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Bioware: Please re-design player races


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Would you rather be a race that can't speak basic?


Because 50 levels of listening to your trandoshan spout nonsense like "Blashkar ragga karko gata gata frakka" doesn't sound like it would be fun.


I finally got my Healer character on my Consular so no more Trandoshan speak!! yey :D

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While I do agree that the playable species are pretty poor you lost me when you said Sith Purebloods were more alien then Twi'leks. What? Purebloods are just red humans with rolled up pieces of plasticine stuck to their face. Twi'leks are much more alien then them.


How do you figure? The -only- difference between a twilek and human in this game is the lekkus. Same face choices, same facial structure, same everything. At least they made an effort to make Purebloods look facially distinctive.

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I can't say I disagree with the heart of the complaint in the original post. For a Star Wars game, I'm just really disappointed with how few (and weak) the race choices are. I expected a lot more, and sometimes just can't figure out where all their development time was spent. Character creation as a whole is just extremely disappointing on many levels, especially for an MMO that released just weeks before 2012.


Remind me just how many aliens were actually in the movies? especially in TOT?

And prop/backdrop aliens don't count...


Because all i remember is:


Jaba The Hutt

Admiral "it's a trap" Ak'bar

And a Bunch of muppets....

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They discussed it a couple years ago. Basically what Bioware said was that they wanted the player characters to be relatable, and not too alien. I think they used a metaphor "If you can't imagine it kissing Princess Leia..."


They said more exotic races might come in as part of a future expansion, where their races cultures would actually be explored and fleshed out.


This was a silly move by executives trying to appease demographics rather then trying to create a unique alien universe. And I mean really, who would have complained "my twilek looks -too- alien"? Honestly..

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Remind me just how many aliens were actually in the movies? especially in TOT?

And prop/backdrop aliens don't count...


Because all i remember is:


Jaba The Hutt

Admiral "it's a trap" Ak'bar

And a Bunch of muppets....


Yeah, you're right. The only playable race should have been humans. Because that's pretty much the point your making here.

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I imagine they'll add more races later on... but they could only do so much for a release... many MMO's added tons of great stuff over time, just give it sometime ^.^ I just hope they never let people be those pig people the Ugnaughts... if I had to group with them and hear them squeal all the time... well lets just say if I had a gun on a boat i'd shoot them all...
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How do you figure? The -only- difference between a twilek and human in this game is the lekkus. Same face choices, same facial structure, same everything. At least they made an effort to make Purebloods look facially distinctive.


Because having two giant tentacles coming out the back of your head looks more alien then having a bunch of little tentacles stuck to your face that don't even look like tentacles, at least in my opinion.


That's pretty much my main gripe with Purebloods. In the art and the Return cinematic they do look alien because their face things actually do look like tentacles. In the game though Purebloods have been poorly implemented and their face tentacles don't actually look like tentacles, they look like pieces of plasticine.

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Because having two giant tentacles coming out the back of your head looks more alien then having a bunch of little tentacles stuck to your face that don't even look like tentacles, at least in my opinion.


That's pretty much my main gripe with Purebloods. In the art and the Return cinematic they do look alien because their face things actually do look like tentacles. In the game though Purebloods have been poorly implemented and their face tentacles don't actually look like tentacles, they look like pieces of plasticine.


All right, well let's agree they both suck then.

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I agree that cyborgs could stand to be other races. But your complaint that the species look too human? Uh, they look the same as they've always looked. They didn't invent these species, guys, nor did they alter their appearances.


As for why they're all humanlike, I remember a dev comment that that was because of the potential romance arcs. They didn't want something distinctly very different from humans to do the dirty.

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If I was explained this correctly they wanted armor to fit all types of avatars in game. Wookie and some other races couldn't/don't wear armor in the common sense. Also there might be clashes with graphics. I like the way the Voss look kind of colorful. Just horrible that you are a Voss and can't go home until 40+ cause you would get owned. I also believe that Legacy will fix some of these issues. This is a basic start up imo.
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I agree that cyborgs could stand to be other races. But your complaint that the species look too human? Uh, they look the same as they've always looked. They didn't invent these species, guys, nor did they alter their appearances.


As for why they're all humanlike, I remember a dev comment that that was because of the potential romance arcs. They didn't want something distinctly very different from humans to do the dirty.


Bioware didn't seem to care about this in Mass Effect. I also don't care what their reasons were, since they clearly had reasons, it doesn't change the overall complaint and general criticism behind it.

