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Sceptical about the game


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THIS IS NOT ME WRITING. My friend wrote this, because he is so sceptical towards the game. He couldn't post this on his own account, because it was too recently made. He will, however, post on this thread on his own account later on and observing the thread actively.


If you call SWTOR animations smoother than wow ones, then you're obviously ********. Look at the jumping, for example. If the animations for jumping in WoW are bad, the ones in SWTOR are just terrible.


And, please, guys, Im just asking what SWTOR does better than WoW does. So far i've read: "IF U WANNA PLAY WOW GO PLAY IT!". Thats not what I want. I want to know what this game does better than wow does, because I can't see anything else than the amount of planets. I'd want to play the game but I don't know why, I really like Star Wars and so on but I just can't see the point.


This "troll by proxy" is likely the silliest thing I've seen yet.

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I'm beginning to believe that no other MMO developer will ever manage to match Blizzard with their WoW animations. They aren't perfect, but combat is so crisp, clean, and accurate. It's what makes it impossible to ever truly quit the game.


SWTOR definitely could have used more work on its animations. I'm a bit surprised after such a large budget going into the game to be honest.

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I'm beginning to believe that no other MMO developer will ever manage to match Blizzard with their WoW animations. They aren't perfect, but combat is so crisp, clean, and accurate. It's what makes it impossible to ever truly quit the game.


SWTOR definitely could have used more work on its animations. I'm a bit surprised after such a large budget going into the game to be honest.




That's because they've got like 2 animations per character. Its a 7 year old game with 7 year old animations. TOR is by far more advanced in this and is light years ahead.

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I'm beginning to believe that no other MMO developer will ever manage to match Blizzard with their WoW animations. They aren't perfect, but combat is so crisp, clean, and accurate. It's what makes it impossible to ever truly quit the game.


SWTOR definitely could have used more work on its animations. I'm a bit surprised after such a large budget going into the game to be honest.


Hit the nail on the head. I've said this several times and believe me I wish it weren't true...but I'm beginning to think there won't be another MMO to be released that is as crisp and fluid as WoW combat until blizzard themselves makes it again.


And no I'm not a fanboy and no I'm not being biased....There is nothing I want more than another MMO to come out that has that feel...I could care less who makes it. I quit WoW a while ago and can never go back its too stale and boring. I've tried every mmo on the market and nobody can capture the responsiveness of WoWs combat. God I wish it weren't true.

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I'm beginning to believe that no other MMO developer will ever manage to match Blizzard with their WoW animations. They aren't perfect, but combat is so crisp, clean, and accurate. It's what makes it impossible to ever truly quit the game.


SWTOR definitely could have used more work on its animations. I'm a bit surprised after such a large budget going into the game to be honest.


Blizzard has some of the best artists/animators in gaming IMO. I don't say that so much based on WoW, but StarCraft II and Diablo 3 have some gorgeous stuff.

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Because you were in beta and reached end game.


I guess you're right, it's WoW in space with voices :rolleyes:


You are absolutely correct!


I know you are just saying that to get a rise out of TOR fans, but it doesn't really work anymore tbh...this game is just better :) admit :)


In business to make money and appeal to more masses, you take a proven method millions of gamers have loved for many years, break it down, refine it, keep the things in they love, take the things out they don't love, put your own spin on it and put some innovations in ALL WHILE not straying too far from the status quo that people like... hence what BioWare did with TOR.


That's why people will like this game. It's just different enough...not TOO different. People don't like BIG change. Which brings me to my point.


Why play WoW...when you can play this that has everything WoW has but more? I just don't get some people :p

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THIS IS NOT ME WRITING. My friend wrote this, because he is so sceptical towards the game. He couldn't post this on his own account, because it was too recently made. He will, however, post on this thread on his own account later on and observing the thread actively.



No, actually it is not me, it is a friend of mine, the very person who just typed this text about a minute ago. This is what the site says, I have registered my account and such just like my friend (who posts this) did. Look, I will actually even publish my newcoming accounts name!


"MasaDaKing, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."


Maybe there just is delay, queue or something for the accounts to be activated.


I am NOT trolling. Im dead serious. I've had a couple of good comments and I do thank you for those, but the some of you just don't seem to have a capabilty for intellectual talk instead of flaming.


Please, provide me with something that I am missing, or is the game the way I see it to be

Edited by maragroft
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Just to quickly put my two cents in before I get back into game....


I was in Beta Weekend...played Consular up to 20...(average story)


I have an Agent up to 10 now and just hit the Imperial fleet... (great story!)


The game is amazing. It is fun. It is worth it.

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I just laughed so hard, I spewed Coke out of my nose... Smooth animations in WoW...


I don't really know what to say to this. You are actually debating that the animations and combat in WoW wasn't smooth? I can't even fathom how you could argue that. I could see how your opinion could be you didn't prefer them or found them cheesy, but to say they aren't fluid and smooth I could never understand.

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Any idiot can watch a few trailers and come to the conclusion that this MMO's focus is STORY! Its what sets it apart from everyone else. Again for those that didn't catch it, the big shining jewel in this game is STORY.......one more time........STORY!!! If you don't like the STORY or don't care for games with STORY in it, get the hell out of here and stop complaining. Simple as that.
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I will admit, the animations can be a bit strange, mostly because they don't have "transition" or "idle" animations. Your character literally does not have any life to them if you aren't directly moving them. In combat, each move not only has unique animations of their own (and they aren't 1:1 movements, everything is channeled essentially, when the damage occurs may not tie into the animation at all) they have to react to the enemies animations.


