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Is anyone else tired of Bioware pissing on Sentinels?


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So, now are we not only useless in Huttball, but we are also useless on Ilum (thanks!). So what is our role on Ilum when its zerg vs zerg? Aoe fodder?


We(Marauders included), are the only class without a pull or knockback, so while we have to be the victim of all sorts of uncontrolled character movement, we cannot do this to other people. Fun.


Our endgame pvp armor looks horrid, and even then, we share it with another class (guardians). Even Juggs and Maras have different armor.


Leveling up sucked, diddn't get our healing companion till the late 30s.


The only way we can truly fulfill our role of face metlers is if we have a pocket healer, and even then, any class can rack up high dps numbers if they have a premade.


Am I the only one that feels this way?



I just can't get over this whine post full of fail.


1. Useless in huttball? So sprints and up to two leaps isn't enough for you? Illum? Spec for speed. Others seem to do well. They must be doing things so terribly wrong that it is right.

2. Only class without a knockback? Operatives and scoundrels would like to have a word with you.

3. Armor look? Most other classes would like to have a word with you.

4. Healer companion? Smugglers don't get their until their last. As a gunslinger how they like that.

6. An actually good player of the class defined his role as shutting down range classes and healers. He seems to do just fine. This means he isn't front line and isn't padding damage numbers on tanks and soaking the majority of aoe.



and lastly:


5. Bioware pissing on you? Please take your list of nerfs (that nobody other than you seem to be aware of) to the operative/scoundrel forums and see how much sympathy you get.


Whining and making things up as you go doesn't help your cause.

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5. Bioware pissing on you? Please take your list of nerfs (that nobody other than you seem to be aware of) to the operative/scoundrel forums and see how much sympathy you get.


Whining and making things up as you go doesn't help your cause.




BioWare has abandoned this class. The Sentinel has tons of issues which they refuse to comment on. These issues, as far as Gameplay goes, exist in the Combat Spec and the overly excessive complication of the class and lack of synergy. We have asked for weeks and weeks and weeks for them to comment, the last such comment we got was that there were some "quality of life" stuff being done for the Sentinel.


This was back at the 2nd patch.


We are still waiting while BioWare devs actually spend time in the Operative forums talking about the issues of that class.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Their use in WZ is slowly becomming more apparent since people are learning the classes mechanics and executing their rol much better.


I went from people leaving WZ due to multiple marauders to people complaining that they are OP. Nothing changed with the class other than people learning how to use them...which is fairly difficult to master in the WZ setting due to a whole lot going on and people dying quick (which makes it harder to get the rage and stacks needed to unleash)


Given that the melee classes are the only ones with a charge, marauders/sents have a huge advantage in huttball with the ability to charge rather than run. You can hop up and down the rafters, across fire, into scoring position. Undying rage and the aoe fear are brutal in WZ.


Its not easy to be decent on a marauder. Once you get it down it still is difficult to execute flawlessly enough to be good.


Also...percieved OP class being sorc are easy kills for marauders. Nothing i hate more than seeing two lightsabers comming at me in a wz on my sorc, and nothing i love seeing more on my marauder is a sorc all by himself.


I will agree on their less than entertaining role in ilum RvR. Since ilum is a FPS nightmare, making their complext mechanics nearly impossible to execute, but the pack vs pack standoffs is quite boring. Your options are to charge in and die or hope you can get a few rage and build enough stacks for a team buff with the slow trickle of players pulled/grappled into your pack. Range seems to have more fun, and less complex play meaning you can get some shots off...rage seems favored in this setup. Good for small group roaming if your not imp and vastly outnumbering repub and thus not many people to pick off in this method.


Oh and the DPS complaints are garbage...oh how slowly my sorc deals damage compared to my carnage marauder who can drop lots of big numbers fast and forever (no depeated focus/energy to manage)





For the people in the OP's boat...just reroll an easier class to play, then learn how much it sucks to have a marauder attacking you in pvp.

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I have to agree and Bioware has failed to listen to me. Take Debilitation for instance. If you put 2 skill points into this high-tier skill, it doesn't work. With 2 skill points, Master Strike immobilizes the target for the duration of the skill. It doesn't. Never has either. I've stopped keeping track after the 500th strong and elite npc. Because it's a high-tier skill, it should work on them. If not, drop that skill on the 1st row then. I plan on re-rolling the skill tree because this is a useless skill. Why would I even care about immobilizing normal mobs any way? I go through 5 at a time with what I already have. Oh yeah, that skill doesn't work on normal mobs either.


Debiliation would also be great in PvP since it takes 3 seconds for Master Strike to work. But nope, that doesn't work either. In fact, Sentinel is useless in any PvP. I've played several dozen matches of varying kind and I notice the Sith is really overpowered. I took on a lvl 11 Sith when I was 43 and I was owned - 6 times. I even looked around to see if she was getting any help and outside of the occasional heal, it was 1v1. ***? No way should a lvl 11 beat, no less own, a lvl 43. I used everything I had to maximum effect, and saw barely a scratch on her, while her attacks were carving up my 12000 health. I don't own any PvP gear yet, but really a lvl 11 wouldn't have any either.


I'll have to look at Watchman again, but I thought it was more for solo missions, but not PvP. I had thought Focus was for PvP with a sprinkle of Combat. My skill layout is 31 in Combat and 10 in Focus. Still, watching Debilitation do nothing makes me wonder what other skills don't work. We have a few skills that increase crit chance. Since we can't keep a log of combat, I can't tell if and when crit procs.

Edited by Alarinn
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I got 99 problems with bioware but being a sentinel ain't one hit me. Love the class but I guess to many buttons and choices now a days = complexities I say bs I rather that then watch for tiny procs lol...


I agree. The way you need 4 hands to do PvP (all MMOs suffer from this), it's crazy. I need to turn and face the guy doing a great imitation of Yoda, but somehow keep my hands on the 1 through = keys and then somehow use my WASD keys and then figure out how to get to the other powers not attached to a key. If only we could use a G15 or equivalent, then it becomes manageable. But Bioware bans those too even the official SWTOR keyboards and mice.

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I agree. The way you need 4 hands to do PvP (all MMOs suffer from this), it's crazy. I need to turn and face the guy doing a great imitation of Yoda, but somehow keep my hands on the 1 through = keys and then somehow use my WASD keys and then figure out how to get to the other powers not attached to a key. If only we could use a G15 or equivalent, then it becomes manageable. But Bioware bans those too even the official SWTOR keyboards and mice.


Really then why do they sell: http://www.razerzone.com/swtor


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I just can't get over this whine post full of fail.


1. Useless in huttball? So sprints and up to two leaps isn't enough for you? Illum? Spec for speed. Others seem to do well. They must be doing things so terribly wrong that it is right.

2. Only class without a knockback? Operatives and scoundrels would like to have a word with you.

3. Armor look? Most other classes would like to have a word with you.

4. Healer companion? Smugglers don't get their until their last. As a gunslinger how they like that.

6. An actually good player of the class defined his role as shutting down range classes and healers. He seems to do just fine. This means he isn't front line and isn't padding damage numbers on tanks and soaking the majority of aoe.



and lastly:


5. Bioware pissing on you? Please take your list of nerfs (that nobody other than you seem to be aware of) to the operative/scoundrel forums and see how much sympathy you get.


Whining and making things up as you go doesn't help your cause.


Are you kidding me? You can argue sent abilities if you want, but post nerf operative still have seemingly endless stuns with which to lay down more dps then anyone in the game, with heals..I really dont care what operatives think

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