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Sentinels ARE NOT bad.


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I've played a sentinel since Day 1, as have others. I know people will disagree with me but oh well that's what forums are for anyway...


Sentinels are not 'broken', does ability stuttering blow? Yup, and just gotta hope it gets fixed. But I am so sick of people who are playing sents and saying they're bad, or switching classes and noticing a difference. Hey, guys, guess what? SENTS AREN'T EASY TO PLAY. Every other class in this game as like a 3 button rotation, I'm easily keeping up 8 buttons and then some. If you can't play this class than don't turn to the forums and say they're broken. Sents are 1 of the STRONGEST, that's right I said it, in game. The priority system is hard sure, but when you do figure it out you profit so well. Look at some of the pvp vids that have been posted the numbers and skill are amazing in them.


For anyone looking to play this class, it's not easy as I said and ability stuttering is a pain. But this is an amazing class and so sick of ppl bashing it. If you don't wanna play then don't.

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"Every other class in this game as like a 3 button rotation"


Thus far I've played both a Shadow and a Gunslinger to the low thirties...and I'm working on a Sentinel now. My experience within that context refutes your statement.


As for being bad? Eh, perhaps bad is the wrong term...but we do have issues.


Of my three characters, by far my shadow seems the least vulnerable of the three. With the proper stance, interrupts, and stuns I feel pretty confident standing toe-to-toe with elites and even champions should the need arise...and this from day one. I solo +2 Heroic quests fairly frequently. Perhaps in pve my Shadow is even op?


I haven't any such confidence with my Sentinel. In fact, it amazes me that a medium armor melee-dps class feels so vulnerable compared to a light armor rogue type class in toe-to-toe melee.

I won't complain about the damage, I'm okay with it. I'd just like a little more survivability and/or durability at my level compared to both my Smuggler and Consular.


I enjoy my companions immensely (reason I started a Sentinel actually, and why I'm sticking with it), and perhaps later levels will improve my current issues...but this class seems entirely too brittle.

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Agreed. A fun and skilled class to play. Difficult...yeap. UP....nope. One needs to be in the mindset this is not an easy mode class. Definitewly has stuttering issues, but from what I read they are working on it. Possibly a fix in the next patch on the 24th?
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Agreed. A fun and skilled class to play. Difficult...yeap. UP....nope. One needs to be in the mindset this is not an easy mode class. Definitewly has stuttering issues, but from what I read they are working on it. Possibly a fix in the next patch on the 24th?


If they actually do fix this it would be great. Probably the only thing that makes me rage, you know other than the usual boss wipes or stupid pvp deaths ;P

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Its sad to say, but a lot of it, beyond the ability delay, is a learn to play issue. I think the word interrupting needs to be jammed down peoples throats until they realize that a lot of damage can be avoided by kicking everything that casts.
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tbh I love my sentinel because it's so changeling probably one of the hardest classes i've ever played in any game


although one vs one i never have any problems unless it's Operatives and I'm on the floor.


It would be nice to see some addon's such as a damage meter etc since I'm still not sure we done enough dps compared to other classes when you actually think about it we should technically be the best dps with 2 lightsabers.

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Its sad to say, but a lot of it, beyond the ability delay, is a learn to play issue. I think the word interrupting needs to be jammed down peoples throats until they realize that a lot of damage can be avoided by kicking everything that casts.


Agreed. It amazes me how much people struggled leveling or on certain class fights(e.g. Valis or Angral). I one shot everything(except Krannus who I died to once)up to the Emperor which I admit is a ***** of a fight. PVE wise Sentinels are excellent, at least if you spec Watchman.


We have issues sure but we are in no way broken(ability delay not withstanding since that's a game issue and not just a Sentinel issue).

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My light armored Shadow feels a lot more durable than my Sentinel, even without tank gear/spec. I have no idea why this is the case, but I know it is.


If you could demonstrate that is true it would be quite beneficial. I haven't played a Shadow, but could they feel more durable because they take mobs down quicker?

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Sentinels are pretty fine. It does seem that Sentinels take far more damage than they should though. My light armored Shadow feels a lot more durable than my Sentinel, even without tank gear/spec. I have no idea why this is the case, but I know it is.


Yeah it does feel like our durability is kind of low.

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If you could demonstrate that is true it would be quite beneficial. I haven't played a Shadow, but could they feel more durable because they take mobs down quicker?


From my own experience (as I made a similar observation in my post regarding pure dps shadow) my shadow fights seem long. I'm talking even lvl or higher epics and champs.


But its hard to tell, I feel like I always have a fighting chance with my shadow and if I lose it's long and drawn out. But if my Sentinel isn't going to win...well...dying happens real fast LOL.


At least up to the 30's my pure dps shadow simply feels harder to kill.

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If you could demonstrate that is true it would be quite beneficial. I haven't played a Shadow, but could they feel more durable because they take mobs down quicker?


Well, maybe if there were some kind of metrics in the game... :mad:


It definitely isn't that Shadows kill quicker. I kill faster on my Sentinel than I did on my Commando, Shadow, or Scoundrel. Could Shadows have better passive avoidance? I'll have to check my Defense Chance on both characters. Speaking of Scoundrels, they have similar survivability issues. It's very strange that a light armored class (Shadow) feels more durable than the medium armor classes.

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Well, maybe if there were some kind of metrics in the game... :mad:


It definitely isn't that Shadows kill quicker. I kill faster on my Sentinel than I did on my Commando, Shadow, or Scoundrel. Could Shadows have better passive avoidance? I'll have to check my Defense Chance on both characters. Speaking of Scoundrels, they have similar survivability issues. It's very strange that a light armored class (Shadow) feels more durable than the medium armor classes.


Shadow's have a base 5% more Deflection than Sentinel's. They can also use shields if you choose. However, unless the Shadow is a tank, a Sentinel should have much better survival. Rebuke which can stay up for 30 sec alone boosts your mitigation on par with a full fledged tank. Between other cools like Saberward, heals from DoTs my Sent is has great survivability.

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567k damage on 16kills is nothing to be impressed about. it just means you are killing too slow and putting too much damage onto a target that is getting healed too much. damage in pvp is meaningless, its all about how fast you kill. as much as I like to believe watchman does more damage, I simply don't feel it's true. combat does just as much damage. with the higher accuracy blade rush does roughly the same damage as slash. the ataru procs match burns without zen running. bladestorm>merciless slash. more range. higher average damage. 6 seconds burn is by no means burst damage, 6 seconds is a very long time in pvp. enough to take someone from 50% to zero. or for healers to heal him to full. I play watchman for only one reason, the build in heal. I have a base crit rate of 30+6% from insight. and 15% to burn crit chance from juyo. thats 51% crit chance on burns with each tick healing 2%. it heals me for 10% every 15 seconds pretty easily, that's a insane survivability increase.
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