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Nope, I can call them up and harass their customer support on the phone for hours, escalate to managers, etc. and spam the forums too posting the names of players who attack me in situations I find to be "unfair."


I won't, but BioWare has set the standard.


As i said, its your $15..


knock yourself out...


Hope it all works out for you


I could probably find better things to do with my time...

Edited by Tic-
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I said I was done arguing with you. It's the same over and over with you.


As for other MMOs?


Warhammer Online for 2 years, WoW for 4, Age of Conan, Aion, SWG (Post CU), DC Universe Online, and this. I think that is all.


It's the same thing over and over because your trying to apply your logic and create a situation that wasn't there. :)


I'm surprised. Playing that many MMO's should give you some sort of insight as to pvp vs. griefing rules.



Nope, I can call them up and harass their customer support on the phone for hours, escalate to managers, etc. and spam the forums too posting the names of players who attack me in situations I find to be "unfair."


I won't, but BioWare has set the standard.


If that is how you feel, then you go about doing that. Most gaming companies will black list, or perma-ban repeat harassers. So you go ahead and do what you feel is necessary, but be prepared to suffer the consequences or the benefits in some cases...

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Are they? I'm sure you'll have license if you can provide pictures of 50 red names standing over your corpse. What happens if that same mob of people find out that something weird is going on.


"Wait! When you hit Philbert's character, you get 1000 valor! What seriously? Just hit him? Shoot, lemme call my guild."


After they kill you, you quickly realize that you have no avenue of escape! You can either respawn, and get overwhelmed by the 30 people who are sitting near the one spawn point you have access to, or you can log.


In that scenario, you would tell me that you wouldn't have an issue with this? I know the scenario isn't spot on, but still... You would be okay with it because it is by definition allowable in game, and something BioWare obviously meant to do? You would be okay with, basically, forfeiting your 15 dollars a month account for a two to three hour period because of the whims of other players?


You would have fun?


The standard is that BioWare will now punish players who engage in PvP that THEY feel is unfair. Yet the players will not know what is considered unfair to them until afterward.

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I'm on the Republic side of this and I totally agree with the people saying it is not an exploit. Look, BioWare screwed up big time. People were farmed and it really sucks. But the only fault is with BioWare for not doing something about this back in the PTR, which is when they were told about it by the way. They launched the patch knowing something like this could happen. In addition to that, look how long it took them to even make a reply. They could have brought the servers down immediately and fixed it. Instead they waited hours to even acknowledge it and that was only to say, "yea we are bringing the servers down tomorrow morning to fix this." Really....quit blaming the Imperials for something that is 100% BioWare's fault.


And also I don't think anyone will be punished for it, and if they are, they shouldn't be.

Edited by Halvos
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So far no one has presented any argument to counter it.




Yet the server selection specifically states any action during PvP combat on a PvP server is not harassment and no action will be brought against by customer service.


You roll on a PvP server and that happens to you, oh well. You chose a PVP server.


I have not read the whole thread because its mostly the same crap over and over again it dont make any sense.



No one is getting punished for pvp, there getting punished for the secondary effect of valor gaints. IF there was no valor earned in it then they would have just fixed it and been done with it. But thats not the case people was farming valor in a way that any body with 2 brain cells knew was not biowares intention.


Was it biowares fault for screwing it up, yes. But at least on there end, it was a mistake. The people that was involved in this however knew what was going on and what they was doing.





Yet the server selection specifically states any action during PvP combat on a PvP server is not harassment and no action will be brought against by customer service..



I really really really hope your smarter then this and just jacking with poeple.


What there talking about is any pvp that is placed with in there rule set. Exploiting somthing even if it is associated with pvp does not count.


Instead of a 1 line comment when u select a pvp server, should they write 14 pages of do and donts for poeple with no common sense?

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The only thing I am worried about is the long term effects this screw up will have. What behavior will I engage in that I do not consider exploiting will I get in trouble for?


If myself and 10 guild mates form a ops group, composed entirely of Operatives and Assassins, and camp the landing area on Tatooine, should we be banned? How were we to know this behavior is wrong? It's a PvP server! It says we won't be punished!


