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If the Devs are taking Faction Imbalance seriously...


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Then why haven't they at least told us that they're working to better mirror the classes? As it stands Republic players are quitting or switching faction because they get screwed in just about every aspect of the game, right down to whose attacks go off faster.


For anyone who doesn't know what I'm referring to, please read this very informative thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553&highlight=mirrors


We don't need a blog post or anything fancy, just tell us you care and that you're going to do something about it in a reasonable amount of time. Otherwise the imbalance is only going to grow, as more and more people recognize the numerous advantages of being Imperial.


You've talked about Ilum, you've talked about Ability Delay, and it has helped tremendously to quiet the community regarding these matters.


Faction Imbalance IS another issue that's killing your game, and unless you're at least willing to mention that you're concerned about it, it's going to rapidly become more of a problem.


So please at least take the time to save a couple of subscribers by letting the Republic know you're doing your best to help them out.

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The problem is the Republic is not Sexy. People play Sith because the abilities are cool and its fun to be the bad guy.


They need to make it fun to be the good guy and there needs to be a certain amount of Sexy added to the republic. The flying rocks is just lame... force lightning ftw!

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The problem is the Republic is not Sexy. People play Sith because the abilities are cool and its fun to be the bad guy.


They need to make it fun to be the good guy and there needs to be a certain amount of Sexy added to the republic. The flying rocks is just lame... force lightning ftw!


I agree with the exception that Troopers are sexier then Bounty Hunters.

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The problem is the Republic is not Sexy. People play Sith because the abilities are cool and its fun to be the bad guy.


They need to make it fun to be the good guy and there needs to be a certain amount of Sexy added to the republic. The flying rocks is just lame... force lightning ftw!


I will have to disagree, I play Republic because everyone and their mother went as a sith becuse they want to "look cool"


I have no inclication to play as Empire at this time, things will get balanced out in time. It is a good game in its own right, I can look past the flaws and enjoy it for what it is.

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You're assuming everyone cares about PvP.


We don't.


PvP isn't the only issue. A low pop Republic server has a bad economy. Why sell stuff when there's no one there to buy it? Getting people together just to form Hard Mode groups is especially painful, and many of them are under geared because, well, there's no one to gear up with. Your view is way too short sided. Population imbalance alone can kill this game. MMOs are always healthier when the population is evenly spread. Right now it is not.

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The problem is the Republic is not Sexy. People play Sith because the abilities are cool and its fun to be the bad guy.


They need to make it fun to be the good guy and there needs to be a certain amount of Sexy added to the republic. The flying rocks is just lame... force lightning ftw!


One of the reasons I almost switched was because of force lightning vs throwing rocks. IMO make dark side republic get animation overhauls / new spells!

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I will have to disagree, I play Republic because everyone and their mother went as a sith becuse they want to "look cool"


I have no inclication to play as Empire at this time, things will get balanced out in time. It is a good game in its own right, I can look past the flaws and enjoy it for what it is.


I dont like the Sith attire at all and also, Jedi's are and always will be cooler ;)

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You're assuming everyone cares about PvP.


We don't.


You may not, but you are far from everyone, and I don't recall making that assumption.


Appearance is another major reason for imbalance, and I really hope it's being worked on as well, but I don't think it requires a response ASAP as it isn't a broken game mechanic. IMO given one faction's classes advantages over their MIRRORED counterparts is a broken game mechanic and we at least need to hear that the developers plan to correct it.

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He is right in that imps have mirror class advantages and they need fixed. As a top end republic player I find the number disadvantage a blessing. We have shorter WZ queues and when my guild does organize an ilum raid we have about half the number bust till push them back. If we were equally numbered it would lose any kind of challenge. We have even attracted many empire top end pvpers to reroll to republic contradicting what you are saying about republic rerolling. However yes I see how on most servers without an extremely organized world ranked guild the advantage of imps in numbers an abilities makes republic want to reroll.


Posted from iPhone so ignore typos

Edited by MercArcher
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make all your datacron (and holocron) discoveries shared by account. This would effectively force imperial players to level a republic character to get the republic on datacrons if they wish to be competitive and make my life a hell of a lot easier for all my alts :D!
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