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is grouping that bad?


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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.
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I have given up on getting groups for Heroic 4s. It's too much of a hassle to get three other people to show up at the same place and far too much of a gamble if they're going to be able to pull their own weight.


If you see someone LFM for a Heroic 4+ jump in but otherwise it's not worth the effort. Heroic 2+ you can effectively duo and you're only relying on one person to be competent so I can usually find someone to work with me on them.


I've had some success with FPs. I'm happy to say unlike a certain other MMORPG my group hasn't disbanded after one wipe and we usually clear all the way through the FP. I do think the XP gain from them could be a bit higher to correspond with soloing, though.

Edited by DenimSamurai
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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


If someone doesn't want to group with you, move on.


You're not blind inviting are you? that's rude, and will get you on many /ignore lists.


People will play how they want to play. Sometimes they want to group, sometimes they don't.


Personally, I don't group with anyone I don't know IRL, or have gotten to know in general chat.


To many bozos out there.

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I've come across more people willing to group than are unwilling. People seem to be picking on up the fact that grouping allows you to move through quests and level up much quicker.


This whole solo aspect that is creeping into MMOs is a carry over for WoW as it was one of the first MMOs to be solo friendly. If you ask me, if you're playing an MMO and don't want to group, you're in the wrong genre.

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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


Don't give up keep trying you are bound to fine some nice folks willing to group, btw welcome to the game nice to have you with us! :)

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I have not found much problem finding groups whenever I have looked for one. I also run a lot of groups with my guild. Like earlier in the thread, I also suggest to get a guild. At least on my server on Coruscant, there are always some new guild looking for new members. I'm sure on the Empire side, Drommund Kass is similar. Funny, I rarely see recruitment at the fleet station.
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I've come across more people willing to group than are unwilling. People seem to be picking on up the fact that grouping allows you to move through quests and level up much quicker.


This whole solo aspect that is creeping into MMOs is a carry over for WoW as it was one of the first MMOs to be solo friendly. If you ask me, if you're playing an MMO and don't want to group, you're in the wrong genre.


And yet I'm a paying customer and entitled to play how I wish.


Just because I like having other people in my gaming world doesn't mean I want to be joined at the hip to them whenever I play.


I especially will not group with anyone that types like a 12 year old texting on its phone.


Also, Soloing has always been an option in MMOs. My first was Asheron's call. You could run off into the wilderness by yourself and do whatever you wanted. If you went the wrong place, you'd get your butt handed to you in a hurry.


But you had that choice, as many times as you wanted to make that choice.


I know plenty of people that are perfectly happy to group up with just anybody as soon as they log in and not break group until they go to bed. I'm not that way.


Vive le differance, etc. (my French is horrible, sorry for any misspellings there)

Edited by VorpalK
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one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow".


What server are you on? I'm on The Harbinger and Soresu and I've never come across a comment like that before. Soresu is one of the lighter traffic servers and generally don't have a problem finding groups on there, even for 4 person heroics. Frankly, I don't think you'd want to group up with someone like that anyway.


Now I have had a few people refuse to let me join a group because I wasn't a "healer" or whatever specific role they are looking for. Considering that pretty much anything on planets can be completed without a healer or with a healing companion as the 4th, I don't take offense to this and just move on. I'd rather not play with someone like that anyway. That tells me they probably aren't a very good player and they need a healer as a crutch. 3 of us completed the Maelstrom flashpoint with a healing companion as our 4th and no deaths. The second part of that one is listed as level 37 and we had two 37s and a 38 in our group so it's not like we were over-powered or anything either. Yet, I see people sitting around looking for a 4th for Esseles and refusing to add anyone but a healer even though it's a low-level flashpoint that's designed as a 2 player flashpoint, lol.


So whoever you're coming across on your server that seems rude or unfriendly, just be glad you found out before being grouped up with them. They are probably the people that would roll need for something they can't equip or bale in the middle of the quest or go afk for 15 minutes or something.

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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


Having the same problem. I have found a few friendly people but nothing compared to other games.


In WoW I quickly found groups and guilds. Didn't even have to look. Just met friendly people during dungeon runs basically. Yeah I met 3 or 4 times as many wildly annoying individuals, but still.


In LOTRO I met helpful people and was very quickly invited into a very friendly guild. That was before the free to play days by the way, not sure how it is now.


In SWTOR people seem so quiet and uninterested in the social aspect. But maybe it's me. Maybe I smell or something.