If you and your guildmates total IQ cannot solve the problem there, I'm so sorry for you. . Even your example is about exploiting the game in a different way. And no you cannot go to tatooine with a stealther party and kill same lowlings over and over. So sad that you are completly immune to harassment policy which is like:




Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.




But for the likes of you, at least they put a clause in general rules.


General Rules and Guidelines


20. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

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OP Makes me laugh... Anyone there knew that this was exploiting a bad design yet they continued to do it anyways and now there QQ'ing because they might be caught and punished....


It's like if a guy has $100 in his bank account and goes to atm and it gives him $5000 and instead of going inside the bank to report the error he takes the money and runs, then he's surprised when the cops show up at his door...


Are people really that handicap morally that they don't know right from wrong anymore?

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If you and your guildmates total IQ cannot solve the problem there, I'm so sorry for you. . Even your example is about exploiting the game in a different way. And no you cannot go to tatooine with a stealther party and kill same lowlings over and over. So sad that you are completly immune to harassment policy which is like:




Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.




But for the likes of you, at least they put a clause in general rules.


General Rules and Guidelines


20. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.


Corpse Camped by a 50 will break those but, is not actioned against. Thanks for playing.

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you know this is because there were imperial players camping the republic spawn point and farming them for hours collecting massive amounts of valor...there are vids on youtube.


And that issue could have been solved with PvP. Except the Republic players on multiple servers refused to get out of the fleet/their little PvE instances to go and help the few in Ilum. So it's ultimately the Republic's fault.

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It's the same thing over and over because your trying to apply your logic and create a situation that wasn't there. :)


I'm surprised. Playing that many MMO's should give you some sort of insight as to pvp vs. griefing rules.


Those games had no "griefing" rules in PvP. The only time Warhammer ever, to my knowledge, engaged in an intervention was when Destruction found a way to slip into Order's warcamp in the starting area near the Empire and gank players without guards attacking them. This was a clear exploit, as the enemy players knew WALKING into the camp normally resulted in your instant death.


If WALKING into an enemy base in this game resulted in your instant death, then someone found a way to GET INTO the base without being detected by guards AND without the guards attacking/engaging in combat, then yes players should/could/would have an argument for punishment.


In WoW, I use to form groups composed of Rogues and tree Druids and we'd sit in Stormwind where PvP players spawned in through the Mage portal tower and instantly kill them. Never got in trouble for it. Why? PvP server, and what we did was fair.


I use to stand on the boat between Stormwind and Northrend and kill ANY player that stepped on the boat. The amount of time that it took for a person to run back to the body, the boat would set sail and the "load" screen came up. When the load screen finished, the player would automatically respawn on the boat with around half health. I'd kill them again. I once spent an hour killing the same player while waiting for my ICC raid to start.


If too many players got on the boat in Stormwind, I'd jump off and water walk away. If I was in Northrend, I'd fly away. PvP server, this behavior was acceptable. Even though the Alliance player would respawn on the boat against their will.


If that is how you feel, then you go about doing that. Most gaming companies will black list, or perma-ban repeat harassers. So you go ahead and do what you feel is necessary, but be prepared to suffer the consequences or the benefits in some cases...


On my first server, there was a Troll Priest, who would spend hours, literally HOURS a day, mind controlling players off the boat in vanilla WoW when it was far enough at sea that they'd die from fatigue.


On any given day you could go on the forums on that specific server and see at least one thread devoted to QQ about him. Blizzard knew this and did nothing. Why? Because it was a PvP server. Got a problem? Kill him. Can't kill him? Get more people together and do it. Problem solved.

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The standard is that BioWare will now punish players who engage in PvP that THEY feel is unfair. Yet the players will not know what is considered unfair to them until afterward.


So... wait? You don't want BioWare to act like a referee to settle issues brought up in game, that they couldn't have foreseen (hopefully)?


You are assuming that the people who made the complaints in-game didn't have valid complaints. That their experience of the game wasn't endangered by overwhelming, and (after two hours minimum) unfair odds? That BioWare should not try to salvage customer accounts after a debacle such as this?


No, see... I get your point. You believe this will engender customer complaints about normal world PvP. And that is your argument's hinge point. Normal World PvP. But, it wasn't that. It was a circumstance created by BioWare that was unbalanced, either by design or by simple faction imbalance; and there was no single avenue of escape in-game. The only means of escape was to stop playing... a game... that you were paying for. See?


