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What would you give up?


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My virginity. I'm a 5'8 155lb (inb4 chub, I lift heavy things up, put them back down and eat dead animal parts very regularly) cute (uguu~) 19 year old British student that is spending his Tuesday afternoon waiting for an invite to a video game that he pre-ordered 7 days ago even though he knows that he's not going to be in for at least another two days, if everything goes well, all while ignoring requests to spend time outside with friends and scoffing at revision books before tossing them in to the pile in the corner of my box room (which also has a massive boiler enclosed in to a cupboard to the left of the room's entrance, so the 'room', in actual fact, is merely a desk and a bed *EDIT*:, and a wardrobe) along with clean washing that I can't be bothered to put in to my wardrobe because my wardrobe is absolutely tiny and it would probably take about 2 hours of perfect folding and stacking to get the said clean clothes to fit in to the wardrobe and then I'd have to repeat that process as soon as I needed a pair of clean clothes, i.e. tomorrow.


It is truly a joy to be alive.

Edited by Lubezor
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