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After Playing Empire To 50...


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After playing Empire to 50, I can honestly say, I prefer playing Republic. I played a Trooper to 50 in Beta, and I've leveled a Sith Sorcerer to 50 in Live. The Sith and the Imperials get on my nerves always being jerkish. I'm going back to Republic.
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Warrior story > Sorc by 10 fold... granted this is my opinion. Bounty Hunter was meh.. not finished the Agent one yet.


Warrior level 30ish class quest was by far the best moment in the game as of now.

Edited by Donger
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I tried hard to like Republic. I have 1 of each AC to at least lvl 20. After the last patch the population dropped considerably and that was it. I am now lvl 15 Sith and I can say I am having a whole lot more fun now that the game feels like it's Massively Multiplayer.


Plus everyone looks like a BOSS and not hobos in robes.

Edited by SwigMcJigger
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Same here. I have a 50 BH and a 39 Trooper. So far, the Trooper story is much better and the companion interactions seem more put together as a cohesive story. On the BH, each toon has a story that is seemingly disjointed from the rest of the crew. The Trooper is more like a military unit with each of them having ties to the central storyline and less issues with disjointed ambition.
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I disagree. The Republicers are a-holes. I was questing, minding my own business when I saw a Republic player riding along on his bike. He was lower level than me so I thought I would be nice and wave instead of running away. The ****** attacked me for no reason. He killed me. I had to rally 5 of my guildies to hunt him down and dish out some justice.
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Same here. I have a 50 BH and a 39 Trooper. So far, the Trooper story is much better and the companion interactions seem more put together as a cohesive story. On the BH, each toon has a story that is seemingly disjointed from the rest of the crew. The Trooper is more like a military unit with each of them having ties to the central storyline and less issues with disjointed ambition.



I agree.


Funny thing about the BH... I thought I might like it after playing Trooper in Beta. Nope. I hated playing the Bounty Hunter. Trooper is better by far in my opinion. Not sure why, seeing as they are suppose to be mirrors. I just enjoyed Trooper a lot more. I think the "Death from Above" animation got on my nerves. Trooper just unloads, which I prefer.

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After playing Empire to 50, I can honestly say, I prefer playing Republic. I played a Trooper to 50 in Beta, and I've leveled a Sith Sorcerer to 50 in Live. The Sith and the Imperials get on my nerves always being jerkish. I'm going back to Republic.


And this is the way it should be told! For instance, the words quoted reek of simple-mindedness* ... Empire ftw**!


*I don't actually believe the quoted post is stupid. I was saying that to act Sithish. I don't want to be cast down! Harsher words are uttered by Imperial subjects in game.


**ftl actually. Indeed fascists ftl. That is the Empire right? "Short on intellect; Long on passion." This Star Wars story is surely inspired by events in the world of science reality, like industrialism's fruits (some poisonous) and stuff. On a level they are cool, the Imperials; BHs are great, and the IA a very nice class, the [technical] best imo, but playing Empire makes me think about the reality the reflect. Too many history books. Sorries.


The Republic, on the other hand, while far from saintly, is a representation of a step in the right direction toward a far-flung future reality of technological power -and- interconnectedness we cannot yet comprehend on a detailed level. It's either that or bust. Besides, we can play darkside Republic characters. The Smug can be a real fun PoS to play if you want to redline your alignment bar.





BTW: That first post after yours... Indeed, the obvious troll is obvious (herself). Ughhh, I feel dirty even typing that "Obvious troll is obvious." Actually using the quotes make it not feel as bad. I should have done that the first time I wrote it. Meh, typing forward all this is better than backspacing.

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The Republic, on the other hand, while far from saintly, is a representation of a step in the right direction toward a far-flung future reality of technological power -and- interconnectedness we cannot yet comprehend on a detailed level. It's either that or bust. Besides, we can play darkside Republic characters. The Smug can be a real fun PoS to play if you want to redline your alignment bar.


And yet, the Republic from this game became the Galactic Empire of Palpatine and Vader. Perhaps the "message" of the republic's history is different than the one you suppose. ;)

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I understand the OP's point of view but I had the opposite experience. I played as a Sentinel, hated the gameplay of the class, the fact that the storyline reveals the utter incompetence of the Republic's intelligence and military communities as well as the corruption of its politicians.

I thought the light sided choices were ridiculous as they amounted to acting nice with dangerous people and hoping that they would not repeat their bad behaviour (basically passing the buck to others down the road).


I am now playing a Sith inquisitor and I feel right at home. I love the story, the gameplay, feel loyal to the Empire and actually agree with many Dark Side options as opposed to taking them for access to gear.


I'm also heavily into RP and love to duel with Republic players or bugging the Jedi I meet in cantinas by reminding them that they were so weak that they had their entire order slaughtered, their temple destroyed and were chased off to a backwater filled with fleshraiders. I may have come across as dickish to some of these players but this made sense character wise.


I guess the bottom line is that one should differentiate between RP and actual player behaviour. Just because an Empire player acts bad does not mean he is a bad person IRL.

Edited by Pathlight-
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The Empire will always be first in my heart.


Despite the odds. Despite the hate. Despite the flames and despite the imbalance. I fight...








Your feeble Republic is doomed, as is your beloved Jedi order...

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And yet, the Republic from this game became the Galactic Empire of Palpatine and Vader. Perhaps the "message" of the republic's history is different than the one you suppose. ;)


How much time does that take? Over 3,000 years? Imagine where we'll be in 200, or even 100. I don't know the exact lore, the time from this to Vader, but I do know it's in the thousands. The Republic speaks to what our children and grandchildren can have. Working in some sense toward Democracy and ecumenism across all old world boundaries.


So... over 3,000 years? Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves! That's longer than from the time of Old Romans to right now as I finish this sentence. The future is much more interesting than the past, but you gotta study the past to ponder the future.


PS My apologies the response took so long. Like I said I was leveling my Smug.

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I disagree. The Republicers are a-holes. I was questing, minding my own business when I saw a Republic player riding along on his bike. He was lower level than me so I thought I would be nice and wave instead of running away. The ****** attacked me for no reason. He killed me. I had to rally 5 of my guildies to hunt him down and dish out some justice.


Haha that made me laugh.

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