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Darth Jadus horribly bugged?


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On the level 32 mission where the agent fights Darth Jadus, he's so horribly bugged that I cannot shoot him unless I stand on top of him. If I move away from him at all (even if he's 2 meters in front of me with nothing between us) I get "cannot see target". My companion cannot attack him at all, and if I try to lure him away from the bridge at all he just glitches back onto the bridge and reverts back to 'cannot see target'.


Anyone else having this issue or had it and figured out a way to get around it?

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Yep. See this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=44898


You can beat him solo even in his bugged state, but my best advice is to bring a friend and avoid the frustration.


Thank you very much.


They really should have finished the game before releasing it, oh well at least the players have found work arounds for now.

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you cant make that argument if you paid for this, with at least some inclination it was going to be like every other MMO that is after public release they should be paying us to log in, as cleary this is extended testing or usual testing..call it what you like though.

with people buying lifetime subs for stuff they have no clue about then this is always going happen when they know junk sells anyway, lifetime subbers are just the extreme dumbness of the situtation we are not so far behind paying normal subs for incomplete wares

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if it was a side mission lol i probably wouldnt of even logged off to read this, but on a class mission wich im now locked into what repeated death by jadus so i can t repair ?lol

Guys if you are going to "spend a year" on a single instance and still have jadus like this and a guild bank is not a woooo check this out, it is standard stuff that should of been there day one, tell your bosses or the idiotic decision making people above you (and they awlays are idiots as you know) business by defalt view its customers as *******, cant blame yas thats where were at though...show it too much and your F2P in a year lol

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well, he can hit me just fine. within the first few seconds my companion is dead and then soon thereafter I'm dead. I read a lot of suggestions on how it's easy to win this fight, by pulling him and then kiting him around the computers... yeah, well, perhaps I'm just not as skilled as others, perhaps I suck, but I can't get him below 10% health - he then sends out a spell which usually causes 1500-2000 damage and kills me. Very frustrating. Already 15k in repairs :(


I will go with a friend now.

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I'm pretty sure I just walked through him, he aggro'd me, and then I was able to hit him for the rest of the fight. I didn't fight him on the deck though. I was only level 28 during the Jadus fight, so I basically aggro'd him, kept threat from healing myself, and kited him around the ship while Vector poked him to death.
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Yes, this quest is HORRIBLY bugged. Speaking as a operative concealment spec....


Once I would engage him, he could hit me and my companion, I could not hit him, companion appeared to be able to though. Backstab was useless for the 1st portion of the fight. I found that if I moved him slightly (using companion controls etc) after approx 10 seconds I could start to DPS him and backstab.... however Kalyio would be hurting at this point so I would heal bot her and as concealment spec blows ALOT of energy.


I could get him down to 5% where he just resets, and I would go to the console the quest specified....I did this 4 times, engaging him with 100% health each time! Then the force field engaged or whatever.


Died afew times and took me the better part of an hour. So frustrating.

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Same problem here, level 32 sniper, got him down the first time without too much difficulty, but after that had this line of sight bug :( Tried with Kaliyo and Vector, both of them had the same bug and weren't hitting him. I could get him to follow me off the steps and then I could get into cover and do some damage, but my companions would get stuck at the top and not do anything, and he dishes out so much damage I didn't have a chance of surviving despite using all my interrupts.


First I went away and levelled up to 33 to see if that made a difference, but it didn't. So after 20K wasted on stims, medpacks and armour repairs I called in a guildie who beat him down in no time ..... Darth Jadus, meet a real Darth (lvl 50 sorceror :D ). I really didn't want to have to do that, but I was totally stuck forever otherwise.



On a side note, I'm loving the IA storyline and that quest was intense. I felt really emotionally drained after it, which is kind of stupid for something that's only a game :o

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The trick is to GET HIM TO MOVE.


I found that I could aggro him (run ontop of him and hit him), then run. Or have Kalyio aggro him, then put her on passive for a moment to pull him down the steps.


After that it's just a standard elite. My strat (as a healing OP) is Kalyio tanks, I heal and toss a bit of damage it healing is not needed.

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The trick is to GET HIM TO MOVE.


I found that I could aggro him (run ontop of him and hit him), then run. Or have Kalyio aggro him, then put her on passive for a moment to pull him down the steps.


After that it's just a standard elite. My strat (as a healing OP) is Kalyio tanks, I heal and toss a bit of damage it healing is not needed.




I just put Kaliyo on Passive before engaging Jadus, grabbed agro, moved him down the stairs then unleashed my skills on him.


Didn't even break a sweat.

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I tried it at 31 sniper, got my rear handed to me because of the bug. So.,. at lvl 33 same thing. I gave up and had a lvl 50 help me. "Can't see target", I would pull him out and he would reset and then attack and 2 shot Kaliyo then reset and attack me. For me, right after I used my interrupts, he would keep spamming his 2 ranged attacks in between cool downs and that was it.