This was not normal world PvP. This was not ganking someone coming out of Tattooine Space Dock. This was like ganking someone coming out of Tattooine Space Dock who was 25 levels lower than you, had no chance of seeing your operative, and doing it to the same person for 4 hours straight.


This was griefing. This was mob mentality griefing. This was basically... well... it was like looting after a hurricane. Perfect time to do it, but it doesn't make you any less a criminal.


Yeah, someone *might* complain in open world PvP. But, seriously... that was happening before Ilum.


These complaints were levied by four groups. The people who were suffering at the hands of the spawn-campers... the Battlemasters (or nearly) who felt that their month of grinding PvP was being made worthless in front of their eyes... those who saw it as an injustice... and the group that likes to complain about whatever the biggest group is complaining about (I'm looking at you, Slicing nerf).


This 'punishment' by BioWare will never happen. It was a PR comment made to pacify the all four of those groups (though, it might only work on the third and the last group). This won't cause a paradigm shift, at all. Well, maybe BioWare will listen a little closer to the PTR... but, probably not.


So, I assure you... your paranoia is completely unfounded, in whatever case that paranoia actually stems from.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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If you and your guildmates total IQ cannot solve the problem there, I'm so sorry for you. . Even your example is about exploiting the game in a different way. And no you cannot go to tatooine with a stealther party and kill same lowlings over and over. So sad that you are completly immune to harassment policy which is like:




Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.




But for the likes of you, at least they put a clause in general rules.


General Rules and Guidelines


20. Do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and using the Service in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of EA in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.


PvP server counters your TOS argument of harassment. If it came down to a legal battle between the two, BioWare would lose for having a contradiction between the TOS agreement and the server selection screen stating differently.


You can't have your cake, and eat it too. Don't roll on PvP.


Unless you let any republic player who wanted to leave leave I have no sympathy for you.


Do you think its okay for players to be effectively stuck while you farm ludicrous amounts of valor?


Doesn't matter, on a PvP server, if I am being butchered non stop, I have no one to blame but myself and my faction.

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And that issue could have been solved with PvP. Except the Republic players on multiple servers refused to get out of the fleet/their little PvE instances to go and help the few in Ilum. So it's ultimately the Republic's fault.


So at what population ratio would this not apply?


10:1? 100:1? 1000:1? At what point do you not expect republic to be able to defend.


The fact is there is nothing they could of done about it.


You are also are incapable of appreciating that any republic who comes to the rescue runs the high risk of being spawn camped himself. Something you have not experienced.


Empire players should get it through their heads that we do not play this game so they can earn valor or get their dailies done.

Edited by _Scattered_
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Like I said earlier:


Quite frankly everyone that was involved in the anti-social behavior of camping republic spawn points, preventing them from even teleporting back to the fleet needs to be taught a serious lesson.


It may only be a game but you wasted alot of people's time camping their supposed "safe zone".


But that is not the reason why bioware is "punishing people". They are quite simply only going to remove the valor you incorrectly gained. Yes that's right, don't attack me for it, you gained the valor wrongly according to bioware. You gained it in the way bioware thought it shouldn't be gained and exploited the system. They are just going to correct their mistake by fairing all valor out again.


Don't cry about it. Bioware are fixing a mistake they made and for you to say "no it wasn't a mistake. I deserve that valor" is completely false since they admitted it was a mistake. There is no way anyone can justify keeping the valor.


Thank you.

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Doesn't matter, on a PvP server, if I am being butchered non stop, I have no one to blame but myself and my faction.


How can you blame a faction when everyone and their mother rolled empire? How do even take faction rivalry seriously.


At least admit you are a giant dick.


Legal or not, you are a dick. There is no way I would of participated in this, not because it may or may not be legal, but because its the dick thing to do.

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PvP server counters your TOS argument of harassment. If it came down to a legal battle between the two, BioWare would lose for having a contradiction between the TOS agreement and the server selection screen stating differently.


You can't have your cake, and eat it too. Don't roll on PvP.




