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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP flop


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This is what happens when a game developer sidelines PvP development for PvE. To the OP, I completely agree, DaoC was the best MMO PvP to date.


Relic raids, sending the call to battle out to every zone and having 300 people show up to defend the frontier and fight over faction buffs. It wasn't about grinding for that next piece of gear, it was about fun, epic battles and realm pride.


Most players nowadays wont even participate in PvP unless its to get that next piece of gear to have the advantage over other players. Look at Ilum pre patch 1.1, than look at Ilum the day 1.1 went live, perfect example.


The WoW generation ruined gaming.


You mean the impatient generation that throws a fit when there isn't a large number of max level pvp geared players around a month after the game's been released? The generation that keeps saying BW will never fix anything whenever they see a new issue- and then a day later when it's fixed find something else to be certain BW will never ever fix?


Does nobody even bother to realize that a majority of players are not 50 yet. Ya, sucks that you gotta wait for the casual 'scrubs' to catch up to you- do you think there were 300 man DAoC max level raids while 90% of the playerbase wasn't max level? Expecting a system that requires many max level players for it to work to be working when most people are not yet max level is nothing short of simple idiocy.


It's the same as crying 'nerf operatives' because BM geared ones were one shotting level 15s- you can't make these judgments before there's a reasonable level 50 playerbase to start making them...



But, they're made- all the time.

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hows it any different then the other types of pvp out there? exactly, hardly none. World pvp is fun, but its still the same type of pvp as you have in warzones or instanced pvp. The latter just comes with objectives.
You pointed out the problem right here. It isn't different than the other types of PvP out there, its the same rehashed copy and pasted mechanics WoW has been using for the last 7 years.


100 million dollars and 4 years in development and they could only come up with 3 WZ's that get boring after the first week and a complete fail world PvP system?


Basically playing WoW without arena, rated battleground or any real world PvP objectives.... but in space!!!!

Edited by KonduitX
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Daoc pvp - are you refering to zerg's?


Lopsided ridiculous with a fantastical vanilla hayday - nothing stays vanilla when it can be chocolate or strawberry - I myself tried all the flavors post release and missing vanilla, then returned for deaddays vanilla - barren servers - wasteland bg's. Slow death to EQ2 defeat. Bigger and better came and went.


EQ2 - pvp?


WoW - We all know wow, I was there 1st day, where was the pvp? It came, it was what it was - what a wait...wow


War - lame, played about 2 weeks and done.


The pvp in LOTR was so fail I quit after trying it.


There is no real pvp save for something like EVE which I never played past Beta Testing.



:) We need to define what it is we want and they need to define how they are going to give it to us :)


We pay to play, they work to eat - servant to the slave



Basically playing WoW without arena, rated battleground or any real world PvP objectives.... but in space!!!!


Pigs in Space ...

Edited by vanisle
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It's freaking STARWARS for crying out loud



Actually it is rather HuttballWars...and CrashTheDoorBattles








THIS is StarWars PvP....Space combat + combined air/ground/troops




or this here, action with Space Combat and not a cheesy mini game:


Edited by BobaFurz
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Actually I have played all of that and it is no different then the pvp in this game. Yes there is a problem with the delay and there fixing it, get over it. If they get it fixed, this pvp will be the same as wow pvp, the same as any other mmo pvp etc. There is simply no fundamental difference.


one difference is travelling to difference planets quickly becomes a pain in the *****. even in wow people would just announce head to hillsbrad people are fighting. you hop on a zepplin and then a FP and you're there.


travelling in this game is MUCH more of a burden. people wont go to a planet for pvp ESP due to faction imbalances.


i was sick of the 3 WZs before hitting 50. and ilum flopped. and oh there are no new WZs coming out til march? /yawn


i do not like wows current pvp, but I did have fun in hillsbrad back in the day. so saying there is no difference b/t wow and swtor pvp isnt really a compliment. and wow has arenas, i dont care for them, but you still cant say that swtor pvp = wow pvp.


Help me arenanet, you're my only hope

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spoken from a true outsider. clearly you haven't experienced daoc pvp or even world pvp back in the days of hillsbrad foothills in vanilla wow. where everyone would battle while waiting for AV queues.


Haha an outside.


He took SWTOR and threw it on the ground.

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Daoc pvp - are you refering to zerg's?
You mean 75v75v75? A zerg is when you completely outnumber people on an even playing field... and surprisingly DaoC actually made zergs competitive and fun to participate in.


SWTOR zerg? 200 Imps camping a base with 5 repub players. Big difference.

Edited by KonduitX
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I'm in the same boat as you OP, I cancel'd my sub a week ago, which is weird because I can still log in. The game is fun and the game could be so great on the PvE side, however I don't play MMOs for PvE, hell I don't play any single player games. I need some sort of Vs for a game to spark my intrest. I'm in full Champion gear on my guy and the PvP feels so empty, you can't do real premades or anything like that. It just feels like senseless PvP with no real competition behind it.


There's features they can add here and there, but I think this game is so broken with the bugs and glitches that you will never really see any sorta of legit competitive features in this game. It's a PvE game with casual PvP on the side, with 1000s of major/minor bugs that could take them a month-year to fix and I really don't want to pay money to beta test and to always be waiting on the game to get to a state it might never make it to.


D3 and GW2 do look very intresting in the sense of PvP, for anyone other that has the same feel about this game. I've even heard D3 is going to have some kinda of arena where you and a friend can compete vs others. So that's already sounding real good.

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For those tired of the generic mmos, there are options. GA (Global Agenda) was fun, good company behind it, but playing it hardcore for a few months + the changes they made kinda broke it for me. But it did made me realize that even though the Daoc system is gone, I could mix my old FPS days with some mmo. How's that, you ask?




