to 60 min. We convert this to a public Operation and often pick-up other players.


If you try Ilum open world on your own, you will get ganked and it will take a lot longer to complete the daily. Group up, get organized.


If you try fight your way out of the Republic base, you will most likely be ganked and it will take a lot longer to complete the daily. Get your group together and use the speeder to get to the eastern and northern pads, stretch the Imps out a bit.


Yes we often encounter the horde or a good group of Imps, but take a good number of them with us when/if we die. We equally do our fare share of imp ganking. Learning the map, use its design, stretching the Imps out a bit with some gorilla warefare results in smaller pockets of them darting about looking for us and taking points back.


In our opinion Ilum is working far better the prior to 1.1.0a.


Group up, get organised, and apply some strategy, and you may find yourself enjoying Ilum.

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definitelly.. get organized.. and dont tell people there are only 5-6 ppl on your server playing republic..


here something for motivation (not mine movie i just saw it on youtube and its the server im in)


Edited by Aragiel
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On Basilisk Droid, our Republic guild runs a min 4 man team most evenings and completes the daily in around 45 to 60 min. We convert this to a public Operation and often pick-up other players.


If you try Ilum open world on your own, you will get ganked and it will take a lot longer to complete the daily. Group up, get organized.


If you try fight your way out of the Republic base, you will most likely be ganked and it will take a lot longer to complete the daily. Get your group together and use the speeder to get to the eastern and northern pads, stretch the Imps out a bit.


Yes we often encounter the horde or a good group of Imps, but take a good number of them with us when/if we die. We equally do our fare share of imp ganking. Learning the map, use its design, stretching the Imps out a bit with some gorilla warefare results in smaller pockets of them darting about looking for us and taking points back.


In our opinion Ilum is working far better the prior to 1.1.0a.


Group up, get organised, and apply some strategy, and you may find yourself enjoying Ilum.

that looks correct, only yesterday, on Wound of the Force i spent 2 hours, (TWO HOURS) spamming "/1 Any ops group?" and nada, meanwhile i kept been ganked by groups, some of them with so many players that i'm pretty sure most of them can't even hit me.


I rage quit yesterday with 4/30 Ilum daily

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