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Guild Capital Ships.


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From my previous post: (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=153522)


Here we go, epic thread of Guild Flagship fantasies.


My jaw dropped when that random dev post after launch talked about Guild Flagships, just mentioning it made me super stoked. Flagships are the closest we'll get to guild HQ/homes.


--SO here it is the crazy Guild Flagship fantasy thread--



Put down what kind of ship you'd like (reference to something in SW lore or just something that sounds cool to you)

and/or just put down the crazy things you'd want to do in/with your ship.


Ill start:


I'd love to have a Republic Interdictor Cruiser (http://bit.ly/xo4sjc) A Republic prototype Carrier which lead towards the design of the first Star Destroyer.


For features:


1- Meeting room WITH usable seats (come on BW we know you have it =P)

2- Sparing chamber for dueling and lvl accurate bots for working on rotation

3- Barracks for people to stay in a rest zone and access lockers with private keyed officer quarters

4- Guild bank...nuf said really

5- Access to general/pvp/trade chat from Republic/Imperial Fleet

6 - large scale galaxy map room in NAV-COM (kinda like from Shepherd's ship)


Now the crazy stuff:

Guild Space PvP: 24-48m


7- CIC (Combat Information Center) Room for combat operations: naval guild officers call all the shots here, where to send ships, what turrets need to be operated, where to position the flagship and in real-time work out their strategy

8- Usable turrets

9- Usable drop ships where guilds can send a boarding party to capture an enemy ship


Once a Guild PvP engagement ends, you get valor ranks and special comms, but ya dont actually lose ya ship. We can make up some lore about the Republic and Imperial Navy doing war game tests or something. =D


10- Food hall and bathrooms (cus everyone needs to eat and poo) oh and a bar, witha funny combat droid bartender that totally doesnt belong there, cus I mean where else are you gonna hit on the only girl in ya guild?


This is all crazy talk, but thats the fun. Keep it clean kids, no trolololing. It's just a happy post for happy ideas.

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not against capital ships as a form of guild housing but to add in pvp & pve scenerios would create disadvantages for players who choose not to join guilds and there are quite a few.


So we all should be penalized because some choose to be social outcasts?


MMO's are about grouping and guilding. Always have been.

Edited by Jaick
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I would love to see some kind of guild ships or multiplayer space combat, I know my guild would use it a lot.


That said, it would be very unfair if it gave any sort of bonuses outside space combat (commendations usable for anything outside of ship upgrades, PvP mods/gear, things like that) or guild ships, so it would have to be done carefully, or everyone would essentially be "forced" to join larger guilds that do these things.

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Agreed . I'd love to see A guild ship. Maybe have it sized based to how many of in the guild. Like a small corvette sized ship for a guild with only 3-4 players in it to a capitol sized ship for a large guild 50+ for example.


Most everyone here was talking PVE/PVP but I'm thinking from an RP sort of view this would work. One other idea. Trophhy room. :D you came on the Esseles or black Talon, and you fought the main guy there? maybe the uniform, or flag or droid head etc can be given and placed in the trophy room of said ship. Probably not for the early flashpoints but the later ones or on Heroic level that's be awesome.


Also depending opn the sizer of the guild ship we have someone to help repair armor and weapons maybe cheaper then you would at a public place to encourage people joining a guild.

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My problem is this removes even more people from the world and at what point does the world become useless because everyone is in their own instance? Then we have the Everquest effect and it isn't an MMO anymore, it is just Guild Wars.
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I like this idea. I think they should make a FP or Op where you takeover a ship and if you defeat the captain (aka last boss) your guild keeps the ship. You could use some of the ideas others have posted in this thread such as a FP for smaller guilds 8 man hm/nightmare variants to get get lager ships. They could also *** side missions on heroic modes to gain the things in your ships you suggest. For example reg FP ship, HM you gain remote GTN link. Nightmare = bounty board.
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I would like to start by mentioning how much space combat would enhance this game popularity/finacial wise. This will attract more players accross from other games once they see the EPIC gameplay of space combat. Please let me try to the best of my capabilities to explain what I see the benefit of this.


* Capital ship PvP


- Once Bioware/EA comes up with models for capital ships so the Guild members can use the elevator ( like on republic fleet) to go to the hanger bay, but once in the hanger bay they will be given an option to choose which ship they would want to board ( Bounty board type of panel to choose from) costing them of course commendations.

- Winning Guild to Guild head bashing in space would of course earn the victor upgrades/modifications/raid commendations to all the members of the winning team.


- Fighting over parts of space where quests are located ( planet wise) once the system is no longer contested the victor would apply a buff to every planet/space mission/space station to earn more badges,exp,legacy,etc. Keep in mind it would also be COOL if you can que in that system while it has the buff to boost WarZone commendations and Valor being earned.


* Capital ship PvE


- Working as a team to down the enemy as a team for Legacy,Gear,Commendations ( For purchasing bigger ships from hanger), Upgrades for the Guild Capital Ship.


- Winning Fleet Battles will hopefully boost Social,Lightside, and most of all Raid buffs while in raids would help.



Here are the following formats that I would love to be applied to the Capital Ships.


Guild Bank ( I am aware of the guild bank release)


Being able to base your Guild Capital Ship to any location ( Space wise) for guildies to fly to it, and dock in it.




Ship Hanger in PvP matches via the "Ship Panel" being able to purchase ships to undock and engage the enemy guild war has been waged against.


Special que for Guild Fleet Battles ( GFB) to que against a random group.


Manable turrets on the Guild Capital ship for the lowbies.


Flashpoint portals located on part of the Guild Capital ship ( Purchased Via Upgrade to use this feature)


I have tons of ideas on this and tons of people to support this we would PAY a ton to see this added to the game!


I will add more as more people respond...thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this FEEDBACK makes the world errrrr Galaxy!


I totaly agree on that it would be way better for guilds to meet up and more convenient

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
not against capital ships as a form of guild housing but to add in pvp & pve scenerios would create disadvantages for players who choose not to join guilds and there are quite a few.


Instead of providing new rewards that were not available to players who do not want to be in a guild, or rewards that were not based on the Guild Ship itself, you could use PvE and PvP Guild Missions to provide the already pre-existing commendations. I.e. Fleet Commendations for the PvE missions. This provides an alternative way to gain these rewards, of course it would be awesome to see these rewards expanded as well.


Guild Ships are a great idea and I am totally excited about it.


Definatly want custom interiors or at least schemes of some sort based on faction with a Guild Symbol that appears as part of the motif.

Edited by MalphusSkorm
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  • 1 month later...
This is a brilliant idea! If you mix in all of the other ideas which are in other forums the game would be amazing and incredibly popular. I agree that Ships should be able to dock- perhaps a price for however many hangars guild members can dock in and this can increased as the guild grows bigger. Class ships can then be used in Space Combat against the other Guild ship, and even one perhaps can be nominated to be a boarding ship for four or so players in a group. "Man the cannons! Take the ships!" That'd just be awesome.
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  • 2 years later...
This space combat at present is like being in a roller coaster and taking shots as you go by! We need the freedom of free flight! This can't be that hard! If SWG could do it then why can't SWTOR? Take the shackles off!
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