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If I was explained this correctly they wanted armor to fit all types of avatars in game. Wookie and some other races couldn't/don't wear armor in the common sense. Also there might be clashes with graphics. I like the way the Voss look kind of colorful. Just horrible that you are a Voss and can't go home until 40+ cause you would get owned. I also believe that Legacy will fix some of these issues. This is a basic start up imo.


Which all leads to one word: lazy.


This word usually applies to a major developer who can't be bothered to do the work to support a galactic society filled with hundreds of distinctive aliens, so they just make everyone look human.

Edited by Dunzo
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Well, I find only one race lazy: Mirialans.

Everything else is roughly ok, as for me I'd erase Cyborgs as a choosable race completly, but that's just me.


What annoys me in general is a very small choice of races. I'd love to see at least additional 2 for each class.


Right now in republic side I actually have only 2 choices: twi'lek and human. On empre it's bit better: human, twi'lek, chiss, purebloods. All have decent customizations making it possible to create well-looking character. (once again: empire gets all the love. Great how well they designed this game, lol)


Everything else is crap. The eye-less race doesn't have even a single good looking eye-cover, and besides: it gonna extinct soon, so why bother? The green-skinned are ok only in a big fat body, but because I don't like being an ogre - it's not ok. The white-skinned guys have horrible jewelery. And withouth it there's almost no choice between characters. Zabrak have too transparent tatoos (on rep side) and too small horns to bother with them while I can have more choices for human equally well. Oh, and cyborgs? C'mon, cyborgs in star wars?! Yes, it is canon, but doesn't fit the theme. And besides that: their implants are just plain flat textures! Lol. That's waaaaaay too poor to take.

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I agree with the original post. Given the choices which could have been made why pick 5 species all which look like humans or painted humans. There must have been better options which would fit into the rules, of must by humanoid and must be able to speak basic.
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i agree some more of the neat races should be included in a future x-pac, specially considering there is no racial bonuses so there is nothing more than visuals here keeping them from adding in more races.


I personally would like to see some more unique races like wookies, rodians, gran, gand, kel dor etc etc


And how about droids?? easily done for BH's, operatives, smugglers and republic soldiers

Edited by WoWsucks
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I think the answer lies in the upcoming features announcement.


The new Legacy system being introduced is said to allow you to slot all your alts into a family tree with your main. If we are to take this as being a literal family tree then you can only feasibly have human or near-human races...i.e. races that are biologically compatible with each other.

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Would you rather be a race that can't speak basic?


Because 50 levels of listening to your trandoshan spout nonsense like "Blashkar ragga karko gata gata frakka" doesn't sound like it would be fun.


That sounds like I would constantly be laughing, sounds fun to me lol


When i played KoToR I loved the alien voices, there were more of them than in TOR and they made me laugh... espeically the Ithorians lol.


I want a playable Rancor Sith riding a little speeder like a bear on a tricycle.


SW was never about aliens, it was about human humans and more humans...


Um... with about 1000 varieties of aliens everywhere you look til Sunday.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I agree there need to be more races and more alien choices.


For people that think various shades of Human are fine thats great and more wont hurt you. For people that want more variety then the current set up isn't idea and by adding more everyone is either happier or the exact same as they currently are. Which is a win win situation with no one losing out.

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And then stop perving over the main characters for a minute and look around at everything else in the world.


You mean all the useless window dressing? What, you gotta play a Bith because Figrin Dan was filmed for 6 seconds? How would real Hutt movement realistically work? Do we need a group of gnome players running around as little Yoda clones?


And have you even remotely considered how this affects romance options? Geeze, this thread was horribly thought out.

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You mean all the useless window dressing? What, you gotta play a Bith because Figrin Dan was filmed for 6 seconds? How would real Hutt movement realistically work? Do we need a group of gnome players running around as little Yoda clones?


And have you even remotely considered how this affects romance options? Geeze, this thread was horribly thought out.


The only thing "horribly thought out" is your response. How about it's a Star Wars game and we can play whatever we want? Do we all need to play Humans because you feel that's the only romance-able race?


I love this mentality in people that everyone should play by the restrictions THEY feel rather then say, "I'll play humans and human look-a-likes cause I prefer them, you can play aliens and have fun with that."


And because somehow making a giant, fat ugly human covered in burn scars doesn't seem to affect romance options, but an actual alien would. Yeah buddy, really well thought out there.

Edited by Dunzo
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