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Sentinels-->Crit or Power?


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According to tests done by MBH and double checked by others, it seems the only attack below the base 100% accuracy for special attacks is actually Strike. Everything else seems to be considered a special attack (at least the ones with a Focus cost).


Note that I didn't personally test non-focus attacks like MS and Pommel/Opportune Strike.


Not accounting for offhand hits. The gain from raising accuracy of offhand hits to 100% is really pitiful as far as I'm concerned.

That's very interesting. And makes one wonder *** the PvE itemisation balance people were doing putting accuracy on literally everything...


Agreed on the offhand thing.

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Thats interesting, I was running a pvp spec with 95% accuracy and I was noticing misses for skills like MS so I reverted to 100% assuming that "special atacks" actually means "force attacks" like force sweep, blade storm etc, not physical smash them with the lightsabre attacks.



Though without a dps parser/meter or some form of combat log proving the best build or the actual way in which certain skills/stats function is quite hard.

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Thats interesting, I was running a pvp spec with 95% accuracy and I was noticing misses for skills like MS so I reverted to 100% assuming that "special atacks" actually means "force attacks" like force sweep, blade storm etc, not physical smash them with the lightsabre attacks.



Though without a dps parser/meter or some form of combat log proving the best build or the actual way in which certain skills/stats function is quite hard.


You can get misses on those special attacks when an enemy debuffs your accuracy such as Guardian -5%. I've had my Focus Sweep get missed or resisted at 99.48% accuracy because of it... talk about bad luck.

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Yeah this was more consistent than that, multiple times in different warzones on different players/classes.



Can you link to any thread with more infomation on this topic?


I guess I should test it myself with duels would be easy enough to confirm accuracys worth simply by removing gear.

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You can get misses on those special attacks when an enemy debuffs your accuracy such as Guardian -5%. I've had my Focus Sweep get missed or resisted at 99.48% accuracy because of it... talk about bad luck.


I think that's why most people in games past have always suggested hitting an Accuracy "Cap" before ignoring it. If you're below 100% accuracy even that 1 time out of a hundred that you miss a big attack like that you're taking a big DPS hit...especially if you're talking a Focus-specced Force Sweep, for instance. The small amount of power/crit won't equate to the same amount of damage lost over time when you're missing people outright. It's hard to find the actual spot without concrete numbers, and considering variable defenses, but not missing people is pretty important.

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His point was that accuracy does not affect the majority of our skills, which if true means we can stack crit/surge way higher so its worth testing.


If that's the case I'd like to know definitively. I'm stacking Accuracy, but if it's not doing anything except ensuring my Strike hits more consistently then I'll gladly dump it and start picking up some more Surge.

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But how much power do you have?



Im currently at around 950 mainhand dmg and the dps is great, dot ticks for 1800 5k+ MS.


When I say "surge to 30%" I dont mean total surge, which should be obvious as you have base of 50%. Maybe I should say surge to 80% to avoid confusion.


That I'd have to check when I can log in later, but not much. Honestly I wasn't to worried about it pre-50 where I notice more gear has power on it. I have rating 124 hilts in both sabers and I think my top end damage was between mid 700 to mid 800's? I just need some mats to craft the R22 advanced Battle enhancements for more surge/crit.


I know what you meant by surge to 30% :) I did mean that I've read about an additional 50% surge for a 100% total. I should hit 80% before any lvl 50 gear once I get those enhancements in.


If I can hit soft cap for surge/crit sooner than I thought, that would be great, I can start stacking power now. My accuracy took a slight hit and sits at 98% atm, but if its on implants anyway, I shouldn't need to mod for it to much.


At least that's my way of thinking right now. I'm always looking to learn and refine things more.

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I think that's why most people in games past have always suggested hitting an Accuracy "Cap" before ignoring it. If you're below 100% accuracy even that 1 time out of a hundred that you miss a big attack like that you're taking a big DPS hit...especially if you're talking a Focus-specced Force Sweep, for instance. The small amount of power/crit won't equate to the same amount of damage lost over time when you're missing people outright. It's hard to find the actual spot without concrete numbers, and considering variable defenses, but not missing people is pretty important.


It only occurs in PvP which is why I said to get 105% for that.


In PvE, as long as you are behind the mob as you should be, it's 100% chance to hit. Unless an encounter has a specific accuracy debuff, but then it's not worth gearing up just for 1-2 fights.


Bioware will likely introduce some change in the future because right now, as far as I'm concerned, Accuracy is the second most useless stat after presence.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I started and leveled in combat all the way to 50. I didnt think or actually know that the other 2 were about. After a bit of PvPing at 50 i soon realized I could do better. I learned a thing or 2 on here and tried it, still wasnt what I wanted. I swithed to Watchman and my numbers soared in PvP. I have yet to try Focus and wont say if its better or not since I have no real proofr. My opinion is Watchman is better in PvP and PvE. Thats my take.
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I'm not going to read through all the posts, I never have THAT much time.


But I'll say this. I love my Sentinal. His damage is just "sic" at times.

Albiet mine is only level 26, I have no real issues playing the Combat Tree at all.

Squishy if over loaded? Yes, I admit that. But I'm getting the timing down between health packs, Saber Ward, and ability cool-downs.


This spec takes learning it's finesses.

Can it be agrivating at times? Sure. But when I turn on my "mix-master", he deals plenty of dps and takes down mobs quite quickly.


I've played every class now, they all have their ups and downs, but they are all fun.

You just have to have the patience to learn from your mistakes...

Edited by Keilin
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  • 1 year later...

So full power or with crit build?!

After tests-55 Operations training dummy


Mods mostly 69,several 72 parts

in crit build-29%Crit chance/72%Crit Multi=DPS arround ~~2150


in power/crit build with more power less crit(25%Crit chance/70%Crit Multi)=DPS ~~2300


in full power build(1401Power,20%Crit chance,64%Crit Multi)=DPS ~~2450



Test with all class buff and stim.

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Why are people dissing combat? honestly if u dont know how to play a spec then do not say sometime like that. Watchman is nice but it does not have the burst the other specs has and thats what makes the other specs more valuable in my opinion than watchman. Focus is good for aoe trash and stuff like when a boss sends out a lot of mobs out. Combat is probably the best single target hitter if used right and tbh I do not like watchman mainly because u do not start doing the dmg u want from ur class untill u get all ur buffs from it, and in fights where u have to wait for a few seconds these buffs negate from ur character.


I am stacking power as a combat sentinel and it never let me down. Mainly because my talents already gives me the crit i need from my tree on my main hitters like dispatch, blade rush and blade storm. My best dps over 5 min with a dummy so far was 2750 and thats with mostly 69 gear. I heard of other combat sentinels doing over 2.9k dps and maybe even 3k. Combat is probably the best spec to use at end content.

Edited by Jesz
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Why are people dissing combat?

Cause thread is necrobump and combat was pretty crap in feb 2012. :p

Combat does good dps now but it is annoying to play compared to before 2.0 too rng i like watchman better now.

Edited by AngusFTW
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