Doesn't matter, on a PvP server, if I am being butchered non stop, I have no one to blame but myself and my faction.


So, you are saying that a PvP server should be allowed to descend into anarchy? That someone's enjoyment of the game should only be limited to those with the power to defend themselves, and that those without the power should roll on PvE servers?


Enjoyment on PvP servers, for me, is challenging PvP. We would never have challenging PvP if the griefers were allowed to spawn-kill, chain-kill, quest-block... You know why? Because in the game as it is now, one side is dominating in most servers. Those same people hit 50 on day 1 or 2. They have the power, and if they are allowed to grief with it; those same people will spend their entire game life 'pwning newbies at Goldshire'... I mean Nar Shadaa. That's why making the game balanced and accessible... even on PvP servers, requires intervention every once in a while.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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So at what population ratio would this not apply?


10:1? 100:1? 1000:1? At what point do you not expect republic to be able to defend.


The fact is there is nothing they could of done about it.


You are also are incapable of appreciating that any republic who comes to the rescue runs the high risk of being spawn camped himself. Something you have not experienced.


Empire players should get it through their heads that we do not play this game so they can earn valor or get their dailies done.


You roll a PvP server, or engage in PvP, that isn't my problem if it is 100 to 1. You chose that server type, or you chose to engage in that behavior.


Why should others be punished for your mistakes?


There are multiple posts stating that actions that ruin other players' enjoyment of the game are against TOS. They are even posting excerpts directly from the TOS that prove their point. Why is this still an argument?


It ruined my enjoyment of the game when I attacked a level 46 Jedi Guardian earlier with my level 47 Assassin and 2 level 50s came and killed me. I wanted to fight that Guardian 1 on 1, test my skill against hers. Instead I got ganked. I demand justice be done by BioWare because of this standard they have set against harassment.


How can you blame a faction when everyone and their mother rolled empire? How do even take faction rivalry seriously.


At least admit you are a giant dick.


Legal or not, you are a dick. There is no way I would of participated in this, not because it may or may not be legal, but because its the dick thing to do.


I admit I have a giant one.


As for your other comments? Too bad, so sad. You chose the side you did, I chose my side. I chose the Sith because I like choking people and shooting lightning. The Jedi Guardian had better animations and fighting moves, the armor I liked better, etc. Hell I might even level one.


On a PvE server.


Back before launch I saw countless posts on the forums of "Which side will you pick?" and it was actually roughly 50/50 Empire vs Republic. Not my fault when it launched it became 90/10.


PvP server. Deal with it.

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Those games had no "griefing" rules in PvP. The only time Warhammer ever, to my knowledge, engaged in an intervention was when Destruction found a way to slip into Order's warcamp in the starting area near the Empire and gank players without guards attacking them. This was a clear exploit, as the enemy players knew WALKING into the camp normally resulted in your instant death.


WoW does have griefing rules :) People get banned quite a bit from wow for griefing.


I've posted the definition to exploit 3 times now. If you cannot read it and comprehend it, then you almost deserve to unknowingly break the rules and get banned.


If WALKING into an enemy base in this game resulted in your instant death, then someone found a way to GET INTO the base without being detected by guards AND without the guards attacking/engaging in combat, then yes players should/could/would have an argument for punishment.


Again, if you don't comprehend exploit, then you don't really know what your talking about. All bugs can be exploits, but not all exploits can be bugs.


In WoW, I use to form groups composed of Rogues and tree Druids and we'd sit in Stormwind where PvP players spawned in through the Mage portal tower and instantly kill them. Never got in trouble for it. Why? PvP server, and what we did was fair.


SO THERE IT IS. Your upset because your one of "those" players. A player who wants to corpse camp until the break of dawn, giggling as they spam their 1,3,6, and 9 keys, without any punishment. And maybe you didn't get into trouble because you didn't hinder anyone's playing experience, maybe no one reported you. There isn't game masters watching over every last player...


I use to stand on the boat between Stormwind and Northrend and kill ANY player that stepped on the boat. The amount of time that it took for a person to run back to the body, the boat would set sail and the "load" screen came up. When the load screen finished, the player would automatically respawn on the boat with around half health. I'd kill them again. I once spent an hour killing the same player while waiting for my ICC raid to start.