PS: Obviously none of this is the game's fault. But maybe it has attracted an audience that is very different from myself somehow.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Kathol Rift....




so damn easy to find a group anybody who says otherwise is either lazy... stuck up or has already been blacklisted by others for being a dick...


"LFG Athiss flashpoint"

"ill go"

send invite, done..


i have done every flashpoint up to my level with 5 characters and never had more trouble than this.

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so damn easy to find a group anybody who says otherwise is either lazy... stuck up or has already been blacklisted by others for being a dick...


"LFG Athiss flashpoint"

"ill go"

send invite, done..


i have done every flashpoint up to my level with 5 characters and never had more trouble than this.


This has to do with the server I think. I rerolled on a "heavy" server to find more groups. Worked for a while, now the server is down to "standard" and you can look for ages without finding anyone.


I don't get how it makes you stuck up or lazy if nobody wants to do flashpoints your level. I seriously doubt I have been blacklisted in the game. I am always friendly, I don't spam, I don't ninja anything.


Gotta love those "works fine for me" arguments. If you did what you said there on some of the not so crowded servers, you'd be stuck for hours.

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  • 3 weeks later...
thx for the replys guys btw since i have posted this i have found a guild and gaming is fun again. im always looking for friends and ill will chat with anyone on here. so i do not get on the ignore list. i say hello to everyone before i ask them to group. i am on giridda the hutt server and yes i might have spelled it wrong but oh well i am not known for my typing skills.
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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


Yea I would recommend a guild. Not only that but it's usually a good practice to just continue doing your own thing and spam chat every few minutes for Heroics. Don't get set on: 'I have to do this now'. If you approach it this way, you will get a group and it wont even seem like you are waiting. Hell if you do it right, they will be waiting on you. I started that after Balmorra (Empire) for the very reason you posted. I just said, "Gonna do my own thing and hope someone psts me." Works like a charm.

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There's an easy solution to making friends...


Get a guild. It's why they make them. I managed to find myself a great one.


Yeah not a solution. People say this like being in a guild means you have people ready to jump at your request.


Grouping is SWTOR is probably the biggest reason it's losing most of it's players. It's BAD.


Kathol Rift....




Is that why they added cross server LFG? :)

Edited by Gohlar
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I usually just group with my friend. But, when doing the daily quests, namely the Heroic 4 on Belsavis, several people have wanted to join our group and they've all been nice. Currently working on our 3rd characters now and we were running Black Talon again and had someone group with us and he was nice too. So outside of general chat and PvP, the people are pretty friendly me thinks
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Yeah not a solution. People say this like being in a guild means you have people ready to jump at your request.


Wouldn't totally agree with this. Having an active and involved guild, especially one that uses and heavily encourages the use of vent usually means that you can always find help. No matter the hour, you almost always have someone willing to fly to the planet and help out. That is why most guilds have online applications. They do this to find active and guild oriented players. Alot of people think it's dumb or unrealistic to have people fill out an app to join a guild and that is their perogative. Most successful guilds I have been apart of though, have subscribed to this practice. Make people earn their way in and they will want to be there and make the guild better. Pretty simple practice. Similar (on a smaller scale) to how fraternities and the like work. Make people go through a process of trust-building and camaradarie-inducing activities and being there will be a badge of honor; making it better will be important.

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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


Blame the makeup of mmos in recent years as it's largely a single player romp until max level. There is little incentive to group up whilst leveling, even for flashpoints (you can often just make or buy mods that will make your own equipment better than instance drops) Couple that with the lack of story and dialogue in FPs past the esseles and black talon, then you get instances which aren't attractive for farming social points. Some people will just chime in and say "get a guild" as if this is a blanket solution. This may work for some people to just join the first random grouping of people they come across, but I've played too many mmos to know this doesn't always work. I generally have to observe a guild operate so I can get at least a decent impression of what sort of group it is, but in games these days it's rare to see players in one area, let alone multiple members of the same guild.

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i dont know if i am on a island to myself or what? i feel like i picked the snob server and asking people to group is like getting punched in the face. one problem i see is that so many are like "dude i got to get 17 lvls in one sitting and get 12 tomorrow". COME ON!!!! Maybe its spilled milk and i am losing my touch. but for me this is for me the first online game i never have much luck making friends. Bash me if u want but i wish people would get a little more friendly.


For me it depends on the activity. I find most people willing to group for FP's and Heroics, but for simple leveling and grouping of that nature, it's much harder to get groups as people can generally get more accomplished solo.

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