Which leads to jarring transitions in which your character suddenly moves and then would suddenly stop, perfectly still until they blur into life again. Just look at a warrior standing idle and then pressing Force Charge.


I don't agree with "poor quality" animations, that's just bogus. But it isn't very smooth or lifelike either.

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And, please, guys, Im just asking what SWTOR does better than WoW does. So far i've read: "IF U WANNA PLAY WOW GO PLAY IT!". Thats not what I want. I want to know what this game does better than wow does, because I can't see anything else than the amount of planets. I'd want to play the game but I don't know why, I really like Star Wars and so on but I just can't see the point.


trolls and flaming aside.

I haven't played it yet but i've had a look around on the web, not extensivly but enough to get an idea.


for starts, i havn't played wow in a while (years) however, here are my thaughts, chuck me a penny if u deem them interseting:


1) Blizzard is one of the top companies in its sector and has proven a hard to beat competitor for many companies attempting to grab a piece of the mmo cake. BW for one seems to be much more reliable than earlier contendors. On one hand my previous experience with EA customer service does not bode well, on the other Lucas co is a very prestigious brand which is usually very carefull about giing rights to incompetents. Thus, considering MMO's depend on the level of continued commitment (patches, maintenance etc) BW is probably the best bet that can have a go at blizzard. another minor argument is that blizz isnt too much overly concerned over loss of wow accounts as Diablo 3 should grab a fair share backt o them. nonetheless, BW has a little less competition as a result.


2) the dude who mentioned you should play Kotor if u want to get an idea of what your in for, well id listen to him he has a point. Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are milestones in videogame history and in Star wars lore as that is where Darth Revan comes from. This answers your question to what does swtor do that wow doesn't. great storytelling. just to get an idea go on utube and browse around for swtor vs wow or something: ull find small bits of different mmo questing. spoken dialogues and cgi decent if not great acting makes the old wow guest system look like pac man. I just dont want to do it anymore.

recent implementations in swtor also show how much BW is committed to making your avatar feel unique, (the new character customization options to be clear).


3) Its new and refreshing. it might not be much but tbh, when i mistakenly fall uppon a wow video on utube i almost feel like puking. dont get me wrong i am a blizz fan and enjoyed (most) of my wow days, but i'v seen enough of it. SWTOR is the best and most refined mmo outthere atm, if only just cos its the latest. Moreover, u get to be a jedi, and lets be honest as much as its gonna be a bummer to be surrounded by billions of testosterone thick younglins wielding light sabers, hey if you were born after the 1980's then thats what u always wanted. unless ofcourse you want to ride your bycle but then you probably would be playing guitar hero or something.


sorry for the wall of text, im not even gonna bother checking the spelling and grammar. just in case all you needed was some decent points to be put forward instead of some (well deserved?) trolling here you are. if not, well WoW is always there.

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If you animation is not smooth get off the Dell and get something better.


Also @ OP you sound like you work for Blizzard, this game Pwns wow on every level.


Look at Wow, then back at Tor, then back at WoW.


If you don't see it you're lost.

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The combat is pretty smooth. There are a few smuggler abilities that don't work in PVP. Still, I found the PVE and PVP enjoyable. The PVP instances were fun.


I encountered some lag in the game with my settings turned up to full so I had to turn them down to medium but the game looked pretty much the same because the artwork is good.


I didn't like questing in WOW but I found myself immersed in the story line of SWTOR.


My guildies are reporting as of today, there are still a few bugs. People were having trouble logging in.


The crew members that you get who can tank, heal, or dps for you and run crafting missions is something WOW doesn't have. I didn't need other players around to have a good time leveling because of my companion.


I didn't pre-order until the last day of the Thanksgiving Beta, and I wish I had done it earlier.


IMO, pre-order the game. It's really good.

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this game Pwns wow on every level.



That kind of statement just makes you look like a complete and utter ******. No mmo beats another mmo on every single level I mean come on. I'm a huge fan of WoW but I'll admit Rift felt more epic like a giant warzone than WoW ever managed. I'll admit Lord of the Rings online was the most hand crafted and beautiful looking MMO I've ever seen. DAoC had the most immersive pvp system in terms of people cooperating together for objectives. Dragon Nest if you want to call it an official mmo, had the most fun combat system of any mmo I've played.


Every single MMO competed in a different way. You just sound like a fanboy when you say SWTOR beats WoW in every single way. This game may be amazing if they put some work into it...but take it from someone who was in the WoW beta and in the SWTOR beta, this game just simply is lacking in the most fundamental and important aspect there is, fluid and responsive combat. A lot of things can change during the course of an MMO's duration... one of those things typically is not the "feel" of the combat. They didn't get it right and it will never be right. Which is why while this game is good maybe even great, it won't quite be another world of warcraft.

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Also as a side note...god I wish I had a way of proving this...but those of you who played WoW for like 2,3,4,5 or whatever years before coming to this game....that are now declaring this game the best game ever made and it completely kicks WoWs ***....you will have quit this game for TERA or Guild Wars 2 or something else in about a year. You will be done with this game in a year where as you played WoW for 2-3x longer and you will give them zero credit...and you will insult this game and say your next game pwns it on every single level....because you are completely oblivious to give a game credit where it is due.


MARK MY WORDS...this games playerbase will dwindle infinitely faster than world of warcrafts did as everyone realizes its good but just not great, and all you fanboys who declared this the best game ever made won't remember me saying this because you're too busy posting on the next games forums saying how that game is the greatest game ever

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