If you read the quest log, you are supposed to activate some stuff to contain him.. since he is "so" powerful and you can't fight him. That doesnt happen until you defeat him once, then., you can activate the required consoles. So after each fight, I had to go to each console.


For example, defeat him once, go activate a console, defeat him a second time, activate a console or two and so on.


Please fix this quest before you work on class balancing. Or fix the quest and balance at the same time. I would of understand if it was a filler quest, but come on, it is a class quest.


Oh yeah edit to add that I am enjoying the story line so far.

Edited by Taidean
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2 bugs are there.


1. Targeting up a ramp or stairs often does not work.

2. The radiation field seems to be active for some people before it is visible. It is probably bleeding over from another instance.


Once you got him off his spot up the podest you just have to keep interrupting him at the right time - or kite him around the screens.

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I was stuck on this last night like many of you and the way I completed it was:


1: Send companion to fight him and stand well back, set companion on passive so that they come back to you, once they are free from his crowd control they will come back to you, then he eventually walks slowly down the stairs and you can fight him, remember to take passive off your companion at this point.


2: Kite him around the computers, this made the fight trivial, with all the "CANNOT SEE TARGET" messages I finally thought, **** it, I will use Line Of Sight against him and it worked easy, just jogging around the computers and popping out to shoot him.


Good luck.


Pretty disappointing that a huge moment in the IA storyline is so completely bugged I would bet a lot of people just give up on it altogether.

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That Jadus nonsense nearly drove me to 'controller chucking frenzy'. What a load of bugged rubbish that encounter is.


The only tactic that worked for me was using Vector to DPS while I ran around in circles like a loon trying to break LOS while hitting him with interrogation probe and the other DOT, which I keep forgetting the name of. :o


It took at least a dozen goes. Never again. :mad:

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I have the same problem for the past 2 nights. I'm lvl 33 sniper, and can't last for more than 30 sec. I also have the "can't see target" thing. :mad: Eventually, I just gave up and went to Taris, and see if there's anything I can do to grind up to 34, and come back to give another try.


Maybe they'd fix the bugs by then....

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Hello all,


In the Customer Service forum we have a sticky with known issues that are currently a high priority. We wanted to let you know that this issue has been added to the list:



  • For the Imperial Agent Class mission “Defender of the Empire,” players may be unable to heal companions and may receive the error “Cannot see target” when attempting to defeat the final boss.
    Workaround: Players must get very close to the boss for abilities to work as intended.

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Hello all,


In the Customer Service forum we have a sticky with known issues that are currently a high priority. We wanted to let you know that this issue has been added to the list:



  • For the Imperial Agent Class mission “Defender of the Empire,” players may be unable to heal companions and may receive the error “Cannot see target” when attempting to defeat the final boss.
    Workaround: Players must get very close to the boss for abilities to work as intended.


Thank you for adding this! hope it's getting solved soon.


Could you also add: Player get "can't see target" even after the fight with Jadus break off (by Companion). I'm not sure if this situation is random, but I got it once or twice, and I heard other players get it too.

Edited by FluorineSpark
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Hello all,


In the Customer Service forum we have a sticky with known issues that are currently a high priority. We wanted to let you know that this issue has been added to the list:



  • For the Imperial Agent Class mission “Defender of the Empire,” players may be unable to heal companions and may receive the error “Cannot see target” when attempting to defeat the final boss.
    Workaround: Players must get very close to the boss for abilities to work as intended.


It's not just this particular boss. I and my husband have seen this error with random mobs as well. Just thought you should know. Thank you for stating that you are aware of the issue and adding it to your 'To Do' list, which I imagine is quite long.

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On the level 32 mission where the agent fights Darth Jadus, he's so horribly bugged that I cannot shoot him unless I stand on top of him. If I move away from him at all (even if he's 2 meters in front of me with nothing between us) I get "cannot see target". My companion cannot attack him at all, and if I try to lure him away from the bridge at all he just glitches back onto the bridge and reverts back to 'cannot see target'.


Anyone else having this issue or had it and figured out a way to get around it?


Yes, he is bugged. I'm surprised there's not a sticky on this. Here's a workaround I used successfully.


1.) Sic your companion on him.

2.) He'll start to melee. Put your companion on "passive" to make it retreat. He follows your companion onto the stairs and becomes targetable.


Because the fight's a DPS race, I ended up having to kite him for the last 15% or so on my Sniper (Kaliyo took too many hits getting his buggy *** to the stairs). But I fought him three times that way and I won with no great trouble.

Edited by Thug-Ra
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All they really need to do to fix this is position Jadus down below the stairs.


However when you really think about this bug, it is because of the Hero engine and we are stuck with that engine for the life of this game. :(


I do hope and pray that Bioware is secretly working on their own engine that can import all the cutscenes, so at some point they can release it and show us all what could have been done in a Star Wars MMO, instead of this...

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