Again, that player had the option to report you. It was 1v1 situation, where you gained practically nothing over the opposition. The player you were "camping" had the right to report you, and had the right to leave. Just like the players on Ilum had the right to report it (they did) but DID NOT have the right to leave. Don't you see the difference now?


If too many players got on the boat in Stormwind, I'd jump off and water walk away. If I was in Northrend, I'd fly away. PvP server, this behavior was acceptable. Even though the Alliance player would respawn on the boat against their will.


Let me tell you this... THE EVENTS IN ILUM DID NOT ONLY OCCUR ON PVP SERVERS. I don't know why your clinging onto this notion.


Let's say by some shadow of a doubt someone at Bioware said "He makes sense!" And decided not to punish those on PVP servers, what about the PVE, and RPVE servers?


Don't you see why your logic is flawed? Your trying to cover an entire topic, with ONE sentence, that doesn't pertain to the whole issue. Much less the actual issue at all.


On my first server, there was a Troll Priest, who would spend hours, literally HOURS a day, mind controlling players off the boat in vanilla WoW when it was far enough at sea that they'd die from fatigue.


On any given day you could go on the forums on that specific server and see at least one thread devoted to QQ about him. Blizzard knew this and did nothing. Why? Because it was a PvP server. Got a problem? Kill him. Can't kill him? Get more people together and do it. Problem solved.


The issue here with your example, is you cannot prove nothing was done. Punishments have always been hush hush in MMO's. There is literally no way for you to prove he was not punished. There no way for you to prove that it wasn't different priests.


And really, I'm giggling because you think Blizzard doesn't take action against griefers. I've personally known and been guilded to a few people who have had action taken against them. Just because ONE time ONE person decided not to report you, doesn't mean squat. It just means your lucky and ran into someone who didn't realize your breaking the rules.

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PvP server counters your TOS argument of harassment. If it came down to a legal battle between the two, BioWare would lose for having a contradiction between the TOS agreement and the server selection screen stating differently.


You can't have your cake, and eat it too. Don't roll on PvP.




Doesn't matter, on a PvP server, if I am being butchered non stop, I have no one to blame but myself and my faction.


You are reading way way to much into one freaking line.


You accepted the TOS when u created an account, that is legally binding. Trust me on this if there was a legal battle bioware would win because in there TOS if you read it carefully they can ban you from there game for whatever reason they want, and when ever the well please.

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You know what I do now?


I get me and 3 stealther buddies and we farm the pathetic imps circling central scavenging for armaments. They may zerg every now and then (because we are the only republic player in the zone) but they aren't going to find us, we wait until they leave or separate and continue the farm.


Daily done in less than a hour.


This is what you guys deserve for using overwhelming numbers to completely dominate the opposing faction.

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You roll a PvP server, or engage in PvP, that isn't my problem if it is 100 to 1. You chose that server type, or you chose to engage in that behavior.


Why should others be punished for your mistakes?




It ruined my enjoyment of the game when I attacked a level 46 Jedi Guardian earlier with my level 47 Assassin and 2 level 50s came and killed me. I wanted to fight that Guardian 1 on 1, test my skill against hers. Instead I got ganked. I demand justice be done by BioWare because of this standard they have set against harassment.




I admit I have a giant one.


As for your other comments? Too bad, so sad. You chose the side you did, I chose my side. I chose the Sith because I like choking people and shooting lightning. The Jedi Guardian had better animations and fighting moves, the armor I liked better, etc. Hell I might even level one.


On a PvE server.


Back before launch I saw countless posts on the forums of "Which side will you pick?" and it was actually roughly 50/50 Empire vs Republic. Not my fault when it launched it became 90/10.


PvP server. Deal with it.


You've done what you've done in game, and are part of the faction that did that.


I know, actually having to take responsibility for being a dick is so hard. :( Deal with it.

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The issue here with your example, is you cannot prove nothing was done. Punishments have always been hush hush in MMO's. There is literally no way for you to prove he was not punished. There no way for you to prove that it wasn't different priests.


How does that work in your world?


Name is the same = same priest. Banned accounts still kept the names locked. Even if you could rename in Vanilla WoW, there is a lockout on the previous name.

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