They are planning for battles with thousands of players (not 8vs8 lagfests in an instance like in this game) and even though that probably won't be too awesome, there will of course mainly be smaller fights. A few hundred people, no lag, skill-based (I know the wow-kiddies hate this idea, they "wantz their gearz") and NO NPCS IN PVP! (Why on earth do companies always try to mix pvp and pve?)


I might try GW2 otw to Planetside 2, since I am starting to be quite convinced this game won't keep my interest for that long.


Oh yeah, 3 factions in Planetside.

Edited by Illwill-
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You mean 75v75v75? A zerg is when you completely outnumber people on an even playing field... and surprisingly DaoC actually made zergs competitive and fun.


Thank you re-itterating what I originally said then trying to teach me something I already knew


DAOC was hardly ever 75v75v75 - I was there

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The game's PvP clearly isn't finished. There's a lot of stuff that needs to be adjusted, but it's also the only MMO that is has Warzones that translate to esports. That alone will make me give them some time, certainly until march when they release ratings and the new warzone.


But idk, this game is about what I expected at launch. I think people have waaaay too high of expectations, and are actually trying to find reasons to quit.

Edited by tamgros
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Albion or Hib?


Albion then a little Mid near the end - I really caught that game way to late and the playerbase just dropped


The game's PvP clearly isn't finished. There's a lot of stuff that needs to be adjusted, but it's also the only MMO that is has Warzones that translate to esports. That alone will make me give them some time, certainly until march when they release ratings and the new warzone.


They should of released in March - contest that and you're working for the company

Edited by vanisle
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one difference is travelling to difference planets quickly becomes a pain in the *****. even in wow people would just announce head to hillsbrad people are fighting. you hop on a zepplin and then a FP and you're there.


travelling in this game is MUCH more of a burden. people wont go to a planet for pvp ESP due to faction imbalances.


i was sick of the 3 WZs before hitting 50. and ilum flopped. and oh there are no new WZs coming out til march? /yawn


i do not like wows current pvp, but I did have fun in hillsbrad back in the day. so saying there is no difference b/t wow and swtor pvp isnt really a compliment. and wow has arenas, i dont care for them, but you still cant say that swtor pvp = wow pvp.


Help me arenanet, you're my only hope


you tell me that I was an outsider, but here you are rambling about travel. Travel is a seperate issue from pvp. It has nothing to do with it, other then traveling to the location where the pvp is at (ilum).


Do I hate the travel in this game, Yeah i do. Mainly cuz of all those stupid Get on your ship (load), get to your location, get off (load), walk through the orbital station to grab a shuttle (load). etc. But it has nothing to do with pvp.


Do I like wow's pvp when i played it? Yeah I did. Mainly the open world pvp before they killed it with Honor grinding and Arena / resilience. Then i stopped doing it. hillsbrad foothills as horde was one of the most fun times I had in a MMO, Alterac Valley playing it the way it was meant to play for 2 days straight as 1 match (play, sleep, wake up, play and end up in the same AV you left) was awsome fun.


But regarding the amount of warzones in Swtor..yeah its low. Just like how other mmo's only have 1-3 zones to pvp in from the start. WoW in fact only had 2 from the start for nearly 6 months.


Do I think swtor needs more game types? Yes. do i think swtor needs those gametypes to be queable on choice? yes. Do i think we need more locations? Hell yes. Do I think we'll see it happen? yes, pretty soon even. They already said pvp is going to be improved. but right now, pvp isnt the main issue. Game performance and ability delay are.

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Albion then a little Mid near the end - I really caught that game way to late and the playerbase just dropped
Now you make sense. First 2 years were the glory days, than they started making the same mistakes all MMO's make, releasing nothing but a steady stream of PvE content. Edited by KonduitX
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How about give the game more than a month? God forbid you would have to do that.
This is why there was Beta Testing.


And like I said before, 100 million dollars and 4 years in development and this is the best they can offer? Doesn't look like there is much for PvP on the horizon for this game either, what do you expect from a developer that sidelines PvP for PvE.

Edited by KonduitX
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I've canceled my script - I'm now inactive and don't miss this game at all. I hit 50 - realized this game's PVP was never taken seriously in development, and now have quit and lost the little bit of respect that I once held for the Mythic brand name.


Daoc will never be replaced; its gone and it can't even be replicated by the company, or shell of the company, that once created it. Dumbed down, courier-boy, questing is all that MMO's have to offer now.


Maybe I've just outgrown video games, maybe not -- but I'm sure as heck done with this game. The fun and excitement that I expected to find in raging open world pvp battles being fought over something meaningful, like Daoc's relic system and Darkness Falls when it first came out, wasn't even an afterthought to the developers of this game. They wasted so much money on all the storyline dialog, but didn't add anything in terms of depth for a game that is based around war. It's freaking STARWARS for crying out loud - what a shame this game's player versus player implementation is so terrible!


What a disappointment and waste of time this last month has been! No you can't have my stuff - quit paying for garbage and cancel your accounts too.


Agree. I finaly reached lvl 50, went to Ilum... what is this? Fifty imperial guys camping outside republic base and just hoping that someone will show their face. And another twenty guys waiting for boxes to spawn in middle for their daily quests. This isn't fun...at all. I realy liked the game leveling 1-50. Story was great(!) But world PVP terrible. The realy need to do something about this, and fast.


I played Aion for a short while and their world pvp was much more fun.

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Actually I have played all of that and it is no different then the pvp in this game. Yes there is a problem with the delay and there fixing it, get over it. If they get it fixed, this pvp will be the same as wow pvp, the same as any other mmo pvp etc. There is simply no fundamental difference.


BS,. wakeup Fool and get your fan boi face out of biowares ***

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