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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's time to address the imbalance issue BioWare


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They need a pvp lobby for better options; They need premades only to face other premades, they need a queue that allows for cross faction teams in WZ's, this way folks can play whichever faction they desire, but teams will be composed of even sides with a mix of empire and Republic on the same teams, they need a no expertise queue that will let lvl 50's queue up with the rest of the population if they just want to play, and don't care about using expertise. Obviously a option to pick which WZ you want. There are probably more ideas, but this way players can customize their pvp experience to a larger extent.


I do think that imbalances between the factions should be addressed, but there is no way for BW to control what player's think is cool. But they can make that imbalance dissapear for WZ pvp by adding lobby options. I don't have an answer for their world pvp problems.


Not a bad idea. I doubt they would ever do that though.

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Criminal underworld faction (Hutts, Exchange, whathaveyou) would have gone a long way towards solving this problem, imo. Would have drawn a decent number of people away from the Empire, and very few from the Republic. DAoC had great realm balance because of the three-faction system, I don't understand why other companies don't learn from that. Edited by raelimar
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Time. All it needs is time. Everyone is all up in arms kicking and screaming when a game is only a month old. There have been other games with huge faction imbalances at the start. There have been games that launched and you couldn't even play. Yes some ideas that have been thrown around on the forums are pretty good, and would help the Republic in decent ways.


As for forcing people to roll one way or another that wont fly as it will turn people away. SMALL incentives need to be given to help balancing. People throw out 15% or 20%, but IMHO those are to high start with smaller numbers 5%-10% on valor gains or things like that.


In the end people just need to take a step back, and breathe. I for one have never played a game that launched that was perfect. I'm willing to bet neither have you.

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Time. All it needs is time. Everyone is all up in arms kicking and screaming when a game is only a month old. There have been other games with huge faction imbalances at the start. There have been games that launched and you couldn't even play. Yes some ideas that have been thrown around on the forums are pretty good, and would help the Republic in decent ways.


As for forcing people to roll one way or another that wont fly as it will turn people away. SMALL incentives need to be given to help balancing. People throw out 15% or 20%, but IMHO those are to high start with smaller numbers 5%-10% on valor gains or things like that.


In the end people just need to take a step back, and breathe. I for one have never played a game that launched that was perfect. I'm willing to bet neither have you.


You may be right, but I doubt time will ever fix this imbalance with the way this game was developed.


Empire gets the shiny cool toys, while the Republic gets the hand-me-downs. People will also continue to want to be on the "evil" side. Add this to the fact that Republic are re-rolling because they figured out they couldn't accomplish anything on the Republic, and you got a recipe for disaster.

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Equivalence does not a valid argument make.


In super simple terms...

Star Wars is good guys vs. Bad guys. (Republic vs. Sith/Empire) Buying the IP rights means you take the rules of the IP creator.


Removing (essentially by such low numbers) one side because of a slew of reasons is not good design as the fundamental aspect of the game can become at risk.

Edited by OdonKnight
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Lightning bolts vs Throwing rocks... the choice is easy... reroll Imps


This is the point I'm trying to get across. Time won't fix this, because most people would rather play the Empire. We want to give incentives for the Empire to re-roll Republic. As it stands, they're giving people incentives to re-roll Empire.

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I agree, a lot of big holes in this game, most of which are pointed out in this post. Pretty dissapointed in the second half (lvl 30+) in this game. I had been waiting for this game to come out for a very long time, now i'm already looking for other games to take its place.


I agree with this post too. With me Bioware has until Guild Wars 2 is launched. If they don't fix it by then, I'm gone. I won't return either. I turned my back on Star Trek Online 6 weeks after launch. Failed game is a failed game.

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I agree with this post too. With me Bioware has until Guild Wars 2 is launched. If they don't fix it by then, I'm gone. I won't return either. I turned my back on Star Trek Online 6 weeks after launch. Failed game is a failed game.


I'm not saying I wouldn't ever come back to this game, but as of right now, it isn't enjoyable. Once my friend starts playing in a couple weeks, I'll probably start my subscription again and hope some changes have been made. I do believe this game will become a great game.

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blah blah words

Quit making dumb arguments that don't hold any weight. As for re-rolling, I don't want to make the imbalance worse than it already is, but I know common sense isn't your strong suit.




Make an alt on the other faction genius. Its not a huge leap of logic.


cry moar.

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In super simple terms...

Star Wars is good guys vs. Bad guys. (Republic vs. Sith/Empire) Buying the IP rights means you take the rules of the IP creator.


Removing (essentially by such low numbers) one side because of a slew of reasons is not good design as the fundamental aspect of the game can become at risk.


Exactly. Hopefully they realize this soon.

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I know Empire will defend all of this to the death, but without a solution to the imbalance you will all be playing by yourselves in 6 months.


I'd rather the game die than be coerced by a tyrannical minority into playing for a side that, according to my own aesthetic and preferences, blows.

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From Republic side I don't see imbalance as a huge problem.


But I can understand that in places where republic side is pretty small situation can be very bad for both sides as neither can get war zones. Personally I rolled on republic side so that I could be on the side which has faster sues. :)


Lack of content is big problem however. Besides pvp that is bit broken there doesn't seem to be much to do. The instances feel bit easy and at least give me feeling I have not to do them.


To me also it seems the most interesting part was pre 30 levels. There also was some interesting places for new players like Athiss. After that blah.


wich mmo had end game content at start? (dont tell me wow it was even worse than this)

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I'd rather the game die than be coerced by a tyrannical minority into playing for a side that, according to my own aesthetic and preferences, blows.


This new bread of Vocal Tyrannical Minority is a crafty bunch, equal in terms to the Third Reich, but hide behind and around those who offer great suggestions, but they are still easy to spot, with the whole you know, taking away the other people's choices because it is different/same to theirs, and wanting to punish those who pick a popular faction (that was long popular in 1977, 35years of a popular cash cow).

Edited by RangKer
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This new bread of Vocal Tyrannical Minority is a crafty bunch, equal in terms to the Third Reich, but hide behind and around those who offer great suffestions, but easy to spot, with the whole you know, taking away the other people's choices because it is different/same to theirs.


I have no clue as to what you just said.

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You don't bring hundreds of millions of dollars worth of video game to market and then publicly state that you don't know how to fix the results of the choices you gave players, so you are going to pay everyone to act like they chose to be balanced.


It's WAY easier just to design around the problem and it doesn't make you look like idiots to the shareholders.


Just accept that a free choice of faction probably means no wild and wooly million vs million open world PvP slugfests ( which is fine because they've already said the engine can't handle a ton of people fighting in the same place). It means regulated XvX matches where the pop imbalance isn't an issue.


Guess what, your faction size doesn't matter because you will never ever go head to head en masse with the other faction.

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You don't bring hundreds of millions of dollars worth of video game to market and then publicly state that you don't know how to fix the results of the choices you gave players, so you are going to pay everyone to act like they chose to be balanced.


It's WAY easier just to design around the problem and it doesn't make you look like idiots to the shareholders.


Just accept that a free choice of faction probably means no wild and wooly million vs million open world PvP slugfests ( which is fine because they've already said the engine can't handle a ton of people fighting in the same place). It means regulated XvX matches where the pop imbalance isn't an issue.


Guess what, your faction size doesn't matter because you will never ever go head to head en masse with the other faction.

Can they upgrade the engine at all? Thats really dissapointing. However, You couild design a zone like illum that required everyone in it to be spread very far apart across mass distances with a ton of different objective points.

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Can they upgrade the engine at all? Thats really dissapointing. However, You couild design a zone like illum that required everyone in it to be spread very far apart across mass distances with a ton of different objective points.


First they would need to consider how they would balance the servers. Introducing that before doing so would just cause more problem.

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I want you Empire players to be forced to play Huttball. That's the only reason they want to roll Republic.


Wookiees and Ewoks would make people re-roll. Name another race that would. Either way, I bet you anything they will end up doing at least one of these in the future. I would be my first born on it.


Jar jar Binks race?

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First they would need to consider how they would balance the servers. Introducing that before doing so would just cause more problem.




I mean if the engine can't handle mass PvP then what does it matter if you are outnumbered 100:1. All the fighting happens inside WZ or in pop capped areas. A pop cap low enough that it renders the population imbalance irrelevant.


There is no "PvP" reason to artificially balance the populations.

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